Another public apology

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Another public apology

Postby RCYouKnowMe » 25 Jun 2014 18:56

It's about the bullying thread. Sorry to make you guys angry. Especially you freewave, and... yoga dude? Captain fluff right? I forget the name. I didn't know it would really affect peoples day differently from that kind of subject. I really struck a nerve there I guess. That tends to happen on these forums here. I've been banned from let's in the past three years. But I wanna stay on this one because I met a musician from Colorado, and I want to do this Collab thing. So don't ban me just yet. Are we cool or what? :?:
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Re: Another public apology

Postby Stuntddude » 25 Jun 2014 19:16

To be honest, you're very obviously ignorant of most of the stuff you mentioned, and a little bigoted, but I don't personally understand the inference that many people made that you were deliberately out to offend people.

Spoiler terribly inaccurate inference:
It seems to me, and anyone involved can correct me if I get them wrong on this, that you perhaps aren't very familiar with world views that oppose your own, but are mostly willing to talk them through, whereas some people on this forum have perhaps become all too familiar with world views opposing theirs, and (likely as a direct consequence) may be less open to talk through them because of some of the myriad awful experiences that tend to be had of people holding such (in this case, socially conservative) world views.

As I understand it, Freewave re-locked the thread because he felt your posts were less than coherent and intended to incite hostility. While I can agree your arguments weren't that well thought out, I also don't think that somebody voicing the opposite opinions equally aggressively and incoherently would have necessarily had their thread locked.

Also, afaik moderation here is pretty heavy but you're not likely to be banned, and if you are concerned about it you should PM a mod about it instead of posting here. Also, saying that you've been banned on 7 other forums does not help your case.
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Re: Another public apology

Postby eery » 25 Jun 2014 19:21

Stuntddude wrote:Also, afaik moderation here is pretty heavy but you're not likely to be banned, and if you are concerned about it you should PM a mod about it instead of posting here. Also, saying that you've been banned on 7 other forums does not help your case.

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