Trumpet need for a song

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Trumpet need for a song

Postby Kenny Tweek » 19 Feb 2015 23:43

Sup people!
So, right to the point, i'm working with some friends in a parody of a Voltaire song, "Land of the Dead", and we need someone to play the trumpet (doesn't matter if digitally, if it's the case), so, does anyone here can do it? Be it real or digitally? It was supposed to be a song for nightmare night aka halloween, but well... Trumpet is hard to find these days...

That's the song btw:
Tell me, what's that thing called "talent"? Do you really think you born with it? Or do you think you learn it with time and dedication?

So yeah, me around the internet.

Youtube (Brony)
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Kenny Tweek
Posts: 31
Joined: 20 Jun 2013 08:47
Location: Brasil/Rio de Janeiro
OS: Windows 7
Primary: FL Studio
Cutie Mark: Guitar and Vocals

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