Pyrelight wrote:how do I an loops!?!??!??!"1
eery wrote:How do you people even handle having that much bullshit in the step sequencer?
FLAOFEI wrote:eery wrote:How do you people even handle having that much bullshit in the step sequencer?
I hardly ever loop loops. I realised I was using the 'make unique' function all the time, and ended up having 1034939294 loops all used only once in the song.
Now I try to make complete segments in single loops. Being as disorganised as I am, I find it easier than organising my playlist.
Edit: also, the project I posted is a bit special, so it doesn't look too much like what I normally do
eery wrote:Next gen gaming: Just fucking get a dog.
eery wrote:Next gen gaming: Just fucking get a dog.
Placing my tongue on the GR meter to taste the gain reduction I some how improved my skills.
Acsii wrote:I don't understand how everyone can have such unorganised projects... like how do you come back to a song after a break and know where to continue...
FLAOFEI wrote:Acsii wrote:I don't understand how everyone can have such unorganised projects... like how do you come back to a song after a break and know where to continue...
I think I speak for us all when I way we don't :3
FLAOFEI wrote:Acsii wrote:I don't understand how everyone can have such unorganised projects... like how do you come back to a song after a break and know where to continue...
I think I speak for us all when I way we don't :3
eery wrote:Next gen gaming: Just fucking get a dog.
FLAOFEI wrote:I think I speak for us all when I way we don't :3
Nah. My projects are always "disorganised", but I don't find it to hard to just look around in the project and see what did what and just keep on working from that. The real problem isn't finding which patterns where which or what channel was which sound. The hard part is actually being creative :I
Scooblee wrote:
Am I the only one here who uses a tracker? Looking at this thread makes me feel like it.
Also, this is a cover I just started on today (and might be my Remix War entry if I can keep up.) I'd really like for someone to guess what this is, but you don't have to if you don't want. (Hint: "Pulse 1" is the lead.)
Placing my tongue on the GR meter to taste the gain reduction I some how improved my skills.
Acsii wrote:There used to be another user on here that made all of his music using a gameboy. I've tried out trackers but they just don't fit my style as I do a lot of live tracking stuff.
Scooblee wrote:Acsii wrote:There used to be another user on here that made all of his music using a gameboy. I've tried out trackers but they just don't fit my style as I do a lot of live tracking stuff.
You don't happen to remember their name, do ya? I'd really like to know.
The only other name that comes to mind would be Interrobang Pie, but he hasn't wrote for Game Boy, only for NES/Famicom and some other systems.
Placing my tongue on the GR meter to taste the gain reduction I some how improved my skills.
Acsii wrote:They're someone that we don't really mention around here anymore...
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