by BronyMetalMix » 05 Apr 2015 07:22
Freewave wrote:Just so you're aware what most people recommend is that you go far below any chance of peaking w/o limiter or master compressor in place initally. You might even turn down your master volume to do that if you have to, and what you'll get is an unmastered version of your track (which you should enocde as a 24 bit vs a 16 bit wav). Again with 0 clipping being essential and often not even close to peaking at the top.
THEN you'l import that single wav file and do any mastering as a second step with a multi-band compressor and any other plugins you might need. This 2 part process allows getting all the full dynamics and quality of the music and avoiding any peaking or limiting of your signal. Doing both steps as one process often clips, squashes your sound quality, and taxes your cpu/ram. The multi-band compressor is the Last chain on your mastering process as if you throw reverb or anything else (even a straight lined eq) after you will likely get some clipping / hitting the red.
I don't know that DAW at all so i can't recommend what may be wrong with that individual project but hope this advice might shed some light on a way to get past your current hurdle and have a better music making process in place as a general process.
Thanks man,
What I ended up doing was no plug ins on the master channel. I listened to the song once more to make sure it never clipped. Giving myself some headroom as well. I ended up bouncing it as a 24-bit, highest quality possible .wav file so that when it's exported into the final MP3 and .wav nothing would be lost(Hopefully.) I brought it from Logic Pro into FL Studio on my other laptop cause of the Maximus Plug in.