Freewave wrote:being too critical can make you too critical
Mr. Bigglesworth wrote:You know, if someone at Education Queensland would just answer a fucking email, I could get my Certificate of Education and I would have nothing to be stressed about because I'd have that one thing that I need to attend University instead of this unresponsive bullshit I'm getting right now.
Placing my tongue on the GR meter to taste the gain reduction I some how improved my skills.
We breakfast is e
Viricide Filly wrote:I'm gonna say this once. If you have a problem with me. If you have a problem with me thinking I'm a pony, with my gender or species dysphoria. If you have a problem with my sense of humour, my tendancy to cause shitstorms. If you think I'm a massive fucking autistic retard, which I AM, FUCKING TELL ME. I don't give a fuck that way. But if you think it's okay to talk about me behind my back, then let me tell you something. Shit like that genuinely affects me.
Magnitude Zero wrote:My life's kinda sorta been falling apart lately.....
itroitnyah wrote:Today has been a fucking awful day. I just want to fucking punch the hell out of everything.
Magnitude Zero wrote:@Freewave: Thanks for the concern man, you're the best <3
Venting about this definitely helped, and I'm feeling much better now! I'm usually pretty good at dealing with everything, but it does get to me now and then.
Have you tried... Taking a nap?Facade wrote:im tired
and most of all im tired of being tired
CaptainFluffatun wrote:Nowadays I often find myself only practicing things in order to spite others. I no longer feel like I'm doing anything because I like it, even though I do like it. I only feel like I'm doing it to make the people I hate jealous. And that makes me want to do things less.
FLAOFEI wrote:I hate who ever decided swedish students needed a higher level of swedish when they go into university... Some ppl at the Universitys decided the papers they got had a to low level of swedish for them to grade properly. As a result I have to read an additional year of swedish...
The big problem is staying motivated in school... I just don't care about learning bulshit subjects! I know it's usefull to know lenguages and all, but I see virtually no reason to force people to learn useless facts about how lenguages evolved. I will never have use of these skills! And since I have dyslexia my reading speed is crap, so it takes me forever to research anything! And when I finaly do the work I get angry as hell (and I am very calm irl btw)
I have a metric fuckton of preasure on me from family, friends and even myself to keep up my As. I have A in more than half my subjects, not to brag, but 13 As, 4Bs, one C and one D... My family expects me to keep up the trend, I hate not being a topstudent, my teachers know my goal is A, and I have this one asshole friend who insists on that I am the guy who allways gets As, the rest of my friends think I shouldn't complain over a C, so it's both preasure and nobody to open up about it to!
I don't do the work, cause I have no motivation, but I hate myself for not doing it! EVEN MY GF THINKS I'M THE GUY WHO DOES NO WORK AND GETS GOOD GRADES ANYWAY!
I don't expect anyone to recognize this as a problem, but I can't sleep, and tomorow I am suposed to write about the history of the swedish lenguage and make a presentation on bipolar disorder... neither of which I am prepared for, and everybody expects me to get a good grade. It's 1 30 in the morning and I should be sleeping, but it feels like I'm gonna fuck up my future tomorrow, and that is not a good feeling!
anyway... it's sleepy time, and I should atleast try to sleep
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