The hugging/venting thread

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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Freewave » 19 Jan 2012 16:48

Wow this is a lot of stuff. I think you've already gotten some good advice, just don't feel the options is to turn down all opportunities that come your way to make life simpler. On the first responder thing its a natural reponse to feel that you're not quite ready to step in during an emergency but that's where training and experience will come in if you go that route but i understand that's a lot of emotional responsibility.

Sorry that your dj'ing show fell through. Yeah if you were planning a brony set and now your playing for a much bigger gig that's not related its up to you whether that would be a good experience. Then again dj gigs are often hard to come by so really contemplate whether this could allow you to get involved with other gigs or if this would be a crappy one-off or something that would help you dj more.

Sounds like your friends haven't been there for you? Well you've got your internet pals to help but if you did ditch your real friends think about whteher they help oir hinder and re-evaluate. Sounds like a lot so let us know what you do decide and we'll keep up with ya. Good luck.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby randomblockfilms » 19 Jan 2012 17:13

Triple_B wrote: Quotes

oh and i ment to say VENT instead of RANT. sry :P

Triple_B wrote:Yeah; can't really see turns. inb4 I run into a wall.

you know. you probably will run into a wall if you already haven't. it might knock ya down and get in your way but don't let that stop ya from living life. you probably have heard this a million times before but its the absolute truth. you just gotta keep on fightin' anything that puts you down. Take MicTheMicrophone for example. In one of his interviews he was saying how is brother became a drug addict and went off to jail. And he also was saying he has scoliosis. AND he also said that one day when a he was mowing the lawn, a rock got caught in the lawnmower and shot it right into his eye, permanently making him blind in that eye. and yet he said within 10 minutes, he and his friends were laughing about how he is gonna have to wear an eyepatch. and despite all the bad shit that has happened to him, he still is a funny and happy guy. i mean these incidents are probably different than yours but the idea is the same. you got to find a way and not feel.. hmm wats a good word to use.... Hopeless. its tough but i think everybody goes through this some point in their lifetime.

Triple_B wrote:My friends are dicks; so get new ones.

i mean it sounds obvious to get new friends but its probably true. maybe when ya get to college you can have a fresh start. thats what im kind of hoping for. and be sure to be carful when you pick your friends. ya gotta look out and make sure that they arnt some bad people who are all about themself. out of all my years of grade school, i only have 3 true friends. they can be really boring at times but for the most part, they dont do anything stupid like go out in the middle of the night and shoot cars driving by. and also think of my little pony!! look at their friendship!! i mean sure its not reality but is sure is a dauym good example of what friendship should be like.

Triple_B wrote:Also, regarding said girl; love was an excessively strong word to use.

lol i thought it might be. but i wasnt real sure what else to use at the time. :P

Triple_B wrote: I still feel like one of the facebook whores though...


but you didn't. you throughly explained what was going on and didn't use caps lock the whole time. ( which is probably the most important thing.)

Take my advice with a grain of salt as i too am learning how this music stuff works
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby PinkieGuy » 19 Jan 2012 23:16

So, I really need to put words to page and vent some frustration:

My band has been in recording for the last two weeks trying to put together album. In the sum of that two weeks, I have probably recorded for about 4 hours all up. This is because my bass parts are being recorded DI and being re-amped at a later date. That I don't mind.

The problem is I also have to record some rhythmic lead guitar parts. Our lead guitarist quit last november, and whilst he has come in to record all the solo parts on the album, we've had to do all his other parts by ourselves. And I've done 4 hours of recording, for what is roughly a 63 minute album.

I have not had the opportunity to finish a single song.

Now, this doesn't worry me that much. Because we're recording all our guitar parts DI for reamping, if I don't finish i'm not fussed. All the drums and acoustic instruments are done which are the important stuff. The problem is, our time in Nowra (the city in which we're recording) comes to an end in 2 and a half days. The last day has to be spent packing up all our gear, cleaning the places we're living and recording, and physically driving the two+ hours back home/sydney.

And my singer wants to re-amp tomorrow.

And my singer is insisting we re-amp tomorrow.

There is no physical way that I can finish all the guitar parts required of me in the next 8 hours.

Beyond that, my actual rhythm guitarist still has to finish of two songs, because again, guitars have been de-prioritized under other instruments.

But still, my singer insists that we're finishing it in this time frame, and won't even start discussing with me about how we're going to re-amp when we've INEVITABLY RUN OUT OF FUCKING TIME.

Beyond that, the whole album has involved cutting corners because he's bullied us into doing things his way, without ever getting to properly discuss our possibilities in recording. He just used momentum to get us to the point that we were already too invest to do it another way. For the money that we've put into this project, not even counting the time or the money that I've lost by being away from home instead of working over my summer, I KNOW I could have gotten a better sounding album using Superior drummer and instead investing our money into different hardware. Beyond that, I know people that would re-amp our guitar and mix electronic drums AND master the album to a point of pure professionalism for nearly HALF what we'll end up collectively paying by the end of this.

You know what's worse though? If I was just pissed about the quality or the cost, and the whole band was suffering the same brunt, i'd feel ok. The thing is though... all that gear that we've collectively invested in? The $1600 of microphones? That's all going to a production company that is doing our mixing. And my singer is a half owner of that company.

He is telling me that I have to rush the production and recording of this album, but at the end of the day, if it's a piece of shit album that we can't even release? HE STILL GETS $2K of equipment. I can't even argue with him about stuff because he is so self righteous and has ACTUALLY studied recording engineering instead of just fumbling around like I have. Some good that's done. I still haven't heard a decent mix from him. And that was using perfectly recorded samples. I mean, Stu (our actual engineer) is very talented and can probably make some thing of this, but not if we give him a poorly recorded, rushed album to work with.

And beyond all that, the band is just as likely to collapse in 6 months due to external commitments anyway. Our singer seems to be the only one who doesn't realize it.

God I'm sick of it at the moment. It feels like so much potential is being wasted due to poor planning, arrogance and bossiness.


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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby TheSunAndTheRainfall » 20 Jan 2012 17:28

Jesus, Pinkie Guy. That's quite the corner you're in right now. At the moment it seems like the best you could make of this is finishing up your duties with these people as hassle-less as you can and getting as far away as possible from this afterwards. Of course, the best solution would be that your singer saw reason and did the last few things the right way, but from the way you put it, it seems damn near impossible to get through to him. I really hope you'll be able to find a way to salvage the thing about the equipment though, because it would be a huge dick move if he ends up getting all of it. Here's to hoping for the best. :c
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Freewave » 20 Jan 2012 19:20

TheSunAndTheRainfall wrote:I don't even know why I'm doing things anymore, or even where I stand. I kinda feel like quitting, but I'll probably just stand aside, have a short breather and jump right back in.

One, two, three... okay, let's go.

you better not!!! take a breather, feel inpsired, and dive back. your wip is the shit so get back in there after you take a SHORT break. It is a friday after all.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Freewave » 20 Jan 2012 19:24

PinkieGuy wrote:So, I really need to put words to page and vent some frustration:

Sounds like your band is plagued by inequality which can and will destroy just about any band that doesn't deal with it positively. This must really suck but if you've identified the problem and certain members won't work on resolving those issues get out and don't waste your time. Maybe finish that album if you can but make plans to find a better band where the problems won't be so obvious. You've got my sympathy though as it seems you've been backed into a corner which really sucks. :cry:
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby TheSunAndTheRainfall » 20 Jan 2012 22:32

DJ Pon-3 wrote:you better not!!! take a breather, feel inpsired, and dive back. your wip is the shit so get back in there after you take a SHORT break. It is a friday after all.

Thanks a lot man. c: This was actually about something that goes deeper than that, the song was just the last straw. I guess all I really had was another of my usual low episodes, and it was kind of a mistake to be around when it happened, because I tend to get over dramatic and fatalistic when they get me, but I feel better now. It's amazing what a dose of fresh air and a walk (and maybe a magazine with pictures of cute parrots) can do for your mood. But you were right, a break was needed. c:
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Pickslide1992 » 21 Jan 2012 08:18

Agreed, everyone needs a break now and then. I'm almost finished with my break and I'm about to get back in the saddle, so to speak.

If you never had any breaks, your ideas would seem uninspired, rushed, worn out, etc. So a breath of fresh air keeps things fresh., such as life.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby jubian » 22 Jan 2012 10:15

So I just found this thread.... now I can stop making new threads every time I take a hiatus >_<

But yeah, for some reason I've lost all motivation to talk with anyone in the MLR community any more. It's been about 2 months since I became active on Megaskype, but I've been getting nowhere other than with shameless promotion and casual small-talk. I just feel like there's an ego rift between the rest of the community and I, since my only relation with other musos is one which involves unavoidable self-deprecation on my behalf. I just don't feel as if I can strike up any meaningful conversation with anyone (on or not on the subject of music), and it's becoming a bit demotivating. I want to be able to get engaged in something other than mindless social activity, and I've found MLR isn't the place for that (not to generalise the lot of you, but that's all I can say from experience).

Basically, sorry if I haven't been active on Skype lately, but I'm not interested in the small talk entailed within the Megaskype chat. However, feel free to hit my up via Skype PM.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Pickslide1992 » 22 Jan 2012 16:57

Guys, I'm in need of some help now, but before I do, (Hugs jubian)

Anyway, how do any of you deal with a melodramatic person without sounding douchy or snarky? I feel like I can't do that without sounding like an ass. And by melodramatic, I mean someone who takes every little problem and makes a Broadway show out of it, with him/her being the large ham star. He/she makes a mountain out of a molehill and it's annoying. So annoying, in fact, I feel like carrying out a homicidal rampage, making Cupcakes look like a Disney fairy tale.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Navron » 22 Jan 2012 18:03

My military experience doesn't bode in dealing with melodramatics :P
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby CommandSpry » 22 Jan 2012 19:03

Pickslide1992 wrote:Guys, I'm in need of some help now, but before I do, (Hugs jubian)

Anyway, how do any of you deal with a melodramatic person without sounding douchy or snarky? I feel like I can't do that without sounding like an ass. And by melodramatic, I mean someone who takes every little problem and makes a Broadway show out of it, with him/her being the large ham star. He/she makes a mountain out of a molehill and it's annoying. So annoying, in fact, I feel like carrying out a homicidal rampage, making Cupcakes look like a Disney fairy tale.

Mate, just ask the person what's the big deal. If he/she starts acting even more melodramatic, tell the person that this doesn't solve anything, and tell the person to quiet down, and start solving the problem. If this persists, raise your voice, but don't start insulting, just ask if the yelling is the solution to the problem.

You sometimes have to appear douchy or snarky, and other people will respect you for it. They will much rather have you behaving to them like a real person and a friend, then letting them go by and tolerate them just to not upset their feelings. If you stand your ground, they will see that you actually care.
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Hey. Listen. I don't Care anymore. You hear me you Son of a Bitch? I'm old now. I have all the resources.
Hey. Listen. I don't Care anymore. You hear me you Son of a Bitch? I'm old now. I have all the resources.
Hey. Listen. I don't Care anymore. You hear me you Son of a Bitch? I'm old now. I have all the resources.

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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby TheSunAndTheRainfall » 22 Jan 2012 19:38

I feel you there, jubian. I've never really known how to approach communities and make something meaningful out of it. I don't really have any advice on your front, but just know that you're not alone. :c

@Pickslide: I don't know either of you, nor the state of your relationship, so I can't really make much of an educated suggestion, but I'd still advise to confront him about it, be upfront in your approach, but try to remain as calm and reasonable as possible. Try to find out why he behaves like that, but don't get accusatory (is that even a word?), or he may take it personally and make a huge fuss about that as well. Tell him that this behavior is aggravating (at least) you. If he sees no reason, I guess the only thing left for you to do would be cut contact with him as much as possible. I had a friend who would complain about every single little issue in his life, although perhaps not to the extent this person does, so I can understand that you'd be fed up with it. :/
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Pickslide1992 » 23 Jan 2012 20:29

Thanks for the ideas, guys. I'm reminded why I love you guys, oh so much. (Hugs for all)
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby SwissArmyCheese » 09 Feb 2012 17:44

Hey guys, I hope I'm not posting in a dead thread, I don't mean to bump a dead thread. :mrgreen:

Hugs: Nothing to hug it seems, I'll hug if someone else posts again though!

Vent: Well, I don't exactly know where to begin, I haven't really been an "active" member of the community, I didn't "fit in" so quickly because I was just starting out with electronic music and of course that's not that interesting. Well I'm going to change that, as my signature says I've given myself a deadline and I'm going to stick with it. I had my haitus, got over my hump, got some equipment, so I'm going to get better. But anyways I just didn't really fit in either. Bartekko and I worked together though!

- And I apologize for the above chunk, I just felt like explaining myself.

The Real Vent: I can't find any confidence. For me it is extremely hard to find the motivation to do anything. I hope this is enough to vent about, and I hope I'm not wasting anyone's time. But I could definitely go for some tips or something on how to stay positive and working. I feel like i'm missing so many opportunities in life, but I just want the balls to go out and take them.

Thank you guys in advance, I hope to get to know you guys better (again)!
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby TheSunAndTheRainfall » 09 Feb 2012 18:14

SwissArmyCheese wrote:The Real Vent: I can't find any confidence. For me it is extremely hard to find the motivation to do anything. I hope this is enough to vent about, and I hope I'm not wasting anyone's time. But I could definitely go for some tips or something on how to stay positive and working. I feel like i'm missing so many opportunities in life, but I just want the balls to go out and take them.

Thank you guys in advance, I hope to get to know you guys better (again)!

I don't think I'm the most adequate person to advise you on this, since I'm pretty much going through the same thing, but something that works for me is challenging myself. Starting with small things like taking the stairs whenever I want to take the escalator, or speaking out in class if I have an idea instead of waiting for somebody else to do so. And shouting DO IT FAGGOT internally whenever I start making excuses. And whenever I succeed in that, I start doing things I wouldn't normally do (usually just for shits and giggles), often with positive results. And the whole challenging myself and taking in feedback from the results helps me keep things fresh, and in motion, and makes me want to do it more, and I end up learning a lot and feel very positive about things in general.

I really dunno if your problem is anything like mine, or if what I just wrote is of any help at all, but I'm sending an e-hug your way anyway. c: Hope you get through this hump and get your mojo back soon!
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Freewave » 09 Feb 2012 19:33

jubian wrote:So I just found this thread.... now I can stop making new threads every time I take a hiatus >_<

But yeah, for some reason I've lost all motivation to talk with anyone in the MLR community any more. It's been about 2 months since I became active on Megaskype, but I've been getting nowhere other than with shameless promotion and casual small-talk. I just feel like there's an ego rift between the rest of the community and I, since my only relation with other musos is one which involves unavoidable self-deprecation on my behalf. I just don't feel as if I can strike up any meaningful conversation with anyone (on or not on the subject of music), and it's becoming a bit demotivating. I want to be able to get engaged in something other than mindless social activity, and I've found MLR isn't the place for that (not to generalise the lot of you, but that's all I can say from experience).

SwissArmyCheese wrote:Vent: Well, I don't exactly know where to begin, I haven't really been an "active" member of the community, I didn't "fit in" so quickly because I was just starting out with electronic music and of course that's not that interesting. Well I'm going to change that, as my signature says I've given myself a deadline and I'm going to stick with it. I had my haitus, got over my hump, got some equipment, so I'm going to get better. But anyways I just didn't really fit in either. Bartekko and I worked together though!

- And I apologize for the above chunk, I just felt like explaining myself.

The Real Vent: I can't find any confidence. For me it is extremely hard to find the motivation to do anything. I hope this is enough to vent about, and I hope I'm not wasting anyone's time. But I could definitely go for some tips or something on how to stay positive and working. I feel like i'm missing so many opportunities in life, but I just want the balls to go out and take them.

Thank you guys in advance, I hope to get to know you guys better (again)!

The one thing that really got me out from a serious pony funk myself tbh was Toastbeard. I think that's one of the great places where our community shines. The fact that they push for a theme, that you can use that week's episode as inspiration, that you can ignore both those themes and just post what you're working on allows bronies to have an endless source of inspiration. What it also does on the friday sync-listen is give you a real opportunity for feedback and also enjoying other tracks with LOTS of other members instead of a less populated chat skype where people are shooting the shit. I can't recommend it enough and it often gives newbs and mid-tier artists time to really get noticed by their peers.

MLR music section is a good place for light feedback and wips but it just doesn't hold a torch in comparison.

Other thing if you really want to bond with other bronies (other than comment, favorite, and subscribe over each other's tracks which i recommend) is to do remixes or collaborations and make something where you can communicate and really gain a friendship from that experience (I'm looking at you AndTheRainfall, Dr. D, and Avitaors, you guys rock). That IS the rock that MLR was founded on and it a shame the Remix Wars aren't as active in comparison to how they used to be. That said if you like a track and feel like you can make a positive spin on it reach out to and get the stems from whoever and make it a positive experience and hopefully a good track.

It may have been easier in the past when there weren't 350 "EqD approved" artists (of course there's much more unapproved ones now too) and bronies weren't tripping over each other trying to get heard but then again that open door policy is also what allows for us newer members to come in and still have a chance with lots of peers and an active audience where their used to be a much smaller opportunity. If you can take the time to make a great track or pmv and you keep trying you can still get heard. I still believe that those who give as well as receive and have a good heart will get something postitive and find joy in the experience. :D

(sorry that was a speech wasn't it) :? :lol:
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby SwissArmyCheese » 09 Feb 2012 21:45

Damn you guys are good.

Starting with small things

Well minutes after I posted this I set up some plans with friends. Long story short I have an opportunity that would benefit me and possibly change my outlook on life. (Let's just say that for now). Well as I was thinking to myself, I thought: "Well i like the way I am even if I'm unhappy." Then it hit me. I started laughing to myself, I had finally figured out what has been causing my depression. All my life I subconsciously felt like I didn't deserve to be happy. And since I had figured it out, I was free.

So I've set short term and long term goals. I'm going to keep myself busy.

sorry that was a speech wasn't it

That's what I needed to hear. I'm going to get out and do these things like the friday sync listen, and I'm definitely going to listen to more pony music. Hell, I'm the mod over on Reddit's MLPTunes, that should be cake. I'll keep trying and working. Like I've set my weekly Wednesday track goal, I'm sure as shit going to keep it.

Well, Thanks you guys. Today has been a big eye opener. I'll keep posting around and working hard. Thanks again! :lol:
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby TheSunAndTheRainfall » 10 Feb 2012 19:45

I'm very glad to hear that. c: Hope everything works out for you, mate! +1 for this community.

Also, <3 Pon-3.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby BeaM » 10 Feb 2012 23:40

Well, it's time for my minor rant. I guess it's just I'm stressed out by the fact that I haven't made a single song since I've gotten here. I have the equipment and I have the motivation, I just don't have the skill. It's kinda stressin me out, I prolly shouldn't be ranting about this but it's just annoying me, everything I make sounds like crap and doesn't work. I can't even make a full song, I can only make sounds really :/
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Peak Freak » 11 Feb 2012 04:54

Have all my hugs!
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Freewave » 11 Feb 2012 10:43

Beat Match wrote:Well, it's time for my minor rant. I guess it's just I'm stressed out by the fact that I haven't made a single song since I've gotten here. I have the equipment and I have the motivation, I just don't have the skill. It's kinda stressin me out, I prolly shouldn't be ranting about this but it's just annoying me, everything I make sounds like crap and doesn't work. I can't even make a full song, I can only make sounds really :/

Find what you can do well at this point (you might need a lot more time practicing to be able to make a good track from the ground up). What I would recommend if is you can't write melodies and put together pieces of songs yet TRY something that's already constructed and try remixing it instead. Taking something that already exists and playing with it helps you find out how good tracks are made and allows you to take part in something that already should sound good at the beginning. You MAY make it worse of course but taking an open project gives you a solid format to begin with.

Check out the sharing is magic section for lots of MLP songs or Brony songs that have midi, samples, and stems to play with and start there. Just don't be surprised if you're first efforts aren't amazing, just focus on them being good or a step in the right direction. Post any WIP's in the music section and we can give you pointers on how to improve your efforts. :)
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby TheSunAndTheRainfall » 11 Feb 2012 16:04

Beat Match wrote:Well, it's time for my minor rant. I guess it's just I'm stressed out by the fact that I haven't made a single song since I've gotten here. I have the equipment and I have the motivation, I just don't have the skill. It's kinda stressin me out, I prolly shouldn't be ranting about this but it's just annoying me, everything I make sounds like crap and doesn't work. I can't even make a full song, I can only make sounds really :/

Something I learned (or rather, remembered) very recently is that nobody expects you to be perfect. Nobody can be perfect. And you really shouldn't berate yourself or something for not being perfect. I know it probably doesn't help to hear this, especially if what you end up doing is not what you strive to do, but in the end all that matters is that you have fun doing what you do. Who cares if your songs are not very fleshed out, or complex, or whatever, what matters is if you're enjoying it or not. Just keep doing it, and in doing so, you'll learn and acquire skill. And you can always come to us and ask for help, advice, critique, collaborations, or just to hang out for a while. Just hang in there, and never stop creating. After a while, you'll look back on the things you used to do, and marvel at how far you've come.

Someone, quick, post that Ira Glass quote.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby bartekko » 11 Feb 2012 16:12


[00:27:11] <@z0r8> you are voiced, now shut up
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Freewave » 11 Feb 2012 17:14

that's teamwork :)
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