Sorry if I'm necroing this thread...
Software:-Audacity (what I use for 99% of stuff)
-FL Studio 8 (pirated until I can afford it, pls don't h8)
-A bunch of free VSTs
-Amplitube (Also pirated,
I will buy all this stuff when I have a steady income next yearHardware:Keyboards:-Casio CTK-2100 (for MIDI originally but there are a few neat patches)
-Casio CTK-550 (Cheesy mostly, but again some neat patches. It was also free)
-Yamaha Electone (one of the FA models, I think it's a 150. Rad organ, sounds nice)
-Magnus Chord Organ (two octave reed organ with chord buttons, terribly out of tune, also free)
-Starmate Palette (???????What is this???????It's terrible????????)
In addition, I also have access to:
-two more 80s keyboards, real early digital ones. One is a Casio.
-Very small Lowrey Keyboard that is meant for children
-Very small Casio that is also meant for children
Very small keyboard that is meant for children (no brand, almost fits in your palms, sounds bad)
Recording Stuff:-Sennheiser HD 280 Pro headphones
-Peavey PVi2 dynamic mic (need an interface to use it though)
-APEX 440 USB condenser mic (it's what I'm using for literally everything)
-Bad external soundcard I got off of eBay held together with electrical tape and hatred
-Soviet Radio Microphone I got off of eBay for $20
In addition, I also have access to:
-A small collection of very much more expensive microphones
-A ZOOM digital multitrack recorder (Its weird to use after being used to computers but it's nice to work with)
-Digitech Vocalist Performer (Which I'm not a huge fan of to be honest)
Guitars and guitar accessories:-Jay Jr Acoustic (not currently with me because my dad needed a 6 string)
-Mahalo Uke (not sure the model but it's one of the better ones, and it even has a cutout!)
-Squier Affinity Series Telecaster (Lake Placid Blue, plays real nice imo)
-Ibanez TA-35 Acoustic Amp (which I don't use for acoustics but whatever. It's noisy.)
-Digitech Screamin' Blues (My brothers old one, if you plug the mixer out into your amp its sounds nice. I use it a lot for twangy country tones and electric blues stuff)
-Behringer Reverb Machine (I love this pedal. Behringer always gets a lot of shit but this pedal is
awesome imo. I crank the mix and decay for some smooth ambient sounds a la Andy Othling)
-Dunlop Crybaby (Impulse buy, talked the guy down to $25 so it was a steal. I use it to add texture when I do the ambient stuff)
In addition, I also have access to:
-Rogue DST-5 Distortion pedal
-A Digitech multi-effects that is missing its case so its just a board
-Two Greg Bennet acoustics (fucking awesome)
-A Blueridge Acoustic (this is my favourite acoustic, it's beautiful. It plays so nice. It sounds so nice)
-Cheap 12 string (not good condition)
-Not cheap vintage Fender 12 string (also not good condition but still playable)
-Seagull Acoustic (Neck feels weird)
-"High Quality" Banjo (if it says High Quality right on it it means it isn't)
-Cheap violin (I like using the bow on guitars though)
-Mid 70's Hagstrom Viking (I like this guitar. I want to be in a relationship with this guitar. Unff)
-Neat cheap uke that my brother carved (piece of shit, the neck broke off and is literally superglued and taped back on but the fucker hasn't gone out of tune in like, 3 years)
-Dean V (also won't go out of tune. Hate the shape but I love playing this)
Other Neat Stuff:-Cowbell (Apparently they have a percussion instrument manufacturer in the smaller town nearest the small town I live in?!)
-Too many maracas (not too many, you can never have too many)
-Various childrens percussion instruments (found at thrift shops, eBay, etc)
-Various flutes and tinwhistles
-Various Harmonicas (including a really cool Chromatic one, so rad)
-Various bells (Theres a thrift shop near me that gets bells in a lot so I bought a bunch for a track that I never finished)
-Little Tykes xylophone piano thing
-Small red accordion (That I love dearly)
-Toy chromatic bells from the 60's or 70's (that I actually used on a track for Toastbeard)
In addition to all this I'm going to be building some effects pedals of my own design, mainly a nifty tremolo using additive waveforms and a
very customisable and versatile distortion (how does over fifty knobs and two dozen switches sound?). I just need to get the rest of the parts in. There's also the solidbody Les Paul/Armada based guitar I've been building for what seems like forever now. It's gonna be rad.
I still need to get an interface (looking at a Presonus Audiobox USB) and monitors (looking at Rokit 5s, so original) and I'd like some rackmount gear in the future (compressor and limiter, mostly.)
I'd also like to expand my pedals and buy a better amp (something clean that can take distortion nicely, a boy can dream). Mainly looking at a delay, (Boss DD-2 or DD-7, or in a perfect world a Brigadier, DIG, and an El Capistan) another reverb (I'd love a BigSky, can you tell I'm a Strymon whore?) phaser, and another distortion (Looking at a DS-1 or a RAT2, or both...)
Waaaayyyy into the future I'd like to get some more guitars and a bass. Looking at an Explorer, (or a Dean Z) Jazzmaster, Mustang, or Jaguar. I'd like a nice Fender offset but the Explorer is
sexy. Probably get a Mustang bass.
I'd also like to get into analogue synths, and get a neat semi-modular like a Minibrute and use it with a full modular system. One day...
Alright, I'm done now. Sorry for rambling on

I'd like to apologize for all the absolutely stupid threads I've made in 2013/2014.