Senator Myth wrote:Does the tone row always have to be so rhythmically uninteresting? All the examples you posted had the lengths of the notes in the tone row being pretty close to the same... Can you mix up the rhythm/duration of them, or is that NOT ALLOWED!?!
Also, Dmitri Shostakovich said that all twelve-tone music sounds the same (I'm paraphrasing, and it was a YouTube comment, so I could be totally wrong yeah...) What are your thoughts on this?
Oh, well, I kept the rhythm the same because it made it easier to see what I was talking about!
Rhythm can be anything you want...
OR if you're really fancy, you could use your row to define the rhythm too!

And Shostakovich's quote...well, listen to the two different examples I used in the they sound the same?
TubeyouYou are the hero My Little Remix deserves, not the one it needs.
So we’ll hunt you. Because you can take it. Because you’re not our hero.
You’re a silent guardian of music, a watchful protector of songs.
A doctor of dissonance.