As some of you may know, I'm now a student of electrical engineering. And as such I have a bunch of classes where I learn certain things, mainly electronics. I have also gained access to an electronics lab with a metric f***-ton of components and equipment for cheap.
What better way to use this newfound knowledge than to build synth gear!?!?! Cause why waste good technology on science and medecine!!! (jk... I'll probably end up doing that later... but for now, time to persue the dream!)
So my first(ish) project will be a 16 step analog sequencer. I've been working a while on the circuit on paper, and tried some of it out on a breadboard. I've got some thinking, testing, decisions and similar work left before I can get to the actual building.
There will be 16 steps with CV-control. They each have a Tune knob, a fine knob, and a little led light showing which step is on. I may add a variable glide function if I can make it work without it affecting, or being affected by the tune knob (also, not adding too manny more components).
I have no plans on adding quantisation or trigger at the moment, since that's probably gonna be a bunch more components.
I haven't designed the actual sequencing part yet, but I plan to use 74-series logic chips. In particular a binary counter controling a MUX which turns on and off the voltage deviders in each step of the sequencer. Since the binary counter is probably gonna be an 8bit counter, I may add in a few switches some logic chips to use the higher bits to modify the pattern, maybe also having a pseudo random switch, to randomise the pattern. As I said, I haven't decided on that yet. It all depends on how few components I can implement things on.
I'll upload some diagrams later.