I seriously have no idea what to do now

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I seriously have no idea what to do now

Postby PonE-Sharp » 03 Feb 2014 08:16

I apologize for a vague title, but I have no clue how to adequately describe this problem, although I guess its more of a rant. The reason it's in this board, though, is that I am almost certain it has something to do with mixing and/or software ignorance.

Lately, I've been really really stressed over my orchestral work, because after three years, three fucking years of studying, practicing, and experimenting on how to get my music to sound its very best I don't feel like I've gotten anywhere. My music never seems to have that wow factor, that feeling of a good damn song. My instruments never sound vibrant enough, always seem to be muddied despite mixing out all the crap and always sound obviously synthesized, but then people like Tsyolin somehow manage this wizardry where you can't even tell if it's a real instrument or not. I know they say you shouldn't compare yourself to others like that, but it just frustrates me even more to the point of making me thing I'm just stupid for not getting it, like a joke everyone laughs at but me. Sometimes I blame it on shitty VST's, but I have East West Quantum Leap Gold, Ra, Truestrike, Requiem, Symphonic Choirs, and Project SAM Symphobia 2. I've dropped so much money to acquire those and now I feel like it was a complete waste.

It's so bad that I keep thinking of just quitting music all together. I don't want to quit music, but all its doing is pissing me off and making me very stressed. Every time I get an urge to compose, I open up FL Studio 10 and it all just comes flooding back in, the inadequacy, the frustration, and the anger. I've tried just pushing through it, but I've completed maybe two songs in two years, not even ones I'm entirely happy with. That's not a quota I like at all, and it just stresses me out even more seeing how unproductive I've been.

I know you guys have probably seen several similar threads from me in the past, but I think this will be the last one, because if I can't figure it out this time, I highly doubt I'll continue in music. I used to jump up and down at the thought of making music and now it just seems like such a chore, and it's really starting to kill me.

I'll just put a couple examples to give you an idea of what I'm dealing with. I wish I could be more specific, but that's just the thing; I'm sick with i don't know what and am in desperate need of a diagnosis, and after so many times of asking I can't ever figure out what it is I'm missing, why nothing I make ever stands out. (that or I just keep forgetting...)


It's also 8:am as I type this and I need to sleep. More than likely I'll end up regretting this thread in the morning because I think I'm starting to sound like a broken record.
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Re: I seriously have no idea what to do now

Postby CitricAcid » 03 Feb 2014 09:49

The short answer is that we all feel that way. We all find ourselves comparing our music to others' and thinking it isn't good enough. You can either let that depress you, or you can let it motivate you. In any case, don't let it stress you out. Stressing over something doesn't help you improve. Do your music in a way that doesn't stress you out.

For example, I've dabbled in doing art, but I have a tendency to pore over some little detail of my drawing for hours and then realize afterwards that the detail hasn't improved much and the rest of the drawing has suffered. I would stress myself out doing art this way. In order to not stress myself out, I decided that I would ignore the details and draw and re-draw my art as quickly as possible to keep myself focused on the big picture. After several iterations I would have something I found acceptable, and I would then start focusing on the details. Perhaps you can find a similar process of making music that works for you.

Regarding VSTs, while having good VSTs is important for orchestral music, they aren't everything; it's how you use them. On multiple occasions I've heard people make music using LASS that sounds like crap. The basic rule for making your instruments sound real is to automate the modulation (for EWQL libraries) and expression a lot. Play the instruments in the same way a real musician would.

As for mixing, I've found that it's more important to try and fix things with orchestration first before trying to fix things in the mix. Try doubling melodic lines at the unison or octave, add harmonies underneath your melodies or background elements, and add more and more instruments to fill things out. Get you piece sounding as good as possible before you start reaching for faders, EQs, compressors, and reverb.

Hang in there.
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Re: I seriously have no idea what to do now

Postby JSynth » 03 Feb 2014 10:13

I can relate to this. I am not really good at orchestral. Its a hard genre to work in, especially since you are trying to make a sample pack sound like a real instrument. Its also tough to compose.

Yeah, we are going to produce some shit in our musical careers. I know for certain that I have. I bet when Hans Zimmer first started composing, his songs weren't that great either.

My advice to you is this: Keep producing crap.
No really, the only way you are going to improve is if you keep producing music. A lot of it.
You don't have to post it all on sound cloud, just keep it to yourself if you want. Progress is gradual, so don't expect to see a major change in your sound over night. Eventually your crap music will start sounding real good.

Also, you really have improved. I took a listen to your first song on YouTube. Your stuff then was kind of bad. But the video you posted above sounds much better than I can do.
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Re: I seriously have no idea what to do now

Postby Navron » 03 Feb 2014 10:40

I initially struggled with a lot of similar things, but over time, I began noticing that each song I've produced is better than the last, especially in mixing quality. Still a ways off from competing with other musicians who already have an established sound and quality level, but getting better nonetheless.

One thing I always struggled with more is finding the inspiration or idea behind the song. The il Gates seminar video really helped with that, especially about keeping a journal. If my ideas start to run dry, I start utilizing the journal. More often than not after just a few days of writing stuff down first thing after waking up, the ideas start coming out, and I'm able to create my sounds with a closer accuracy than before.

So give the journal a try. If it doesn't help much, you've still got a good outlet to rant about things.
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Re: I seriously have no idea what to do now

Postby itroitnyah » 03 Feb 2014 15:35

CitricAcid already said that we all feel this way, and that you're comparing yourself to people who have been doing this for forever-ish. As just a small expansion to what he's been saying...

Compare yourself to people who have been making orchestral as long as you have. You may notice that your songs are either slightly better than, as good as, or not quite as good as theirs. Everybody gets good at a different rate. Hell, it took Flux Pavillion 10 years of making music to get noticed.

Learn from example as well. You're still learning a lot about making music, and you don't necessarily need to create something completely 100% original and inspirational all the time. Take a listen to some of your favorite songs and try to replicate what is going on in the song. Not copy, but use their song structure and the same types of instruments that they're doing to compose your own piece.

It's hard to explain, and I sometimes struggle to get motivated to make music, but it takes a lot of time and patience to get good. Just be patient and practice.
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Re: I seriously have no idea what to do now

Postby CaptainFluffatun » 03 Feb 2014 15:42

I'd like you to listen to the first song I ever made.

http://www.mediafire.com/listen/3c1g5gi ... Battle.mp3

As you can hear, I was utter garbage at producing music. So believe me, you will suck. You will suck for a long time. There is no secret overnight trick to make you John Williams. It will be a very gradual process, the length of which varies from person to person. But it's important to KNOW that you will suck. You say music feels like a chore, but it doesn't have to be. If you're worried about production getting in the way of composition, make chiptunes using basic waves from any synthesizer. Practically no setup, and it allows you to get right down to it and compose. As for production, which seems to be your main beef, you really just have to sit down and finish a song. No matter how bad you think it is, just finish it. You don't have to release it, or even show a single person. But going through the motions of completing a song over and over will allow you to familiarize yourself with your own workflow and what works best for you. It allows you to see what comes easiest and what is still very difficult. You might not be able to pinpoint what it is right away, but eventually you'll be able to tell EXACTLY what you need to improve on. I went on this way for a while, and I went from that first song to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyiaDsnyu0g

If you have any specific questions, always feel free to PM me on this site. I will answer all of your questions to the best of my ability. Don't be afraid of asking too many questions either. I want to see people grow.
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Re: I seriously have no idea what to do now

Postby Conduit » 03 Feb 2014 20:15

Hey could you add me on skype? I might be able to help, but I'm not sure if I can really get my message across through the forum. My username is in my signature.

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Re: I seriously have no idea what to do now

Postby prozeyic » 04 Feb 2014 06:47

If it's starting to stress you out maybe you should just do it for fun. What I mean by that is you should just start writing whatever you feel like and not worry how it sounds. Don't compare it to other peoples music, don't spend time worrying about if you're doing things right or not, don't try to make it sound like anything else. I have also been to the point where I was so stressed out that I couldn't write anything, and the fact that I wasn't making music stressed me out even more. So I just took a break from trying to be as good as everybody else, I just made whatever the hell I wanted because I enjoy writing music and that's why I do it.
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Re: I seriously have no idea what to do now

Postby Stuntddude » 04 Feb 2014 10:06

I can't say I've ever experienced anything one quite the same magnitude, but when I've started to feel uninspired or stressed or inadequate in little ways, I've always found it helps to stop trying and just make a lot of really bad music to get back into things. Just messing about doing things you haven't done before, making really weird sounds, even if it sounds like total garbage in the end, can help to re-motivate. Think about what you find fun (or used to find fun) about making music and forget everything else. I guess, don't be shy about making a lot of really bad music, even doing so deliberately, if it helps you to make a good song once in a while.
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Re: I seriously have no idea what to do now

Postby ClaviSound » 04 Feb 2014 12:57

Haha, here's a good example of the natural human tendency to judge others by output and ourselves by input. We don't know how hard others struggle to put out stuff, but we sure do know how hard it is for us.

I started writing rap lyrics about a year ago. Here's an excerpt from last year February or March:

Spoiler Terrible lyrics:
Now I ain't got all day, but if I may
I wanna say that poor rapping is not okay
Gotta pay your way and collect the dues
Here's some news, hate words are overused
And if you choose to take my little clues
Then you might get more than just some boos
But if you refuse, hey bro, that's your bad,
'Cause you lost a point to make you could have had

Now here's eight bars from one of the most recent verses I've written:

Spoiler Less Terrible lyrics:
Sunrays over blazing sands
Cutting through you like a sabre dance
Take a stand and fall, can't call out, nopony can help
No words to spur you along, only yourself
Nothing but dunes every place you look
Stand in a frying pan, and your brain gets cooked
Only taking books, don't expect your survival
No six-shooters, still dead on arrival

There's a difference in quality, for sure. But I'm still not even close to satisfied with that latter verse, even though it blows the first piece of junk out of the water.

As we improve ourselves, we start holding ourselves to higher and higher standards, and it's so, so easy to just give up and say "I'll never get as good as I want to be." But everyone, everyone, goes through this. Did your favorite musical artist just wake up one day and say, "Oh, I think I'll become a great musician today, for a laugh!" That may sound silly, but it's so damn true.

Honestly, I've been stuck in the doldrums of writer's block for months on at least ten beats, so I know that feeling of incredible anger at yourself for being unable to just do it already. But take an artist and a concept project they worked on, and ask them how true it was to their original vision. You'll be lucky to hear more than 20%. Sometimes, you just have to be okay with the gap between what you want and what you make. Over time, that gap may not close, but it will most certainly shrink.

It's funny, in a way. I know a few people who look up to me for my music, and yet I've only ever been satisfied with one performance lyrically, and even then the beat could stand to be remixed. We are our own worst critics, because we are there through the creation of every note or word, and can't escape the feeling that "there's a better way to do this somehow." Praise is the devil because there has to be something wrong with it, there's no one who can dissect the precise reason why it doesn't aurally "click" (provided you aren't speaking to Kyoga, but even then, most of what he points out is easier talked about than fixed), and anyone who says "it's okay" actually means "there's nothing that sticks with me, nothing that's memorable."

I've wanted to quit music a lot. It's been extremely tempting, especially when I pen new "best verses" that, while I consider them my best work yet, still pale in comparison to the level I want to attain. But I haven't yet thrown in the towel because at least I know that whatever I put out now, it's going to be better than when I started, and I proved that one more white boy who doesn't know what the hell he's doing can learn how to rap and garner a few friends along the way. I've met more friends through music than any other activity I think, and I count that as enough reason to keep going.
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Re: I seriously have no idea what to do now

Postby XXDarkShadow79XX » 07 Feb 2014 20:24

The best answer I can give: turn that crutch into motivation. If you view this horrid feeling as a barrier, then it'll act as just that; if you view it as a drive then it will too act as that. The easiest way you can do this is by sticking with it. Not happy with how it sounds? Do it again. And again.

This has been me for the past two years. Even though I stayed inactive on this very site, I still continued to make crappy WIPs, constantly. Hell, I'm still caught up on my damn name, let alone finishing a track. Not to mention the fact that I couldn't get into the music theory class at my high school, so I have to begin teaching myself, which is something that a 15-year old slacker like me couldn't possibly be expected to do. But I still boot up FL, and make crappy drops and practice my sound design. I still make terrible 16-bar trap and big room WIPS and overcompress the hell out of everything. But you know what? If you put my older projects (about 3+ months ago) and stack them up against my newer ones, the difference may as well be a complete joke. My mixing, sound design, and yes, music theory has improved substantially.

So what does this mean? I'm in the same boat as you man, just trying to plug up the holes rather than glare at them. Keep. Freaking. Going. There's not going to be a single problem you can't get past by doing so.
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