How you deal with the haters

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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby bartekko » 14 Oct 2011 02:00

d.notive wrote: "SFW" theme

safe for social life, you mean?
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby Makkon » 14 Oct 2011 02:31

d.notive wrote:In fact, Makkon, if you're listening, I propose the forums implement a "SFW" theme, in which the bright colors go away, the ponies disappear, and every image says, "NOTHING TO SEE HERE" ...


Could implement some different color themes for when you log in.
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby Interrobang Pie » 14 Oct 2011 06:21

d.notive wrote:I propose the forums implement a "SFW" theme

I'm going to enjoy using the NSFW theme.
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby d.notive » 14 Oct 2011 09:27

Interrobang Pie wrote:
d.notive wrote:I propose the forums implement a "SFW" theme

I'm going to enjoy using the NSFW theme.

d.notive is Matt Larson & <other insert vocalist>

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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby Tephnos » 15 Oct 2011 15:21

People online know I'm a brony, but they're cool with it and I was introduced to it through them in the first place! I can be a giant troll when I want to, so if I get trolled for being a brony, I can always troll them back and get them to the 'u mad bro?' stage. :P

I don't talk about it IRL because the conversation would never come up, and there's no reason for me to bring it up. If someone directly asked me if I watched the show, I'd say something like "Yeah, I've seen it. It's a good cartoon" and that'd be the end of that. No one I know IRL watches the show as far as I know.
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby Stars In Autumn » 15 Oct 2011 16:56

Celestial Nostos wrote:People online know I'm a brony, but they're cool with it and I was introduced to it through them in the first place! I can be a giant troll when I want to, so if I get trolled for being a brony, I can always troll them back and get them to the 'u mad bro?' stage. :P

I don't talk about it IRL because the conversation would never come up, and there's no reason for me to bring it up. If someone directly asked me if I watched the show, I'd say something like "Yeah, I've seen it. It's a good cartoon" and that'd be the end of that. No one I know IRL watches the show as far as I know.

This is pretty much true for me, other than the fact it comes up sometimes when I'm discussing my music. I tend to not immediately mention that my music is about ponies, but I'll let them know before linking my stuff.
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby Interrobang Pie » 15 Oct 2011 22:06

Celestial Nostos wrote:I can be a giant troll when I want to

If you live up to your words, then you're a worthy candidate for my partner in crime.

If you don't then ahahahah wow you suck.
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby Tephnos » 16 Oct 2011 05:17

Interrobang Pie wrote:
Celestial Nostos wrote:I can be a giant troll when I want to

If you live up to your words, then you're a worthy candidate for my partner in crime.

If you don't then ahahahah wow you suck.

I didn't spend my early teenage years being an asshole for fun, for nothing! I rarely do it these days, simply because I've grown up since then. It's fun once in a while though.

Heh. :P
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby Darktrot » 16 Nov 2011 19:45

Circuitfry wrote:Hmm...



99% of the time, I totally ignore trolls. But...

I'm an expert counter-troll. I usually just make up laughs to get on the troll's happier side, and when he thinks he trusts me, I blast him with a polite but passive-aggressive backhand. Most of the time, they end up being the mad ones.

Luckily I was very choosey with my friends. None of them are douches, so they are all okay with the ponies thing, and some of them even enjoy ponies right along with me. My parents are supportive now that they know I'm too responsible to let ponies negatively affect my grades.

Edit: Not enough WORDS

My God this is why i love this guy.

Im not to open about it infact half my time is spent making sure freinds and Parents dont know. Which is beneficial Due to my lack there of. Now i dont deal with haters cause no one has any reason to hate but no reason to love. Catch 22 huh?
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby Interrobang Pie » 16 Nov 2011 20:27

DJ_Spike wrote:Im not to open about it infact half my time is spent making sure freinds and Parents dont know. Which is beneficial Due to my lack there of.

Lack of what? Friends and parents?
A great man wrote:Circuitfry: fries circuits of this whole topic, one at a time (I know that's not how servers work, but Puns work all the time)
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby Darktrot » 16 Nov 2011 21:04

Interrobang Pie wrote:
DJ_Spike wrote:Im not to open about it infact half my time is spent making sure freinds and Parents dont know. Which is beneficial Due to my lack there of.

Lack of what? Friends and parents?

Friends. Thanks for your concern... I think...
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby Mundius » 17 Nov 2011 07:20

Well, I'm picky with friends, so I know that none of them are douches. Or have their IQ under the average amount, they're actually kind of smart. But here's the thing- all of my friends are bronies because I converted them. Most fun part? Every time I find a new brony, I consider them to be a friend (which is the first time ever that this happened to me).
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby Luna in the Moon » 17 Nov 2011 09:15

I've only come across a select few who really fall into the 'hater' category. The vast majority of people, however, don't know what I'm talking about. When I explain it to them, they tend to give me the "uhhhhh huhhhhhhhhh" look.

My primary issues have come in with my family and best friend. My mother pretty consistently says that I should just come out of the closet, while my father just shakes his head. They do it jokingly (I think), and put up with all my pony related shit... for the most part.

As for other real life haters, the only reason it comes up is because I'm blasting some brony music while driving around town. I was driving to work last week, had my windows down and was listening to some song by Alex S. Pulled up to a stoplight, some frat boy pulled up next to me, heard what I was listening to, and just stared at me for a minute. Then he started screaming "WHAT THE $#@*" at me repeatedly, so I just turned the music up louder and smiled at him.

Moral of the story: drown out the haters with good music!
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby Circuitfry » 17 Nov 2011 18:32

Luna in the Moon wrote:Moral of the story: drown out the haters with good music!

Brb writing letter <3
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby TheShadowBolts » 17 Nov 2011 19:22

When we stand as a group we arent usually questioned they just leave us alone. No Love but no hate.
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby jubian » 18 Nov 2011 14:48

I would usually avoid any contact with haters, just delete their comments if needs be.

However, if you have an amazing comeback, fucking destroy that bitch.
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby GreenFlyingFish » 19 Nov 2011 03:59

Yay, more community participation!

I haven't dealt with haters, exactly. Mostly because I'm friends with someone the second I meet them unless they are just entirely not interested in that. If someone questions why I like a little girl's cartoon, I explain that it's not a little girl's cartoon (It might have been at one time but after Derpy/Ditsy drops anvils and pianos on Twilight Sparkle or the Big Lebowski ponies show up... ahem anyway). A normal little girl/kid show lacks 3 things that make fim available to older males (even females like it for these reasons). Solid entertainment value, hip pop culture references (though not vulgar or obvious like family guy, which brings me to the third), a pure and innocent vibe that just makes you feel good about being nice... Personally I think we get jaded by all the sexual, violent, blatantly obvious pop culture jokes like you get with family guy, drawn together, etc. You might just get to a point where you are blown away by something with that purity and kindness that kinda reminds you what it was like to be a kid again. Well, that's me at least. I'm just a casual Brony. I think the most important part is the "real" message of love and tolerance that, unless I'm mistaken, isn't a direct show reference but something the community came up with as a joke to diffuse or counter troll/hate. But they do incorporate logic, friendship, happiness, and open mindedness. That's the part that interests me most. Sure they don't have bad guys... (Nightmare moon, diamond dogs and Discord are all illusions and never happened <.<) They do have obstacles that I see even fully mature adults struggling with and getting frustrated with everyday. People dismiss it and others as a kids show but almost every adult I know has forgotten the best and most valuable lessons these stories teach us. I'm digressing a bit though...

I guess my philosophy with any people that don't dig what I like... ignoring them is almost as bad as letting them get to you. If you really practice love and tolerance, then they either come around or they don't. Can't fix instilled ignorance... and you shouldn't fell as though you want to, you may have to just say,"forget it", laugh, and walk away. You should want to make friends, have fun and be happy. So should anyone regardless if they watch a fun show or not. I think the Pinkie Pie philosophy is a good one... not so much the absurdity to confuse someone but the free thinking, abstract, open mind that creates carefree feeling, happy and make others happy attitudes. I guess I'm done... :D
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby MiuMiuChuu » 20 Nov 2011 05:21

I personally haven't deal with pony specific haters either but I've dealt with some other kinds of haters. Other Bronies who posted here already shares the way on my personal view on how to deal with them :)

What I don't understand is why do haters always have the time to hate something? I mean, seriously. If you hate something then leave it. Why even bother with the pointless nags? It's not like what they hate literally screwed their life or anything (lose job, killed their dog, etc.) :/

So yeah... Chill...
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby jubian » 20 Nov 2011 06:21

MiuMiuChuu wrote:What I don't understand is why do haters always have the time to hate something?

Coming from someone who has received hate in the past, I can tell you that some people, often out of jealousy, just have an urge to break artists down to the point that they stop making stuff. Its essentially borderline bullying; if you cave in to it, you appear weak, and the haters feel like they have "accomplished something".

There's only one really suitable solution in most cases: Delete/ignore the hate. If you have enough fans, let them do the fighting back for you.
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby Navron » 24 Nov 2011 19:54

If I'm arguing with an idiot, I generally ignore them. Trying to debate a hater who's only comeback to my logical arguments is, "Go cry," there really isn't much more to be said. They may feel like they've won, but those kinds of haters you can't do anything about.

Now, for the more clever ones, which are more fun, I'm usually very smug. Haters don't like smug remarks because it means their insults aren't getting through. Generally I try to make them realize that it's stupid to hate on something they've never seen or simply out of prejudices and stereotypes. I'm also 100% honest, and don't sugarcoat anything to enforce my point.

Most haters I've seen try to say bronies are unemployed or do nothing productive for the world. I come back with the fact I'm a 5 year active duty rescue swimmer, helicopter crewchief, aerial door gunner, and strike crewman for the MH-60S. I usually also mention the fact that I've saved real lives from the open sea, trained foreign military forces in counter-terrorism, and that nearly my entire shop enjoys pony parodies, and a few enjoy the show itself.

It's hard to be a CoD-playing hater when the very people who do the awesome things you wish you could do enjoy the show. At this point I've got them, because they either try out the show and usually end up liking it/become more tolerant, or they lose their backing and revert to simple insults. Both cases I win.

I also block a lot of haters from my channel. If I see someone who's obviously trying to troll my fans, I block them and remove their posting history. It'll be their loss when they grow up one day and come back to me begging to let me unblock them so they can enjoy my videos.
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby royalpony5300 » 22 Feb 2012 05:10

Here's how I handle mine, I'll just start something.
If its one person then it's on
If its two people then theres a chance of winning
But if three or more them I'm bucked.
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby the4thImpulse » 22 Feb 2012 18:52

If the hater has logical arguments then I join in and state my case but most are just idiots or trolls and I have stoped dealing with them now.
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby North Kozar » 10 Mar 2012 03:19

Basically the same here... Ignore the mindless and uninformed haters. I have no problem with those who "dislike" the idea of the show but refuse to watch it, as long as they don't belligerently beat on it. And if they've watched the show and didn't like it, all the more power to them for having an opinion (well, as long as there is some sort of logical reasoning behind it besides "ugay lawl"). I used to try and combat those sort of nonsense arguments, but once I realized all about trolling and how the internet works, I stopped. I don't counter troll when it comes to MLP though, because I feel like for people who are in the middle of the road, to see a brony reacting like that would make us look worse. Other stuff... Well, I'll have some fun with them.

That's specifically on the internet, though. I highly don't most people in my school would even know or care about it. My friends respect me enough that, while they might find it weird, if it's something I'm interested in, I must have a decent reason for it. But it's never been talked about because it's not the kind of thing to force into conversation.
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby Luxston » 11 Mar 2012 16:48

I blow myself up.
That normally resolves conflict.
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Re: How you deal with the haters

Postby Gray Ham » 12 Mar 2012 06:05

I reply with either '<3' or something about love and tolerance.
They usually stop after that.
currently on a hiatus from actively making music due to school

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