DAW advice thread

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Re: DAW advice thread

Postby Paianni » 06 Oct 2013 16:41

I few points I have to make about Logic Pro, even though they gravitate towards my own opinion more than anything else.

1) It doesn't give you many options regarding how you want your project to be structured in storage, and it won't respond to various dependencies being moved around alot. I would prefer to be able to save my samples and synth settings in separate places and not for Logic to congregate them all into it's on folder.

2) Again, continuing along the modularity line, I personally prefer my workflow to be very, well, modular and Logic doesn't suit me in that regard. I wish it acted just as a seqencer with all the synths/drum machines programs in their own right. That means if one part of the program fails, the rest of your work doesn't get flushed down the toilet.

4) Try moving your project files between different versions of Logic and you'll see what I mean. No matter whether you've come from a newer or older version, one of your patches will sound different. It doesn't even matter if you've saved all your patch sound files in the project folder. To make matters worse, it's virtually impossible to keep them all consistent because Apple forces you to update through their crummy app store. I can't upgrade from 9.1.7 to 9.1.8 because of this, they're trying to make me spend £100+ on something that will make compatibility even worse.

So there you have it, a little insight into what it's like to live with Logic.
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