830+ MLP songs categeorized by vocals + "Deleted Pony Songs"

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830+ MLP songs categeorized by vocals + "Deleted Pony Songs"

Postby abzde » 27 Jan 2014 06:17

Hey mylittleremix!

For about half a year I’ve been weeding through literally 1000's of fan made songs on YouTube, trying to find the gems in the rough. I don’t enjoy too much dubstep, sad songs, or heavy metal, so you won’t find too many of those songs in these playlists. I simply picked songs with great lyrics. Songs I could listen to over and over again. Rock, Punk, pop, country, rap, ballads, and probably more genres that I can't think of at the moment.
What makes this list nice, is that you don't have to worry about running into remix or instrumental songs. It's all categorized out (well except for 6 remix songs I threw in the mix for some reason, but that's literally 1.5% of the songs).

First the list of 830+ songs can be found in the links below. As well as my "Deleted Pony Songs" youtube channel.

Vocal MLP Songs - original lyrics written and sung by fans of the show
1-200 --- http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL ... QiM9xKIsCD
201-400 - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL ... rletpebz9N
401-427 - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL ... BRAvkupIoU

MLP remix's and instrumental songs
1-77 ---- http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL ... psb2a1PxCx

Evaluating - Vocal MLP songs - original lyrics written and sung by fans of the show
1-191 -- http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL ... gflXotcldl
1-141 -- http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL ... QlddIe0yi8

About the playlists: the first 427 vocal songs are the main playlists and my favorites, the remix playlist is pretty much what it says, and the Evaluating playlist is where I first throw all the vocal songs I like before evaluating them. It's the pool of songs I use to draw out the best songs. There's a ton of amazing songs in this list that I really really like, so don't skip all these songs.

Now all the playlists are linked to my spearfishing channel, which unfortunately doesn't mix well with ponies. So I've created a new channel called, "Deleted Pony Songs" to publicly share these playlists.

"Deleted Pony Songs" channel can be found here

So why is it called "Deleted Pony Songs? Well that's because any song that gets deleted from my list gets reupload it to the channel, at least I try my best to do that. So far I've got 16 videos I've brought back. I try to upload the original video and original video comments when I can. I keep track of the position of the songs in my list so when one disappears I can usually identify it. And if I can't reupload a song that has been deleted I'll look for another copy on youtube and use that link for my playlists.

This whole project began when I started getting tired of people asking for individual MLP songs on reddit. I wanted to share the songs I knew of, but it was so tedious creating individual youtube links on reddit that I never got around to sharing everything I wanted. I figured there had to be a better way. So I spent some time sorting everything out to create a list that was good enough to share.

Anywho I can't think anymore so I'm going end now. But I'll be adding and rearranging songs whenver I have spare time on my hands.
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Re: 830+ MLP songs categeorized by vocals + "Deleted Pony So

Postby Freewave » 27 Jan 2014 09:06

Hey what is up lobster man!! :D

Well that's a cool bunch of playlists. Always nice to see someone spend time putting together a big playlist like that and supporting that much music! I hope its cool if I post that playlist on fimm as it's a neat project to put together.

Just be aware for your deleted music channel that a lot of time people want that original video to not be public anymore (which can be a serious drag, but you do have to respect the creator's wishes). I hope that if someone doesn't want a video online that you do honor their wishes and pull it if they ask you too. :|

I've been told you've edited The Cave's description from what it was so clearly you're up for honoring their wishes which is really what i wanted to hear was happening :)
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Re: 830+ MLP songs categeorized by vocals + "Deleted Pony So

Postby abzde » 27 Jan 2014 22:05

Yep I was asked to remove the original description on the Cave so I went and changed it. I've removed one video already and unlisted another on my channel. It's definitely a drag, but I guess that comes with the territory.

And sure you can share the playlist on fimm, that's what it's made for!

Also I'm defiantly going to have to spend a fair chunk of my time looking through your tumblr site. Lots of amazing musician's and songs on there that I've never heard of before. Looks like you guys put a lot of effort into that site.
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Re: 830+ MLP songs categeorized by vocals + "Deleted Pony So

Postby Freewave » 29 Jan 2014 12:33

Ah thanks!! We'll have your playlists up this week at some point. All queued up. Thanks again!
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