Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

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Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Bagpipe Brony » 05 Jul 2011 04:37

(If this is in the wrong place or not allowed, feel free to remove it guys)

I've noticed that I can be a very arrogant jerk and I was just wondering if any of you knows a way to curb that.
You see, every time a piece of mine stops or slows getting views on YT and other bronies have views in the tens of thousands I get super jealous because I think I can be just as good as they are and wonder what the difference is.
And just today, I've found out that my transcription of "At the Gala" was a waste. The weeks spent trying to do so were all for not as some other brony has completed it in about just one week. I was 90% complete! So needless to say, any credit and praise go to him for his speedy work and I (to be brutally honest) am extremely jealous and angry and I just don't know what to do about it. Mostly because I contacted Daniel and I told him I'd show him my arrangement when I was done. Now he might be lead to thinking that I ripped off this other brony. This can not happen.
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Dr_Dissonance » 05 Jul 2011 07:29

I laughed at the title, but then actually read the thing...
This is unfortunately, a sad fact of music composing in this day and age. No matter how talented you are, there is a large degree of exposure and luck that goes into becoming popular...
My advice is to just keep exposing your this case, put it here! Submit to EqD! Go to some other forum (or ponychan and the like) and put your stuff up there!
Like I said, luck and exposure now play just an important part of music composition as talent!

As for the jealousy stuff, well, again that's natural, I know I've felt that way a number of times! But it's best to just get over it quickly, as you can't do better if you're too busy stuck in that state!

If this doesn't help in anyway, please feel free to ignore me! :)
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Interrobang Pie » 05 Jul 2011 08:30

Dr_Dissonance wrote:Submit to EqD!

EqD will lap up pretty much anything you care to vomit at them. It is also a very popular place - such can be proved with the amount of views of my RWII thing - as it was near the top of the post it got the most views (cause really, nobody has the patience to listen to all of that without a playlist). With 1,083 views it almost doubles a large majority of the other entries (closest I've seen so far is Waltz for Trixie with ~800 Trixie's Good Side with 961).

The above being said, I am yet to post anything to EqD. Hah.

EDIT: Also, you might want to try work on a nice splash image too - it's all about attracting the views (in the case of the EqD post, not necessarily the synchtube or whatever). For mine I took a screenshot of a scene from one of the episodes, applied a linear blur, darkened it and added a picture of Wily on top. I used Flash (lol), but you could do the same thing with anything else.
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Whitetail » 05 Jul 2011 08:58

You care a little too much about views, and that's only going to distract you from doing what you enjoy doing, writing music. Thing is, views aren't a very good gauge of success because on youtube in general you can quite often get tons of views for something meme related and made very quickly: point taken, Nyan cat. The meme's nothing new and the animation is nothing more then a few frames, yet it's gotten thousands of views for no exact reason. You want to generate some views? Take a midi from any pokemon game, don't alter it at all and run it through some techno VSTs, add in a fast paced drum loop and you've got a few thousand views right there - I've seen this work for many, many people who don't know s@#% about music. Just write what you like and sooner or later you'll get views from the type of music you actually enjoy writing.

And yeah, get your stuff on EqD, it's really not hard as he'll post up pretty much anything. It's worked wonders for my views.
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Interrobang Pie » 05 Jul 2011 09:14

I enjoy views as much as I enjoy the writing. Sure, it is cool to have written something you like, but it is even better when you have written something everyone else likes.

So maybe views aren't the best gauge of success, fine. A better one might be views/(likes - dislikes). Taking a random example, Pinkie's Cocain Party gets 38.867 views to the like. A Waltz for Trixie gets 14.211. In this case the lower the 'score', the more success. Of course, this model does not accommodate for users who enjoy it but did not like it, or people who favourite stuff instead of liking it and so on, so it may not be entirely accurate. It's only an estimation though - not to be taken too seriously.

I guess a similar model could be applied to channel views vs. subscribers.

Also, for getting published to EqD you might want to try something different to the norm. I know with such an exponentially growing fanbase it is becoming difficult to find something that no-one has done (hence why I have been putting off writing a 'fic for some time (I came up with an idea only to find that someone beat me to it, similar to your original problem)). For example, I am trying to write extremely melodic stuff as opposed to the more ambient stuff that the rest of you seem to write, hoping I can get known for that.

Either way, best of luck with whatever you decide to do. We're here to support you! EDIT: lol that last line makes out as if you are leaving
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Whitetail » 05 Jul 2011 09:17

I just wouldn't consider many things on youtube a gauge of success well anyways, or at least a gauge of quality. Besides attaching numbers to your music will just kill the fun of it.
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Interrobang Pie » 05 Jul 2011 09:22

I study maths at A-Level. I MUST BE NUMBERS UUUUUUUUU πR^2 1/2BH A^2+B^2=C^2 if F(X)=E^X F'(X)=E^X ghhghghghggh

Although as stated above, not to be taken seriously.
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Dr_Dissonance » 05 Jul 2011 09:29

Interrobang Pie wrote:Also, for getting published to EqD you might want to try something different to the norm.

YEAH! Time to write a massively atonal serialist piece! Based on Pinkie! No one's done that!!! :lol:
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Whitetail » 05 Jul 2011 09:32

Dr_Dissonance wrote:
Interrobang Pie wrote:Also, for getting published to EqD you might want to try something different to the norm.

YEAH! Time to write a massively atonal serialist piece! Based on Pinkie! No one's done that!!! :lol:

haha, that would be an interesting test to see if Sethisto would put up 12 tone music
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Mundius » 05 Jul 2011 09:34

Derpy Hooves wrote:Take a midi from any pokemon game, don't alter it at all and run it through some techno VSTs, add in a fast paced drum loop and you've got a few thousand views right there.

He's actually right. My most viewed video is a (EXTREMELY) lazy remix of the Kyurem battle theme from Pokemon BW. It has over 10,000 views. I made it in 10 minutes, because I knew NOTHING about music.

Actually, run it through shite soundfonts. That'll triple your views.

Derpy Hooves wrote:And yeah, get your stuff on EqD, it's really not hard as he'll post up pretty much anything. It's worked wonders for my views.

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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Dr_Dissonance » 05 Jul 2011 09:45

Vinyl Scratch wrote:
Derpy Hooves wrote:And yeah, get your stuff on EqD, it's really not hard as he'll post up pretty much anything. It's worked wonders for my views.


Huh, I just realised it never occurred to me to submit my own work there...
Best do that!
And Bagpipe Brony, you should too!
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Whitetail » 05 Jul 2011 09:58

Dr_Dissonance wrote:
Vinyl Scratch wrote:
Derpy Hooves wrote:And yeah, get your stuff on EqD, it's really not hard as he'll post up pretty much anything. It's worked wonders for my views.


Huh, I just realised it never occurred to me to submit my own work there...
Best do that!
And Bagpipe Brony, you should too!

Funny thing really, I haven't submitted any of my songs to EqD, all mine that got up there were submitted by other people, so occasionally other people may do it for you. But yeah, there's no problem in submitting your own stuff, a lot of people do that.

That's pretty much how all fanfic gets up there
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby markingdude » 05 Jul 2011 10:19

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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Bagpipe Brony » 05 Jul 2011 10:24

Thanks for all the help guys, I think I was venting more than anything but those are some pretty solid ideas nonetheless. And Derpy, I do have a weakness for caring about the views and it's not good. However that being said, I think it stems from my love of writing music. I want to write good music just like any of us here but I want to make sure people like it because after hearing it 1,000 times in the process of making it I get tired of it ya know?
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Versilaryan » 05 Jul 2011 12:29

Unfortunately, getting views is a popularity contest, not a quality contest, with quite a bit of luck involved. I know the feeling all to well -- I used to frequent a writing forum, and while I'd get nothing but positive comments, I'd get, like, five. Obviously, I'm biased, but another writer who I felt had very clearly sub-par writing (grammar mistakes, hackneyed plot, even copy-pasted a scene later in her story) had a horde of people clamoring for her next chapter. Happens in the publishing industry, too. I've read many, many, many works here on the Internet that get little to no exposure that are far more worthy of publication than the Eragon series. It's just an unfortunate fact of life. )=

What do you do? Go out there, comment on lots of videos, make lots of friends, get it posted on EQD, write more, more, more. As long as what you're churning out isn't terrible, you'll find plenty of people who like what you're doing, and your fan base will grow. If you're doing pony-based things, even better -- you'll attract bronies more easily than the average Joe. (Same goes to any fandom. Just be aware of neighsayers and ignore their comments.)

And I'm sorry I had to put you through this. )= Only thing I can really say is work hard and work quickly on finishing it. I'd love to compare notes when you're finished!
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Bagpipe Brony » 05 Jul 2011 13:37

Thanks Versilaryan, and don't apologize, it's not like that's anyone's fault. I was just being a little immature perhaps but then again, it's good to talk about it. Remember in "Green isn't your Color"? lol Also, I maaay have been just a slight bit lax with my diligence on the transcription.
I will try getting out there though, I wanna try that Derpy Hooves blog but I have no idea how to submit. I already nearly spam Seth on EqD ^^;
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Overkillius » 05 Jul 2011 13:42

Things that pop into my head when I see this.

Do what you love, make friends (don't be a twilight sparkle), and have fun.

Remember: Friendship is Magic.

That all probably sounded TURBO corny, but I believe it to be true.

edit: Also whenever I feel down (about anything really) I sit down and listen to Taco Bell's Pachelbel's cannon. I'm not sure if it would work for everypony though.
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Senator Myth » 05 Jul 2011 14:20

Being beaten to the punch sucks, man. I feel for you on that one in a way, because a while back I had an idea for a duet for double bass / harp themed around Lyra and Octavia. I thought I was being original and quite clever, but as it turns out a LOT of other bronies have already made songs around this idea. It's a really popular thing to do.

Isn't going to stop me from writing it though.

And on the subject of views, I posted my first complete song to EqD last week sometime, and the two videos I shared the post with consistently have about 500 more views than mine. But guess what? Mine received a heck of a lot more praise. One guy even said it deserved to be show background music. I'm not trying to brag (because HOLY CRAP it's a lot of pressure on your next song when your VERY FIRST SONG is compared to William Anderson's work), but hopefully that puts it in perspective. Truth be told, when I published it, my philosophy was "If even one person says they enjoyed this, I'll make another."

If it makes you feel any better, when I heard that I Will Rise song you posted on here, I felt jealous and slightly frustrated at first because it was so awesome. Nothing against you, of course, because I was kind of in a bad mood at the time. Now I just think it's amazing. :D
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby RobotPony » 05 Jul 2011 15:34

I haven't made any MLP fan music yet, but I think I pretty much agree with these guys with what they're saying. I can understand why you want to get your music out there, I've wanted to do the same thing for years. There's nothing wrong with wanting to get recognized for your hard work, and there's nothing wrong with wanting your music to be popular. You just can't let these wants consume you.

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Versilaryan wrote:I've read many, many, many works here on the Internet that get little to no exposure that are far more worthy of publication than the Eragon series. It's just an unfortunate fact of life. )=

This! I have a best friend that loves this series and every time I as much as mention that I don't like it, he gets really riled up.
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Stars In Autumn » 06 Jul 2011 01:46

Overkillius wrote:Things that pop into my head when I see this.

Do what you love, make friends (don't be a twilight sparkle), and have fun.

Remember: Friendship is Magic.

That all probably sounded TURBO corny, but I believe it to be true.

edit: Also whenever I feel down (about anything really) I sit down and listen to Taco Bell's Pachelbel's cannon. I'm not sure if it would work for everypony though.

Haha, this is true. There's a friendship report in this topic somewhere...

But yeah, keep making music. If you keep making more, people may like what you did and look at your previous stuff.
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Bagpipe Brony » 06 Jul 2011 10:34

Thanks again guys, the stuff here is awesome c:
But yeah for sure I'll keep the tunes coming. I'm also feeling kinda guilty because I was supposed to working on scoring this film clip the whole time this was going on ^^;
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Makkon » 09 Jul 2011 20:19

My only advice (you have a ton of good advice already):

Never compare yourself to others. You can aspire to be like others because you love their work, but never compare your success/failure to others. Just do what you love, man! : )
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby Bagpipe Brony » 09 Jul 2011 20:22

Makkon wrote:My only advice (you have a ton of good advice already):

Never compare yourself to others. You can aspire to be like others because you love their work, but never compare your success/failure to others. Just do what you love, man! : )

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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby DerpyGrooves » 09 Jul 2011 21:05

I've always been of the opinion that music should have an element of friendly competition. Like, for example recently I did a rap parody for my entry in the remix war. I was pretty pleased, considering it was the first time I'd ever recorded myself rapping. A couple days later another brony comes out with a pony rap song that frankly was stunningly good, gets on ED and makes my efforts look like crap.

:) Honestly, I'm just really happy there's so much talent floating around the fandom, and I feel encouraged to upstage him with my future hip-clop tunes. I still love making music, and I'm looking forward to improving every day!
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Re: Trixie Issues Much? FML moment

Postby ArtAttack » 19 Jul 2011 10:49

I feel the same way, with the friendly competition. I was inspired by Alex S. and his dubstep remixes, so I'm going to use that as motivation to try and 1-up him eventually. But it's all in good fun, really!
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