Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

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Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

Postby Lethaargic » 20 Aug 2011 03:15

I've been thinking about making this thread for a while, now I'm making it because I might not get another chance later. looks like I'm gana be moving and will be without internet connection for a while. My new roomie says he likes to sing though so maybe I'll have someone to collab with IRL yay!

It was really easy for me to fall into a sort of rut of doing things because they benefited me. This is unfortunately the example I see all to often set by others, and we are all composites of all the people we ever have contact with. Since I started watching FIM I've got a renewed sense of honor in upholding the values of honesty, loyalty, laughter (making others laugh), kindness, and generosity. I really think these values could be like PLUR for a new generation. I've seen unbelievably supportive people on pony boards, even a story about a girl who credited Pinkie Pie for giving her the courage to face her past and fears of her abusive step father. It really gives me a reason to believe in the inherent "good" of people again.

As far as the music goes, art requires inspiration. I've heard in canon and fan music some of the most beautiful, inspirational, and intimidating sounds I've ever heard. Who knows if I would have ever had the courage to just go for it and start making stuff without that inspiration, it's really given me something to shoot for. I've got a few new ideas and I'm going to keep moving forward and getting better, to give back to this community that has given me so much.

Enough sappy crud about me, what about you brony? I'm sure there are some really good stories so lets hear em'
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Re: Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

Postby Aussie » 20 Aug 2011 03:42

Oh hell yes. Like I said in the "Where would you be right now if you didn't do FiM/music?" thread, I was on 4chan, all day everyday. I was cynical, I was hateful, and pretty much everything else a /b/-tard is. Annnnnnd then I discovered MLP, and the brony community, and I realized, holy shit, 4chan is retarded. So I jumped ships.

I'd say the threads on Ponychan's /chat/ changed me more than the show did. You know the ones, where some guy does something awesome, just cause. I'm way too tired at the moment to make examples, but point is, they motivated me a lot to be a better person. Sucks, cause I'm not seeing those kinds of threads anymore.

[offtopic]And awww, you're moving? How long is that gonna take, cause I wanna style swap with you.[/offtopic]
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Re: Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

Postby Lethaargic » 20 Aug 2011 05:05

Aussie wrote:[offtopic]And awww, you're moving? How long is that gonna take, cause I wanna style swap with you.[/offtopic]

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Re: Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

Postby Interrobang Pie » 20 Aug 2011 05:17

Sort of. I wouldn't have repicked up FL without it. I'd still be extremely grumpy and making crappy chiptunes though.
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Re: Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

Postby PinkieGuy » 20 Aug 2011 06:26

I don't know that FiM has changed me, as I've always been one to get fanatical about things (for 6 months solid I was fanatical about any and all kinds of guitar effects and how to chain them together in weird ways... all I talked about incessantly).

What's different about FiM is that it's given me inspiration for a lot of my electronic music, which I'd never released before. I'm actually finishing songs now, which isn't something that happened before. In addition to this, I have lyrical ideas for my metal, which I never normally have.

tl;dr: Personally, not much. Musically, tonnes!

EDIT: My gig gear for my metal band may have also changed...


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Re: Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

Postby NightColt » 20 Aug 2011 09:43

I have become more open with people. Not sure if it's purely FiM or my Health teacher's lectures on building "healthy relationships". Probably a mix of both.

PinkieGuy wrote:Words, photo

Actually, a lot of the same has happened for me. The MLP fanbase gave me a reason to start really focusing on recording music, which in turn really helped my guitar technique.

Unfortunately, my band hasn't converted and is thus not as brutal and manly as your band.

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Re: Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

Postby IndustrialBreeze » 23 Aug 2011 12:59


I'd headbang to that.

You got a website? (aka where do I download your musics)
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Re: Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

Postby PinkieGuy » 23 Aug 2011 18:53

IndustrialBreeze wrote:Things

I have my music scattered all over the web:

My band: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ex-Curia-Band/141055519259518?sk=app_2405167945

My Metalcore stuff: http://higurashi.bandcamp.com

My recent pony stuff:

There is more, but I can't be bothered hunting it down off the top of my head. I'm an URL abuser <_<

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Re: Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

Postby bartekko » 28 Aug 2011 09:37

Again, if not MLP, (especially Aussie's Apple Skytree) I still would keep pretending that my destiny is C++, well, maybe i didn't completely get out of that, (see my sig), it is possible I'd sometomes write some of this and that for music and stuff. Also Poni made me play Portal 2, but that's less personal.

So pony made me gain interest in making music, and also took me back 8 years ago, where I was a cartoon-eater (wait, actually I have never got out of it <looks at his 15000+ page Donald Duck comics collection>)
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Re: Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

Postby Icky » 28 Aug 2011 12:14

If not for the remix war I wouldnt be doing music right now. I started making music back in 2009 but stopped producing about 10 months ago. Untill I saw the post on Equestria Daily for the Remix War: Round II.
I decided to join in and here I am right now, making more music than ever!

If it wasnt for MLR or ponies I'd probably still play a lot of video games every day. I havent touched a game in a month, true story.
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Re: Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

Postby Supersaw Hoover » 28 Aug 2011 14:28

It really hasn't changed me much as a person, since I've already had a distaste for /b/tards and it didn't take a lot to get me hooked on MLP:FiM. I suppose it has gotten me more active on Reddit and more active in forum-based Internet communities again (I'm more of an IRC-goer).

However, the real change for me was my gaining new hope for amateur electronic music scenes. What we have here is really special, you all know that, right? This is an equal-footing 100% free amateur music scene where originality and creativity are encouraged and weirdness is part of the fun. Not since the 'lolicore' scene have I seen so many artists making music that concentrates on fun rather than production quality...and this time it doesn't even pretend to be a fake genre! Even better, it exists to spread the magic of friendship to your ears, which may or may not be better than music based around raping lolis.

Hopefully we can keep it that way.
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Re: Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

Postby HertzDevil » 28 Aug 2011 18:36

I started a war over deviantART and killed an anti-brony.


I still cannot draw a single pony, though.
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Re: Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

Postby Interrobang Pie » 28 Aug 2011 19:44

HertzDevil wrote:I still cannot draw a single pony, though.

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Re: Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

Postby bartekko » 29 Aug 2011 03:50

KeepOnRockin' wrote:If it wasnt for MLR or ponies I'd probably still play a lot of video games every day. I havent touched a game in a month, true story.

The same, The flanking same happened to me.
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Re: Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

Postby Pinkie Cake » 29 Aug 2011 04:46

YES, MLP:FiM and the community changed me, a lot :D

I was a /b/tard once, but that has nothing to do with this story. Then I became a furry, but still with a heart of a /b/tard and this is the part where my life got turned upside down. Through furries I saw ponies and became happy for the rest of my life :D

If not for this community I either wouldn't make music or make something that nopony listens to, with remix war I atarted looking into composing music more seriously and now look at me, all my songs are pony related (not counting ASDFstep, but that wasnt a song).

But ponies showed me the way of love and tolerance and since then I'm loving and tolerating the shit out of everypony + with the help of ponies I got rid of my depression and gained a lot of self confidence.

So basicaly what happened to me is perfectly shown in this picture:
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Re: Has FIM or the Brony community changed you?

Postby Stars In Autumn » 30 Aug 2011 00:25

I'd say it has quite a bit, in the sense I never felt I was really part of an online community before this. 4chan and /b/ were too extreme for my tastes. I'm part of a private forum that's a spin off of a GameFAQs forum and they introduced me to pony. The attitude of the community is a bit different from others and it fits my tastes more. The community has gotten me to download a DAW and get back into music, something I haven't done since high school. And I've never composed music before, just performed. That and it's gotten me a bit more social to strangers over the internet. I would of never guessed I'd be meeting people IRL that I've only contacted through the internet but I met DerpyGrooves a month and a half ago, which was totally worth it.
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