Pickslide1992 wrote:Another forum I'm a part of has one, so I thought I'd have one here. This is a thread where myself or other forum members can help anypony here with a problem of if you feel like getting something off your chest, do it here.
I'll go on and break the ice. So far, this year has been nothing but major suckage for me. First off, my guitar had a busted tuner that was, thankfully, replaced, but that's only the beginning. My laptop got a virus and I have to put everything I had on it back, right before school started back, no less. Speaking of school, my college's website isn't working for me on any computer I use, making it impossible for me to do any assignments so far.
That said, I'll happily help with any problems you have as I assume you will mine. Let's lend each other a helping hoof, huh?
DJ Pon-3 wrote:Hugging: I promise to try to listen to any track that's posted in the Music section (because its nice when people check out your track and give you constructive criticism coupled with positive feedback). I might only do this on the back end of the week (from work)but I'll try my best.
randomblockfilms wrote:YES!! i try to do this but there are soo many musics and soo little time GAH! if i have the time i try to listen to them but there so much! i always fell guilty when i don't listen to someone's music.
TheSunAndTheRainfall wrote:@randomblockfilms: That reminds me a bit of my sister, but to a more annoying extent. If you don't wanna listen to him anymore I guess the best you could do is just flat out tell him you're not interested in any of that, and that it's getting on your nerves. That worked on me when my sister god fed up with me talking ALL THE TIME about Pokemon a couple of years back. :B Or you could just ignore him, but I think it might be helpful to find out why he's telling you (and only you, from the looks of it) all this stuff. Maybe he just wants someone to talk to, and you're the only person he knows will listen, and that's the only topic he can more or less work his way around.
Triple_B wrote:Plus I feel like one of those 14 year old girls whoring for attention on their precious Facebook with quotes and crap whenever I try to vent, I don't know why, it just comes off that way whenever I try.
Guys, one of my cousins was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism and had a visit to the hospital. She got to leave, thank goodness, but I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch. I've been to the hospital (Twice, both for major surgeries) and it's not a day at the beach, and having a cousin (Who has two children and a loving husband) become borderline anemic is a hard pill to swallow (Pun not intended)
Triple_B wrote:Rant
randomblockfilms wrote:Triple_B wrote:Rant
awww yes!! you let up to it! i was wondering what your rant was going to be about and now we can helpz!
well you probably feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel
well weather you do or not, there is a light. and you will get there! its just that the tunnel that you are in is turning so its kind of hard to see it.
now for the MIDI controller. If you use Ableton you should be able to map different MIDI keys and keyboard keys with the MIDI and KEY mapper on the top right section, near the CPU meter. you can map buttons to knobs and knobs to buttons. (I think) If you are using something else, there should be a way to map keys and stuff.
For this show at the Bonanza, im a bit confused. you are playing for a charity? well it cant be that bad if this is true. you are playing for free for a good cause. ( im assuming)
If this is some corrupt thing you are playing at, then i wouldn't recommend playing at all. do not feed greedy people. they are NAUGHTY!
now about this show in Denver, you say that you don't want to play cause you already have one that was planned? or is it because of the drugged up people you are playing for? Either way this i think is kind of a reason why i dont think i could be a DJ or performer. playing in front of a crown thats drunk and not even paying attention to awesome transitions of sick automations would make me feel kind of, "meh. why am i doing this?" Plus, if you bio info is right, you are only 16!! you are still very very VERY young! i don't think that preforming in front of an intoxicated audience is a good thing to do at your age. (although it would be an interesting story to tell)
ok now for the friends. they say you are ditching them for ponies and music. well they may have a point if you avoid hanging out with them by saying,
"oooh yeahh sorry. i got a gig im going to. its called BroNYcon. ya heard of it? its where musicians play music about ponies. and you guys dont like either of them so looks like you can't come." then they might have a point. Not sure if you do this or not but never brag about ANYTHING! bragging is just very bad. if your joking around thats a different story but if you full on mean it, you just kind of make yourself look dumb. my friend does this a lot. he will talk to me as if i dont know anything. he goes to Yosemite for the first time and he is like, "the cliffs are literally 3 THOUSAND FEET STRIATE DOWN!! LIKE REALLY! THEY ARE!! YOU HAVE TO GO THERE FOR YOURSELF!! YOU DON"T KNOW WHAT IME TALKING ABOUT! I MEAN LOOK A THIS PICTURE I TOOK!" *shows me a blurry picture of a 1000 foot drop*
then i tell him ive been there 4 times and he is all like. "oh...."
If you dont brag about ponies and music and they still think you are ditching them then they are not good people to hang out with. i mean they might be but i dont really know em.![]()
and the part about falling in love "with one of those "friends' " girlfriend" i dont know if i can help you there. love isnt what i specialize in. xD to be honest, im 17 and i think im still too young. although it cant hurt it you have a soulmate at a young age.
and the part about omnipony. yeah. that is just something you have to get over. i mean im pretty sure most people's reason for quitting would be because of him. now he, HE has the right to brag. but when you are that good, its just kind of being mean.
hope this helps!!
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