Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby Circuitfry » 11 Sep 2012 19:48

Remix War 6

So let me tell you guys about Remix War 6. It will be the first round to include the PMV community and the artist community, and if possible, the fan fiction community, as well. Those of you who slice vids and scribble graphics and write sonnets; listen up, too.

Typically we reserve about a few weeks to a month for Remix Wars. This Remix War I think should take a little longer about 60-80 days. The purpose is to develop a unique video that gives a song that extra supplement of emotion or style or character. This is a chance to try your hand at making group efforts shine through.

Musicians: You will be the ones recruiting your team since you supply the music. You want to pick people that work well and efficiently and match your personality and won’t leave you high and dry. Keep in mind that your music needs to be regularly communicated to those involved so that they can provide feedback on how they can intertwine their side of the media into the video.

Artists: Your task is to supply the style. You aren’t guiding the actual video, but you are supplying the video maker with the adequate resources to do the job. This will require hours of work so please choose a manageable style that is efficient and elegant, if you can. Only you know how fast and well you can work. You must have strict self-control to avoid failing to deliver proper resources. Artists who draw ponies will need to develop what’s appropriate for the event. Graphic designers will mostly be providing supplemental resources to help the drawing artists in a pinch who need more polish.

PMVers: By now, you realize that your talents with pony music videos are in timing, cues, etc. Your task involves more of working with resources at hand and not so much making them (although making them is a plus, obviously). It is up to you to understand the direction that the music takes and develop a plan for how the video itself should be laid out. Since you put together the final product, you will be the most involved member of the group, to say the least. In order to succeed, you want to have good communication skills, a level head, an understanding that this is all for fun, and a backup plan for everything.

Writers: You guys will have to find out what you can do, should you be included. The most important thing to remember is that you are of the same role as the artists, you are supplying resources, not leading or guiding anything. Your words and your genius can help influence the end result and make it more magical.

Person who doesn’t do anything for the group and sets his status to “away” 95% of the time: Do not join the team.

Q: What if it doesn’t work out for my song?
A: Default to a picture, I suppose.

Q: They’re fighting / I don’t like what ____ did for the video.
A: There should never be any fighting. This is not a serious business thing. The project can be stressful enough without the negative attitude. Work as a team, think like a team, be on a team. It’s about being on the same page, being nice to each other, praising each other up, and being open-minded to what is provided to the group.

Q: I’ve never done this before.
A: Aim small, complement frequently, and try your best.

Q: I want to do everything myself, instead.
A: Good luck, friend.

Q: I wish I was chosen by ____.
A: That’s life. But this musician picked you. This musician picked you. This one thought you were special. Maybe you should think about that for a bit and maybe you’ll realize how high in regard that one thinks of you, yeah? Idk, just do your best anyway, seriously. It’ll pay off when you give it your all.

Q: I’m a shy musician.
A: The theme of this event is all about friendship, so make some new friends and try to jam this one out!

Side note: I will not attempt to resolve any conflicts.
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby NightmareSnake » 11 Sep 2012 19:54

OK this seems like an EXTREMELY difficult thing to put together.


I'm gonna see if I can make something cool happen for this, with the right amount of help.
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby colortwelve » 11 Sep 2012 19:55

Welp. Time to start building up my team. I really hope all those purely musical collabs pay off here :D
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby CaptainKBX » 11 Sep 2012 20:05

When someone doesn't specify, DO ANYTHING

Seriously though, any limitation?
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby Quix » 11 Sep 2012 20:15

Thank you for giving me some extra motivation. The thought of working with other people really gives me the drive to improve.
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby Anorax » 11 Sep 2012 20:20

this sounds like an amazingly fantastic idea.

in b4 everyone tries to contact BronyDanceParty or whatever his name is
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby vladnuke » 11 Sep 2012 20:41

Welp, looks like I need to go make friends with pmv-ers.
Will most likely go for a YTP-er instead.
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby Anorax » 11 Sep 2012 21:32

I'm just curious, does this round still abide by normal Remix Wars rules (i.e. Remixes only of community music)?
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby Camsy » 11 Sep 2012 21:43

I've made a few minor pmv's... also been trying to get a hang of Anime Studio Pro. I'm a pathetic nobody at the moment but here's a sample. :S ... -323252569

Haven't really tried any proper animation but I'm willing to give it a shot. :D
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby bmo13 » 11 Sep 2012 22:32

Count me in!
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby Warbalist » 11 Sep 2012 23:38

When is the deadline for this one?
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby ÜberTriangle » 12 Sep 2012 03:47

Writers shouldn't and can't be involved.
Rules pls.
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby CDPP » 12 Sep 2012 05:18

I really want to try my hand at this too :p
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby bartekko » 12 Sep 2012 09:18

Seems like a swell idea, but I have a few MAJOR questions.
1.) it's mainly a musicians' community, where do we find artists, pmvers, writers? I mean i know that there are dA, YT, and Fimfiction, but it's not exactly like i can just PM someone "Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my skype profile, so call me maybe because mylittleremix is organizing a huge-ass event in which I am the star and only I will get the little love that you get from dividing a remix war into 150+ entries, do you want to participate?"

2.) Will there be enough pmvers/artists/writers for all of us?
3.) Will they want to collaborate with such a newb like me? (Many artists would care only if you're like... WoodenToaster-grade league)
4.) where are we going to host the synclisten? this adds up for like... 3x as much as previous rw (and people only will come to the first part)
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby @ppleBukker » 12 Sep 2012 12:34

If work permits, I'm all in. However, I have one question...

As far as music, is it the same rules as previous Remix Wars?
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby Anorax » 12 Sep 2012 14:39

DAW: Mixcraft 6
3rd Party VSTs: Alien 303 Bass Synthesizer, Various Angular Momentum Products, Artemis, Combo Organ Models V+F, Daedalus, iloSynth1, Impuse, Messiah, MinimogueVA, oxytocin, P8, various Togu Audio Line products, Synth1, TS-Substance, VB3 Organ
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby zorg » 13 Sep 2012 12:16

i'd only have one thing to ask
i really hope you won't start this while most people are busy with school and whatnot, and instead wait till "winter break"
^feel free to disregard | genres... what are those? | :3
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby Freewave » 13 Sep 2012 12:58

I'm not seeing anything on whether this is going to be a remix of an existing track as it appears to require a new track requirement. Nice to see the collaboration aspect is becoming the main focus in its place.
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby soultensionbenjamin » 13 Sep 2012 13:41

what.... this just seems crazy i don't know any pmvers or artist's that i can go to that will actually spend time to help me.
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby zorg » 14 Sep 2012 09:38

easy; just have circuit make the EqD guys put a "we need artists and PMVers to show lifesigns in some way" into the RW6 post when the time comes; or idk, but everyone asking everyone mean a lot of messages to receive, read and then for the pmvers and artists to nicely reject everyone but one guy who they either pick randomly or via some algorithm (like the first coming musician one).

basically, it all depends on how it's pulled off.

and no, shyness won't be the major problem; the aforementioned massive mailreading will.

or i'm wrong completely. ¯\(°_o)/¯
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby Warbalist » 14 Sep 2012 10:58

zorg wrote:easy; just have circuit make the EqD guys put a "we need artists and PMVers to show lifesigns in some way" into the RW6 post when the time comes;

That might be a good idea; it may save everyone a lot of time scouring YouTube and DeviantArt.
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby Freewave » 14 Sep 2012 11:45

Honestly the organizers will need to find a way to let the pmv and artist community know we need their help. They aren't going to see this on mlr and they aren't normally engaged en masse like this this. I hope with an EQD spotlight or through a different way that the organizers can reach out to them that this is conveyed in a way that THEY will be interested in as they'll be doing a chunk of the work for free and in many cases by a relatively unknown musician.
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby phantomignition » 14 Sep 2012 13:08

soultensionbenjamin wrote:what.... this just seems crazy i don't know any pmvers or artist's that i can go to that will actually spend time to help me.

I'm in this boat as well. It's a nice idea... but for anyone who doesn't have the ability to get others to help them there's not going to be any guideline at all, other than pony I would think. In that case, what would really make this specific song different from any other one?

I dunno, it just seems kind of odd. Possible, but odd.
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby Circuitfry » 15 Sep 2012 02:55

CaptainKBX wrote:When someone doesn't specify, DO ANYTHING. Seriously though, any limitation?

Yeah, just go by the old Remix War rules, please. Make sure that your involved partners know the drill. No porn (in fact avoid sauciness in general if you can, for real), and also gore while we're at it. It's not going to be any more adult-oriented via either avenue and most people aren't interested in it so please show refrain.

Anorax wrote:this sounds like an amazingly fantastic idea. in b4 everyone tries to contact BronyDanceParty or whatever his name is

Not a great strategetic move imo, but if he will go with you, more power to you!

Anorax wrote:I'm just curious, does this round still abide by normal Remix Wars rules (i.e. Remixes only of community music)?

Makkon and I have greenlit this round to allow original music submissions.

Warbalist wrote:When is the deadline for this one?

Look for your teammates while we decide on a start and finish.

bartekko wrote:Seems like a swell idea, but I have a few MAJOR questions.
1.) it's mainly a musicians' community, where do we find artists, pmvers, writers?
dA, Tumblr, Youtube, Skype, etc. It is literally that dead simple to contact a movie maker and an artist and inform them of the event. It's not about you being the star, you're working in a team.
bartekko wrote:2.) Will there be enough pmvers/artists/writers for all of us?

Dude, of course there will be, don't even trip. Artists and Writers outnumber musicians greatly so unless you're like me and need a PMVer then you're all set.
bartekko wrote:3.) Will they want to collaborate with such a newb like me? (Many artists would care only if you're like... WoodenToaster-grade league)
I think that's a generalization. I just got Sofasandquills on my team recently and mmmandarinorange is considering joining us. So there's your counterexample. I hear DerpyTwizzle wants in on the game zone, you should go to him!
bartekko wrote:4.) where are we going to host the synclisten? this adds up for like... 3x as much as previous rw (and people only will come to the first part)
Actually, this remix war will see a lot less entries for the simple fact that music videos overall are difficult to complete.
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Re: Remix War 6: United Media Makers

Postby zorg » 15 Sep 2012 05:44

Whoo boy, okay, i'll try to be supernice about my reply-barrage...

I'll only quote the parts i disagree with in some way;
(also, it's show restraint or refrain from something /grammarnz :3)
Circuitfry wrote:
Anorax wrote:this sounds like an amazingly fantastic idea. in b4 everyone tries to contact BronyDanceParty or whatever his name is

Not a great strategetic move imo, but if he will go with you, more power to you!

>get more poplar vidmaker
>either fail at collabbing or get unfairly more views just because better visuals
still not about winning, but yeah, this can't really be helped. ¯\(°_o)/¯
Circuitfry wrote:
Anorax wrote:I'm just curious, does this round still abide by normal Remix Wars rules (i.e. Remixes only of community music)?

Makkon and I have greenlit this round to allow original music submissions.

Original Pony Related music, right?
Circuitfry wrote:
bartekko wrote:all the things bart wrote

first come first serve unless they say no; cool. I do propose a thread on mlr where people would went their "i had the perfect idea but i can't possibly get anyone on my team" stuff, and i stay by my side with the notification of pmwers/artist by at least the initial RW6 EqD posting.
^feel free to disregard | genres... what are those? | :3
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