by rebel2122 » 14 Sep 2014 22:09
I don't wanna tell you how to live, but this is just my rant. I'm not gonna be that jerk at work giving you 'helpful' advice as to how you can do your job better. I'm the guy... who doesn't like that guy... I gotta break it down. It's what I do.
Man, I seen you guys about school. School is not school. School is a Mentality. A state of mind. It's for assimilation. Mass assimilation. Look me in the eye and tell me if it's normal to be locked in a building for 8 hours a day *Not working, but listening. Listening listening listening. You cannot move around as you please, you have to *ask to go to the bathroom, and you need to listen and do homework, and study things that are sometimes (get this) *Insignificant! Sometimes it's just straight lies. See I get it now this is the reason why everyone's so sensitive to their reputability, their reputation. You are afraid to not be assimilated. But I've learned there are only two things one should base their beliefs on, Logic, and faith. What is Logical? What are the facts, and how do you use those facts to live? That is faith. Logic is the facts, faith is how you interpret them -and how you use them. I have faith in the Bible. I do not have faith in the school system, as in I do not use them as merit enough to live my life under. Why? Well, is it Logical to you?
It all stems from there. Because what you're taught in the beginning is how you act later -or that's how the government wants it. Because Predictability is easier to manage. You thought they were hard working? Nah man, they teach you this way because they are too lazy to deal with renegades. What are the facts: the GMO food is bad, the corporation is everywhere, the ads are in your face, and the whole system is based off of taking out loans, and buying unnecessary nonsense, and always supporting the low rate standard lifestyle, because the right kind of lifestyle was gone: WE mess it up the moment we decide to take out those loans, and buy all that nonsense, and want more and more. Where'd the money go?
You get outa' car payment, and a mortgage, and a student loan, and loans for furniture, and t'v's , and laptops, and you buy the newest fashion, and the newest this and that, and nothing is ever old, and nothing can ever be fixed to be new. It needs to be right out of the package. Now I'm not saying one shouldn't indulge a bit, or shouldn't buy what they want. I think people should get paid for what they put in. But it's not worth it. there's too much stuff, and not enough time to earn that much. You may say 'it's my right to take out loans, and buy what I want'. Yes absolutely but if we just save, and live minimalist we'll have more cash to actually do stuff, and not be stuck working for material.
Now that's just the half of this messed up system.
Because living minimalist sometimes isn't enough. See, you gotta' know your rights, and manage your time to get it straight. Because once you know they're still present and you know how to use them things get better. This country still has rights, but you can know them, but not know how to use them. Now what am I talking about? I'm talking about how we have the right to take the CLEP's tests, to get scholarships, and to pay for that college one semester at a time so you don't need no middle man like sallie mae. I'm talking about at that job you're applying for you have the right to make your own business contract, and negotiate with them. I'm talking about the big ones too. the BIG businesses are not to big to fail, and we always forget they need us, and we need them. It's a two way street, and if you know what your rights are about work: they can't cut corners. I'm also talking about one thing too -not only minimalism, but maximizing your ability in what you do. Not buying toys, but investments.
The last thing is the understanding of God. Because if we communicate with him, we have direction. because we want all of this instantly sometimes, but there is a plan. There is a plan for you, and another for me, and one for the jihadist, and CIA proxxy warrior that left the plan long ago, and if out signal with God is blurred what is there to know? The system is filled with Cults all the way up, and it's trickle down effect, and the full story is a rare tale indeed. The full understanding of what the verses mean, and what actions to take, and how to deal with all of this. See, I think here I'll be accused on bigotry, and Racism. Just a reflex. Disclaimer: I'm not saying the blacks are less equal, nor the gays are to be oppressed, nor the women to be limited in their ability. I'm saying there are instructions on how to get out of whatever hole we get in. So there.