--Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread First

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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby Viricide Filly » 28 Mar 2014 04:03

Hi there, Scootaloose! My name is firicide villy and I'll be your guide for the next four seconds.
Okay tour over.
Get oot mah gaerden //scottish
No but really hi there, welcome to MLR. <3
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby RetsnomKcor » 28 Mar 2014 16:22


I'm Retsnom Kcor, although I'll answer to just about any variation of that. I've always had an interest in music and playing/making music, but (due mostly to my personality I guess) I went the first 14 years of my life without doing anything music related. It was around that time that I started to teach myself drums, and then switched into taking lessons. Four years later, drums are still the only thing I can play...

Anyway, I first watched an episode of MLP (technically it was 2 episodes- the first two of season 1) in around February-ish of 2012. I wasn't overly impressed, but I decided I could see why there were so many fans. A few months later, at the end of my junior year of high school, I was insanely bored and decided (with some scolding from friends who told me not to judge a show by the first episode) to watch the rest of the show. By the end of the week I was a fan of the show, and a couple weeks later I discovered fan music of the show while scouring Rock Band's website (saw Tombstone's remix of Discord and was ridiculously confused at "Eurobeat Brony").

So yeah, not long after that I was doing this sort of challenge thing where the goal was to make one really bad song every day for a week (because reasons), and given my lack of desire to spend money on something I had no intentions of doing after the end of the week, I acquired LMMS and used that. Due to my lack of knowledge about electronic music production everything was terrifically awful, but I found myself hooked and wanting to make more. I didn't take music seriously at first, but over time I started to improve and take it more seriously.

So here I am, an 18 year old who makes slightly-better-than-before-but-still-really-awful-electronic-y-ish-kinda music (in FL Studio now).

Also - Favorite pony is Scootaloo, favorite minor/background pony is Flitter
Also Also - sorry for the long post, there is a 100% chance I will never post anything longer than a sentence ever again.
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby DizKonnekt » 29 Mar 2014 11:30

Well, hiya.

Name's DizKonnekt, but I like when people just use Diz. :P

I'm 17 years old. With regards to music, I haven't done anything of substance unless a few mashups count. After reading up on DJing I learnt it's like a stepping stone to music production. Spent about a year just playing around in FL Studio and a couple other DAWs, and still learning bits and pieces every day. I Wasn't particularly interested in music in school but in the past I did the IMPMOOC and Digital Sound Design courses on Coursera to learn. I'm really hoping to learn some more here and put it to use!

Spoiler obligatory pony stuff:
Fluttershy is my favorite. Luna is best princess.
Friend got me watching the show in... September 2012, I think? He gave me a list and told me to watch Lesson Zero first. Then I watched the entire of Season 3 after that and here I am.
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby COLT Sound » 02 Apr 2014 19:48

Hey guys, My name's Jacob, AKA COLT Sound.
I've been producing for almost 2 years as of now and I can't wait to join the music community :)
I turn 17 on April 11th this year :D hoping to get some new music gear ^_^
Anyways, nice to meet all of you :D
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby Callenby » 02 Apr 2014 22:15

Welcome, Retsnom, Diz, and COLT! Always nice to see new faces here.

Things are a little slow lately but I hope you enjoy your stay!
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby ExoBassTix » 03 Apr 2014 00:34

I'm so happy to see all these new people signing up here. 3-something years strong and still people want us xD
Well howdy folks! Coming here was an excellent choice. There's no better place for bronies to learn and develop any music skill. Make your profit of the knowledge of others, and help others with yours in the doing. Do not be afraid; most of us don't bite.

Enjoy your stay ^_^
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby Eivel » 06 Apr 2014 16:32

Hello everyone :grin:
I'm a 23-years old student from Poland. I study IT at University of Technology.
About a year ago I tried to plug in my old midi keyboard, that lied unused for 10 years. When I discovered, that music technology has "slightly" changed over last 10 years (what a suprise!) I bought a MIDI-USB interface and began learning about music composing.
For a year I've been struggling with a doubt about the purport of my further music education. I've seen no progress and doubted I could ever finish a full song. But I kept going and here I am. My first project is released and I'm full of hope for the future of this hobby. Even though I see many mistakes in my first song. There always are, aren't they?

And about being a brony. It all started when my friend kept sending me pictures of Queen Chrysalis and changelings. I loved all of them and got curious about a show. I watched one episode, then the second... oh and I think all of you know the rest of the story. Then I looked over pony-related sites and learned how great this fandom is and how much I'd like to help it growing.

Thank you all that brought so many great tutorials and words of advice to this forum. I still haven't finished nearly half of them and already got a big bunch of practical knowledge.
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby ExoBassTix » 08 Apr 2014 00:04

I actually never have gone through any particular pony-themed website before (except for one I should not talk about). Oh except FiMFiction, the BronyCon and GalaCon sites. And MyLittleRemix ofcourse.
Probably because my priorities tell me I prefer spending time on other things.

But anyways, have a warm welcome to MLR, the place where musical magic prospers, breeding ground for brony-music enthousiasts. It's great that you're making the best of what the site has to offer already! If you ever wonder something specific that hasn't been covered yet, do not hesitate to ask ahead in a new threas. I'm sure there'd be plenty of people here that can help you with whatever you need help with.

Enjoy your stay :D
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby Viricide Filly » 12 Apr 2014 08:45

Hello to everyone who just joined. I hope you enjoy your stay here and I hope you do contribute..the site's a bit slow as of late. Ahue.
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House. Glitch Hop. IDM. Breakbeat. Chillout. Footwork. Lo-fi. Vaporwave. Noise. These are some of the genres I like to completely ruin.
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Sean-JS » 15 Apr 2014 22:00


My name is Sean and I'm a 17 year old college student studying Music Technology, I'm not focusing on any current section of the music industry at the moment.

I grew up not enjoying music at all, to me it all just sounded like absolute rubbish. It was when I was playing the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games that I actually started seeing music in a different way. I first only enjoyed the games soundtrack which then soon spread to other sources of game soundtracks. I searched for a select few tracks on Youtube in which I started discovering music outside of games, from there I just started broadening my horizons and giving everything a try. Some things were a bit strange (like when I first heard Dubstep) and took awhile for me to warm up to while other genres of music I instantly took a liking to. It has left me open-minded about music and left me with the saying ''If it's well produced, I'll probably like it.'' My recently found love for music then lead me to produce my own, I've been producing for just over a year now under the alias 'Sean-JS' since using my name sounds more personal and it makes me feel closer to my fans.

As for My Little Pony, a friend suggested it to me and I simply took a liking to it. Like I said, I believe I'm open-minded about a lot of things so liking the show didn't really surprise me that much.

Now to be honest, I'm not the most sociable guy around. I tend to be quiet around those I don't know and when it comes to meeting new people I tend to get way too formal (In my opinion), but when I get to know them I have a sudden change in attitude and can be very talkative and friendly, wherever this encourages you to talk to me or not doesn't bother me, I'm not going to tell you what to do after all. :grin:

I guess that's it from me, thanks for reading this essay of a post. :smile:

P.S. My English isn't too great, I am British and it is my first language but I do miss out words and letters more than I would like to so feel free to correct me if I make a mistake.
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby Callenby » 15 Apr 2014 23:01

Welcome, Sean! Nice to hear you came around regarding music. You're actually one of the very few I've heard actually not enjoying it.

I hope you enjoy your stay here. Please do spend some time looking through the archives as there are many subjects covered that a lot of people don't necessarily know about. But also do not be afraid to ask questions.
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby FLAOFEI » 16 Apr 2014 17:40

Sean-JS wrote:Hi
Hi Sean, havent Seen you here before.
I'm FLAOFEI, as you can probably read right there on the left... but you may call me Flao. Then again you may not remember reading this and end up calling me FLAOFEI, since that's the name I go by, although I'd be surprised if you called me, since you likley don't have my number. Anyway, I'm the pun guy here. I take fun very seriously you see, and I hope not to many people hate me because of my resulting behaviour...

Sean-JS wrote:Now to be honest, I'm not the most sociable guy around. I tend to be quiet around those I don't know and when it comes to meeting new people I tend to get way too formal (In my opinion), but when I get to know them I have a sudden change in attitude and can be very talkative and friendly, wherever this encourages you to talk to me or not doesn't bother me, I'm not going to tell you what to do after all. :grin:

I guess that's it from me, thanks for reading this essay of a post. :smile:

P.S. My English isn't too great, I am British and it is my first language but I do miss out words and letters more than I would like to so feel free to correct me if I make a mistake.

That paragraph sounds alot like me irl... Unknown ppl r scary :o Anyway, your English looks fine to me, and it is my first language, and I get pretty high test scores. I am dyslexic though... so I might just not notice them I:

Anyway, hope you feel welcomed by this essay of a welcoming :) Welcome
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby Qtzper » 24 Apr 2014 04:28

Hi. I'm Qtzper also known as Flutterpride. I'm 18 years old Music producer, and DJ from Poland. I've started about six months ago and trying to make Som smooth D'n'B. Now, I'm only remixing existing tracks, but in future, I want to make music from scratch by myself. Beside of having fun in LMMS and Fruity Loops, I love to singing and rapping, so if You need some Vocalist, just send me PM.
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby Crematorium » 25 Apr 2014 00:22

Hey everyone, I'm Crematorium (that's my real name I swear). I'm 17 years old, American, and I produce music in my spare time and have been doing so for almost nine months now. The stuff I produce tends to be small, semi-genreless doodles more than anything, but I enjoy it and it keeps me busy so I'm not too concerned with that. I'm a decidedly casual producer - I'm not particularly serious about it and I have no intention of attempting a career in the field.

I got into MLP a few months ago when an internet friend of mine convinced me to check out the show. I don't like the 'brony' moniker (and the stereotypes that accompany it) and I wouldn't say I'm even a particularly big fan, but the show caught my interest - or rather, the extensive musical portion of the fanbase caught my interest, which is how I found this site. Here's hoping we can all grow together in the future, considering how slow it seems to be around here (no offense)...

As for me, I'm relatively average. I'm more outgoing than most; I absolutely LOVE talking to people and honestly I often find myself needing to be around people in order to function properly but other than that I'm decidedly normal. Chances are you've probably walked by dozens of people who are similar to me in the past week. Brown hair, green eyes, slightly taller than average, skinny. Very normal.

But yeah, this post is kind of dragging on so I'll end it off here. Thanks for reading
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby JSynth » 25 Apr 2014 09:14

oh dear he's from New Hampshire. *ducks behind cow and peers over suspiciously*

Nah, I'm kidding (mostly) welcome to the herd and MLR.
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby Needlemouse27 » 29 Apr 2014 13:25

Hi! I'm George, but you can just call me Needlemouse or Needles, whichever you prefer.
I'm here because I'm very new to making music, and since everyone on this forum seems really friendly, I think this would be a great place to start. I aim to make mostly bass-heavy EDM type stuff, but I'd like to dabble in IDM and some other more interesting genres, whatever takes my fancy really. I've not made anything I'm happy with letting anyone listen to yet, and I expect it will be a while until I do...

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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby ExoBassTix » 29 Apr 2014 14:05

Hey Needle! Welcome to MLR!
Does your coming here have anything to do with ponies?
Do you like noodles?

I hope you enjoy your stay. Do not be afraid to ask anything of us (given that you post it in the right place, and it's not been asked before). I hope you'll find this to be an educational, friendly and all-over enjoyable forum :)
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby Needlemouse27 » 29 Apr 2014 14:53

Oops, somehow managed to forget about ponies! xD
Rainbow Dash is best pony, 'nuff said...


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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby FLAOFEI » 29 Apr 2014 15:37

Hi there Needlemouse!
You look sharp!
Can I call you Pinrat btw?
Pinrat27 wrote:Rainbow Dash is best pony

I concur with this statement!
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby Needlemouse27 » 30 Apr 2014 15:15

Hey Flaofei, of course you can call me pinrat! :D

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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby PONE_NINE » 01 May 2014 07:47

Hi! I'm PONE_NINE! or PON9 or bleh. I used to make music as Blaze Chaser but since there isn't enough artists with that name I decided to create a new alias! I'd like to be a chair from IKEA and I pretty much make what I want. I don't aim for any particular style which is bad -_- so yeah. I'm gonna copy the first guy on this thread:

- I use Ableton Live 9 Suite (yes actually bought it)
- I use plugins like NI Massive and reFX Nexus 2(yes I bought that as well...) and for my mastering I use iZotope Ozone 5.
- I'm on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialPoneNine
- Have a degree in making Tea

and I'm 17...

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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby Acsii » 01 May 2014 08:12

PONE_NINE wrote:Hi! I'm PONE_NINE! or PON9 or bleh. I used to make music as Blaze Chaser but since there isn't enough artists with that name I decided to create a new alias! I'd like to be a chair from IKEA and I pretty much make what I want. I don't aim for any particular style which is bad -_- so yeah. I'm gonna copy the first guy on this thread:

- I use Ableton Live 9 Suite (yes actually bought it)
- I use plugins like NI Massive and reFX Nexus 2(yes I bought that as well...) and for my mastering I use iZotope Ozone 5.
- I'm on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialPoneNine
- Have a degree in making Tea

and I'm 17...

who lives in Britian. And Welsh

I love the tea comment XD
anyway welcome friend to MLR you'll have a great time :)
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby Jokeblue » 01 May 2014 08:34

Dj 9pones!

You are obliged to make me tea one day. That or film/take photographs of you making tea and send them to me with a detailed analysis of each and every step that you take. Welcome to MLR :3
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby Esttel » 01 May 2014 20:52

I can't believe I never knew about this thread until now. I don't think I've ever introduced myself here, so:

Hello everyone! My name is Max, and I musically operate under the alias 'Esttel'.
- I am 17 years old, living in Hong Kong
- I am half Japanese/half British
- Looking to study medicine at university in the UK starting this September

As for my music:
- I use Ableton as my DAW, with a bunch of free VSTs
- I have never produced music before, and just started late last year for the first time
- Therefore, I suck a little
- I want to try and produce electronic stuff in the future, but right now orchestral/soft is my jam
- My entire music library consists of brony music, so a LOT of you are probably on my ipod
- So many of you inspire me, for real

I think that's pretty much it for me! I always love meeting new people, so I'd be chuffed in any of you replied to this or whatever! :wink:

ALMOST FORGOT: favourite pones are Rarity and Pinkie Pie~

Hope y'all are able to take me along this music ride.
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Re: --Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread F

Postby ExoBassTix » 02 May 2014 02:40

Ohayou, Esttel :)
Haha, now Simon isn't the only Hong Kong guy here :P

Welcone to the board! Feel free to ask us anything (in the right place, provided it's not been asked before) you need to know or want to learn. I'm sure if you'll stay around long enough you'll meet lots of cool people. We all actually commonly believe that friendship is magic, after all.
Enjoy your stay ;)
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