Compression/side-chaining and drums

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Compression/side-chaining and drums

Postby PX-n » 31 Dec 2012 16:49

Does anybody know some good videos dealing with compression and side-chaining in FL Studio 10? I could find a few, but for the most part they're pretty bad, do any of you have advice/ good videos dealing with that kind of thing? Also, as far as drum beats are concerned, do any of you have a good tutorial/ advice on constructing good drum beat?
The main problem I have is getting the drum to complement the music, it's always too quiet and doesn't add what I need it to, that is, a good steady beat that has the ability to bring the music along. As far as side-chaining, I find it hard to get the chained kick/snare at a good level relative to everything else. Any advice?
Sorry if this is vague, I can clarify anything you need me to. --Youtube (duh).
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Re: Compression/side-chaining and drums

Postby Captain Ironhelm » 31 Dec 2012 17:14

For side-chaining in FL with the Peak Controller:
what I do is I put the kick drum on a mixer channel that has the peak controller, and then route the channel to a send. Then it's as simple as routing the channels you want side-chained to the send.

For drum loops, I put the kick and snare on separate mixer channels since all I want pumping the peak controller is the kick. I have another channel for elements like hats, toms, and such, which I lower the volume on since you really don't need a hat in your face in front of everything else.

put overly simple for how a compressor works: threshold is the sound level that the compressor kicks in, ratio is how much it compresses, and gain is boosting the outgoing sound level. Attack is how long it takes for the compressor to clamp down on the sound, so having a short attack will give a snappy transient.
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Re: Compression/side-chaining and drums

Postby Matthew N. » 01 Jan 2013 16:58

SC with limiter is quite simple, too.

Ins. 1 - Kick
Ins. 2 - what you want to sidechain w/ FL Limiter

Highlight insert 1 and right click on insert 2 and RMB on that tiny arrow pointing up and click "sidechain to this track." Then, in limiter, go to COMP and in the "sidechain" section select "1." If it has not been done correctly, you won't be able to bring any number up.

Then it's all about manipulating threshold, ratio, attack, release and ahead values. I prefer this way of sidechaining than via peak controller and compressor.
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Re: Compression/side-chaining and drums

Postby PX-n » 01 Jan 2013 18:50

Thanks guys.
Yeah, I've been using Matthew N.'s method, I guess I'm just not that good at it yet :P
I appreciate the help. --Youtube (duh).
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Re: Compression/side-chaining and drums

Postby Matthew N. » 02 Jan 2013 04:40

PX-n wrote:Thanks guys.
Yeah, I've been using Matthew N.'s method, I guess I'm just not that good at it yet :P
I appreciate the help.

You're welcome.

Anyway, why you're not good at it? It offers a lot of control on sidechaining and it's simple - I wouldn't call yourself bad because you're using a well-working method.
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Re: Compression/side-chaining and drums

Postby CaptainFluffatun » 02 Jan 2013 09:35

I use the limiter too, but use a simple clean kick for the sidechaining. That looks like:

Ins 1. Kick
Ins 2. Sidechain Kick
Ins 3. Yo synths, dawg
Ins 4. Fruity Limiter

For inserts 3, route to insert 4 only

For insert 2, select sidechain to this track only

Do nothing with insert 1.

Now in the fruity limiter, set it to compression mode, and then right-click on the "sidechain" field and select whatever kick you are using in insert 2. The threshold and ratio knobs control the amount of dipping in the volume of your synths.

And as you might imagine, you can route any number of other synths to that insert. This is pretty much the same as what has been said except for there's one extra step (adding the sidechain kick). I do this because the clean kick causes a smooth dip and rise in volume.
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Re: Compression/side-chaining and drums

Postby CaptainFluffatun » 02 Jan 2013 09:36

Also screw the fruity peak controller. That thing had me mixing levels by inputting numbers, and that's just annoying.
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Re: Compression/side-chaining and drums

Postby Matthew N. » 02 Jan 2013 14:15

@ CaptainFluffatun

Sure, you can essentially use any kick sample to make a different-sounding sidechain effect, but at the same time you're sacrificing a mixer channel slot. This is something I would not even consider doing, as with my current project I have reached the cap.
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Re: Compression/side-chaining and drums

Postby CaptainFluffatun » 02 Jan 2013 18:52

Matthew N. wrote:@ CaptainFluffatun

Sure, you can essentially use any kick sample to make a different-sounding sidechain effect, but at the same time you're sacrificing a mixer channel slot. This is something I would not even consider doing, as with my current project I have reached the cap.

I usually use around 40...
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Re: Compression/side-chaining and drums

Postby Matthew N. » 02 Jan 2013 19:19

CaptainFluffatun wrote:I usually use around 40...

Those days are in the past for me. ;)
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