Feral FurE
Genres: Hardstyle (most prominent, most active, best at), can do other genres in EDM but hardstyle is most adept.
Strengths: EVERYTHING hardstyle related. Figuring out how to do things (make kicks, synth patches, and make them sound good!) through technical, trial and error, and off-the-beaten-path ways. Automation. Finding reasonable substitutes for something that cannot be done. Mastering!!! Mixing.
Weaknesses: Talks a lot. A LOT. Is in college and will not have much time once school starts up again. Disgustingly low bandwidth.
DAW: FL Studio 11, Audacity, Studio One (Don't use but can learn!)
VST': All FL Studio native synths. Use GMS, Wasp XT, Wasp, Toxic Biohazard, Harmless, Sytrus, and Sylenth1 a lot. Also have Ohmforce's Ohmicide.
Contacts/links: Skype: Feral FurE (The green wolf licking the wall)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC46DkM ... tuFEubuC8gSoundcloud: Feral FurE
[email protected]Timezone: GMT -6 (Central US Time)