Makkon wrote:Supersaw, I think you missed the point.This isn't about trolling, just look at the linked gdoc and the newest thread welcoming our new mods We were obviously trolling eachother, and enjoying it). This is about treating people nicely, and adjusting your attitude. Please re-read the section entitled "its the attitude." Love and tolerance is what the brony community is supposed to be built off of, and no, it is not outdated or old fashioned. If we can't uphold that standard, don't expect this place to last. This isn't a general pony board, this is a forum of artists and musicians.
Supersaw Hoover wrote:Several Valid Points
Makkon wrote:One of the simplest ways to be a nice person is to show respect for other people’s standards.
Diss Order wrote:P.S. This is just a suggestion, but ban it from the prelisten streams as well. It wouldn't even be THAT bad if it was just a skypecall, but making a full-screen analysis of a scat image to about 80~100 stream watchers, just minutes after Sethisto left the call... Imo that's just outright irresponsible and rude. You guys might think it's okay, but a huge part of the fandom thinks it's disgusting. One moment you represent the prelisteners Seth recruited for his brony newssite, and the next moment you stream NSFW stuff to the same stream crowd... Think about that for a second, please.
Makkon wrote:Are you serious?
The prelisteners are direct recruits from MLR and are supposed to be our representatives for EQD. Seriously, guys, you're free to do whatever you want outside of MLR influence, but this is unacceptable.
Does Seth know this happened?
A great man wrote:Circuitfry: fries circuits of this whole topic, one at a time (I know that's not how servers work, but Puns work all the time)
KeepOnRockin' wrote:I wasn't there, so I cant really judge the situation but Mic's stream doesn't really have anything to do with the prelistening.
H8_Seed wrote:From the exact moment I swore into the US Navy, every single fellow service member I have ever encountered has told me the exact same thing: above all else, I represent the fighting spirit of the Navy and those who have gone before me to defend freedom and democracy around the world. This means that, at ALL times, I am the face of the US Navy, and I am expected to act like it. It's a bit less strict with this community, as there's no contract or anything of that nature.
The fear of "chat breaking" that the pro chat's guidelines state is not due to trolls, but due to Skype. It's just a thing that happens because Skype is the best kind of program.
Derpy Hooves wrote:The fear of "chat breaking" that the pro chat's guidelines state is not due to trolls, but due to Skype. It's just a thing that happens because Skype is the best kind of program.
The Megaskype is the only chat I have ever seen break in all my history of using skype, of being large and small, active and inactive chat rooms. It's kind of hard to blame that on the program.
As for the whole pre-listening thing - guess that's just because they chose to host it on someone's personal stream, someone might want to go ahead and make a serious one just for pre-listening if we're going to take this seriously.
It’s the attitude
So you may be popular. But you’re popularity doesn’t exempt you from anything. It’s okay be be charismatic and proud of your work, but we all saw the episode on this; the attitude that your popularity makes you superior to others is unacceptable. You should treat everyone with respect, regardless of who you are, or who they are. Remember you started out at the bottom as well.
Because this recently has become a problem, many of you may be unaware of what this has done to some of our newer members. If only you knew. There is a huge gap in self esteem between starting musicians (who are your fans) and the popular artists. This gap gets bigger every day. The attitude of the popular musicians is the main cause of this rift, this cannot be denied. As their role models, we ask you to stop. You have the power to influence the brony community more than you may know. What would you like to be remembered for?
To the people who feel unappreciated or ostracized by the way you’ve been treated by your peers, hang in there. It gets better; all the musicians that you look up to started where you are right now, and there is no reason to feel inferior to these people solely based on popularity, or even the quality of their works compared to yours. The crucial thing to take away is that we as musicians are all equal human beings. It is important to have respect for yourself and to appreciate your talent. You are contributing something enjoyable to the fandom, going beyond what is expected of a fan. You are special in that respect, alone.
The numbers aren’t important. What’s important is the music, and that you enjoy it enough to create it. Never let that change. When music ceases to be a creative outlet, and starts to be a popularity contest, it loses its artistic merit. Make music for yourself, not for the numbers. This is what will bring you satisfaction.
I=Pie wrote:"Love and tolerance" has always been a pretty stupid submeme. It's just like "your argument is invalid" - a petty way out of situations so that you don't have to stand your ground. Similarly, the implication that bronies = nice just doesn't make any sense. Bronies = bronies. That's it.
Makkon wrote:My friends understand that I’m not a fan of swearing (I’ve only sworn when I’m mad) so they avoid it when they’re around me.
Derpy Hooves wrote:The Megaskype is the only chat I have ever seen break in all my history of using skype, of being large and small, active and inactive chat rooms. It's kind of hard to blame that on the program.
Viricide wrote:Thanks Obama. Or should I say Cirbama.
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