--Introduction Thread-- Newbies Please Use This Thread First

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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Icky » 30 Jun 2011 12:06

Thought I'd do one of these aswell,

My name is Arjan, aka KeepOnRockin'
I'm still in highschool, would love to do something with music as career but I doubt I'll ever reach that level. at the moment I'm just having fun creating cheesy songs.
DAW: FL Studio '09, I tried Ableton aswell but prefer FL.
Hardware: not much, got a Akai LPK25 and LPD8, a game PC and some hifi speakers.
Music genres: I listen to almost everything, altough most of the time I prefer some power in my music. rock, metal, harddance, hands up and hardstyle. I started off producing hands up and recently also started doing hardstyle.
My favorite pony is Applejack, though I love them all.

That's all for now, unless I think of anything else to say.
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby markingdude » 30 Jun 2011 13:25

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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Aussie » 30 Jun 2011 14:58

markingdude wrote:- Started making mashups in 2010. Only had Traktor Pro and a DJ controller at the time.
- Currently a remixer remixing other people's works. I hope to start making originals once I get more comfortable and have inspiration.
- Likes weird stuff like video games, technology, anime, and music.
- Ableton Live is my DAW of choice.
- Pinkie Pie is so random, yo.

Soooo you're pretty much me? :D
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Mundius » 30 Jun 2011 15:24

Huh, I guess I need to do one of them intro thingies as well, huh?

I am Vinyl Scratch... my life is not that interesting. Except that I use FL.

EDIT: MaxMSP doesn't seem that hard. Have you seen how I tend to work sometimes? A mess so huge that I can't leave or I'll get lost in it.
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Supersaw Hoover » 30 Jun 2011 16:17

Oh, I know how to use MaxMSP too. It's really fun to play with. I made an eternal breakcore song generator in it once. That was fun. If anyone wants the maxpat I can upload it.
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Makkon » 30 Jun 2011 17:00

Vinyl Scratch wrote:I am Vinyl Scratch... my life is not that interesting. Except that I use FL.

Nonsense, your music is a blast to remix!
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby penguindf12 » 01 Jul 2011 03:10

Supersaw Hoover wrote:Oh, I know how to use MaxMSP too. It's really fun to play with. I made an eternal breakcore song generator in it once. That was fun. If anyone wants the maxpat I can upload it.

Ooh, yes please.
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby StarfireMoon » 01 Jul 2011 05:41

Hello everypony!

My names Zackery and i go by Fiera Windrunner/StarfireMoon
Im 23 yrs old

Currently im just working to get by, but i am planning on going to school for Architectural Design, 3D related stuff, or Something on the computer!

I started making music back in 2006 and i use FL 8 XXL version for 99.9% of my works **i used to own a yamaha keyboard and fender guitar till the were stoled :(** i tend to make electronic works but i have dabbled in various other genres as well.

I have tons of other hobbies like gaming, gardening, sewing, and more

Finally i have to say my favorite Ponies are; Princess Luna, Twilight, Rarity, Trixie, and Rainbow Dash!
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Dr_Dissonance » 01 Jul 2011 07:56

Hello folks!

My name's Richard and I am a classical composer!

I've been composing for about 4 years now and I'm not doing too bad, if I do say so myself! :D
I am just past halfway through my music composition degree with a specialty in modern classical techniques...I have an obsession with modern classical music, so my music will probably be very different than anything else on here! Whether that's actually a good thing or not is up to you!

I use Sibelius 6 for composing, VST's are all Garritan based and I meddle in MaxMSP a lot too! But more for live feedback during a performance...

...And that's all I can think of for now!
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Kie » 01 Jul 2011 08:21

Well hey everypony, guess I should of gone to this thread first but ah well!

My name's Kieran and I'm a British 18 year old producer, or learning to become one anyway. I go by the alias of Kie and I'm currently learning how to make Dubstep and DnB and hope to be cranking some full tunes out soon.

I've only seriously been producing for about a month or so and I'm currently working in FL 9, my skills are rather limited at the moment (EQ? Distortion? wat u on about willis) so I'll be looking forward to see what advice everypony has to give. My bronies Pat and Nick helped me onto my feet about a month ago and I'm drawing blanks on everything else. Either way it's nice to meet everypony and I hope we can have a chill time.

I suppose aside from that I'm just a kinda chill guy who just likes to have a laugh, play vidja games and make jokes and try and get others to laugh. And, most importantly, my favourite ponies are Fluttershy and Luna.
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby zorg » 01 Jul 2011 11:11

hi all,

i'm zorg a.k.a. with either a zero instead of an o, or a gn at the end. (the number of artists/bands called zorg rose in the past few years)

i'm 20, currently studying programming in a university
as a hobby, i try to draw, and translate things.

I listen to practically everything, i don't know how my brain works, but i like some tracks, and i dislike others. I don't discriminate neither by genre nor by artist.

my musical timeline is pretty straightforward; '96-: midisoft musicmagic, '98-: modplug/openmpt, sometime after 2000: FL studio 8-9-10.

genres.... i have problems with categorizing my music into those, but at least i can differentiate chip-like tunes from orchestral ones, and the third big group is all the rest that remains.

i have an emu xboard61 synth HW (too bad i never really learned how to play it like a true pianist) and a soundcard that is too good for its own good (that is, it doesnt work properly)

influences... it always seem to me that almost everything influenced my tracks, and some people said that it could be heard clearly what influences i used in them.

fave pony: Lyra

oh yeah, i have a habit of writing "i" lowercase. i think U all matter more than i, that is, i value others opinions verily but i'm too lazy to press shift :3
^feel free to disregard | genres... what are those? | :3
[collabgeddon] - too much time passed for this
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Senator Myth » 01 Jul 2011 11:16

I am Senator Myth, which is a clever anagram of my real first name and a screen-name I went by for several years, but which was unfortunately already taken by another musician. (Not a brony musician, but still. Didn't feel comfortable with it). You can try to figure that out if you really want to. :D

I'm pretty much brand new on the pony music scene. I've only released one track, and that was yesterday, although I already have another done. (I'm trying for a weekly schedule). My musical interests are just about everything, but I particularly like progressive rock, indie rock, and classical music. I adore My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, of course, as do you, and I love music. Of course. As you do.

I'm 18 years old. I play the bass, guitar, and keyboards, although the bass is probably my favorite. Reason 5 is my audio production program of choice.

Oh, and Chris Squire is best pony. Wait, I meant Octavia. Actually, Rarity. Rarity is best pony.

I wouldn't call myself a remixer, I prefer making original orchestral tracks. But I love just about all the music this fandom has made, and I'd like to be a part of this community of musicians. As long as I'm welcome, that is.
"Without music, life would be a mistake."
My music can be found here. Please check it out!
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Overkillius » 01 Jul 2011 12:23

Hi, I am Overkillius. (I try to keep my name on the interwebs consistent. Usually I game under Uberkillius though.) Generally I prefer to go by James.

First, I'd like to explain what I do. I am currently 18 and I am highly proficient in voice and sight singing. I am somewhat learning the keyboard and I am actually getting better at sight reading piano music. I am in an opera workshop where we are doing Carmen, and I sing in the chorus. I am also doing some other show where I do have a lead part, but I'm not aloud to explain it on any social media... even though I think it is impressive. I often sit down and try to "speed" compose a four-part progression about 24-32 measures long in under two hours in Finale 2011 based on what I've learned in a measly one year of high-school music theory. I also like to study scores of composers I enjoy singing and listening to such as W. A. Mozart, John Rutter, Randall Stroope, and Paul Rardin. I've also taken part in the "Art of the Dress" sing along on ponychan /co/ and I am excited to do the next one. I like to speak in recitative in settings where other people... err... ponies will also reply in recitative (because I find it entertaining).

Second, I'd like to explain how I got into ponies. (I'm sure you've heard it a million times from other people but here it goes) One Day after opera workshop my friend gave me a ride home. Some how he mentions ponies.
Him: Have you seen my little pony?
Me: That little girls show from back in the day?
Him: No. They made a new series... I watched the pilot. It's pretty scary. 18-30 year old men watch this show RELIGIOUSLY.
Me: I was actually wondering what all these people on forums and such were doing with ponies for their profile pictures.
And then we went into some conversation about viola players *snicker* (no offense if you play the viola)
Obviously I went home and watched it skeptically at first. I was hooked by the third episode. Next week me in my friend were in the same situation. He was giving me a ride home.
Me: YES!
Him: ME TOO!
We then proceeded to sing winter wrap up with harmonies and such.

Third, I'd like to state my plans for the future. Go into college to study music. Most likely I will end up as a director of a high school or college level choir, and compose mostly choral pieces. I currently plan though to get a job composing scores and underscores for Movies, TV shows, and Games. In the nearer future, I am going to keep doing speed compositions and other compositions, but I also want to get into more electronic types of music using FL studio and or other programs. (If I can save up for another piece of music software. This stuff is expensive) I also plan to get into anything and everything on this site if I can.

Rarity is my favorite pony followed by... I don't know. Either Twilight or Fluttershy.
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Overkillius wrote:The bad thing about music... is that it is subjective.
The good thing about music... is that it is subjective!
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby penguindf12 » 01 Jul 2011 13:56

Dr_Dissonance wrote:I have an obsession with modern classical music, so my music will probably be very different than anything else on here!

AWESOME. Have you checked out the really long post I made in "inspirations"? I'm also a composition major!
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby penguindf12 » 01 Jul 2011 13:59

but I particularly like progressive rock

Me too! Check out the "inspirations" thread, I posted some of my faves

Oh, and Chris Squire is best pony.

One of which is Yes' "I See You" from their first album, which is imho very underrated. And Chris Squire is the pony that got my started playing bass guitar! I'm 22 now, and I've been playing now for 7 years.

Cool to see so many people with similar interests!
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Makkon » 01 Jul 2011 16:39

Dr_Dissonance wrote:Hello folks!

My name's Richard and I am a classical composer!
I have an obsession with modern classical music, so my music will probably be very different than anything else on here! Whether that's actually a good thing or not is up to you!

That's EXACTLY the kind of music I'm into. I've been listening to your stuff, and I've been nothing short of impressed!

Also, HOLY CRAP welcome everyone! This forum is growing a lot faster than I expected, and it's exciting to have you guys here! I'm excited to get to know you all better, and I hope you guys stick around :]
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Interrobang Pie » 01 Jul 2011 16:49

Oh maybe I should have came here before I made millions (6) of posts.

I am Interrobang Pie. I make chiptune music and have been for the past year or so (although only seriously since six months ago). My weapon of choice is Famitracker, although I have occasionally been seen using other stuff like Milkytracker, sunvox and FL Studio. 99% of my musical knowledge is stuff I've taught myself either through observation or experimentation. A few months ago I got accepted into the Music Lobby, a Dropbox folder with 22 other members similar to myself.

I make games too. Games are fun.

I am also a Mega Man fan, so normally I find some crazy way of combining FiM with Mega Man (for example...). It is funny because I have been alienating my original Youtube audience by favouriting loads of pony shit so it comes up in their subscriptions feed. Secretly this is part of my plan to take over the world.

I am very picky and annoying.
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Dr_Dissonance » 01 Jul 2011 18:53

penguindf12 wrote:AWESOME. Have you checked out the really long post I made in "inspirations"? I'm also a composition major!

I have! Mentioning Webern = A Brohoof!
Fellow comp major = Double Brohoof! All the way across the sky!!!

makkon wrote:That's EXACTLY the kind of music I'm into. I've been listening to your stuff, and I've been nothing short of impressed!

Excellent and thank you! I wasn't sure whether to join or not, because remixes aren't really my thing and I've seen few classical pieces based on MLP, but I'm glad I did! I hope to be an...inspiration to the community!
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Whitetail » 01 Jul 2011 19:13

very picky and annoying wrote:I am also a Mega Man fan, so normally I find some crazy way of combining FiM with Mega Man (for example...). It is funny because I have been alienating my original Youtube audience by favouriting loads of pony shit so it comes up in their subscriptions feed. Secretly this is part of my plan to take over the world.

Megaman all the way, especially with all new games (in general) being a sinch to beat
Also, dem tunes - gotta love the old soundtracks (and the new ones for that matter)
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Aussie » 01 Jul 2011 20:01

Interrobang Pie wrote:I am very picky and annoying.

Nah, you're fine!

One question though:

Why are so many British men snarky and sarcastic/snarkastic?
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Interrobang Pie » 02 Jul 2011 01:06

Aussie wrote:Why are so many British men snarky and sarcastic/snarkastic?

Because the Queen commands us to be.
A great man wrote:Circuitfry: fries circuits of this whole topic, one at a time (I know that's not how servers work, but Puns work all the time)
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby ponyoxy » 03 Jul 2011 03:29

Hello everypony, I'm Ludovic aka. Ponyoxy but I mostly use "Yoxy".
I just finished high school and I'm gonna do engineering studies.

I make ytpmv since last year, so I don't call myself a real remixer. I use Audacity.
I'm also a Sonic/Team Fortress 2/Touhou fan.

My favourite pony is Flutterrage, rage has never been so cute :mrgreen: .
Pinkie Pie comes after and then Derpy Hooves.
Gentlecolts? It seems I am not the only brony here.
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Versilaryan » 03 Jul 2011 18:06

Hello, everypony! Newb composer here, looking to get into electronic music, and anything that isn't crappy Finale/Sibelius MIDIs. Right now, I deal mostly in modern classical music and jazz.

Currently a computer science major, though I think it's worth mentioning that I almost went into trumpet performance. Favorite pony is a toss-up between Pinkie Pie and Rarity.

So... yeah. Hello!
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby Makkon » 03 Jul 2011 18:37

ponyoxy: Hey, no worries at all man. We could all use some tips on video presentation, so any pointers you have would be valuable to the community.

Versilaryan: Man after my own heart, welcome to the board and I'm excited to hear your work!
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Re: --Introduction Thread--

Postby RobotPony » 04 Jul 2011 23:18

Hey guys! I'm Jimmy, but I go around on brony websites as RobotPony. I'm not too sure if I'm going to use that name to produce stuff, but I'm just going one step at a time. I've been playing guitar since I was 8 (over 11 years ago) and I want to get into making electronic music. Other musical interests include psychedelic rock and jazz. I currently only have Garageband, but I plan to upgrade to some form of Logic within a week.

I'm a Creative Writing major and a Business minor, but I'm not positive that I'll stick with that. Favorite ponies are Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Vinyl Scratch. Interestingly, I planned to get into making electronic music before I became a brony. One of my room mates is a raver from New York, and he really got me into that music. So, I think this forum will be perfect for me!
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