Do you have a project proposal that should involve music? Looking for collaborations? See if the community would like to help you.
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Please be respectful towards musicians who are contemplating whether to help you or not.


Postby AESWA » 18 Apr 2016 15:04

My producer name is Aeswa. I'm working on a pony album, and can someone please collab with me.

It can be either hard music (hardcore, speedcore, etc.) or dubstep.

I'm not really sure what details to put here, but if you want to collab message here: skype: djaeswa

also, FL STUDIO 11
Posts: 3
Joined: 15 Apr 2016 18:22
OS: Windows 10
Primary: FL Studio 11
Cutie Mark: Blank flank


Postby GuyWithAmp » 30 May 2016 16:53

Sure. Been trying to getting into writing another album for a while now, but inspiration just isn't coming to me. I'll go ahead and send you a friend request over Skype.
Posts: 1
Joined: 30 May 2016 16:52
OS: Windows
Primary: FL Studio 11 or 12
Cutie Mark: Blank flank

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