Official Discussion Thread (Ghost Edit)

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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby ExoBassTix » 06 Jul 2014 04:14

Well, an iPhone doesn't exactly have a lot of storage. That's why I bought an additional 160GB iPod Classic which has already been full for quite some time.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby eery » 06 Jul 2014 04:24

I recently got a kindle. I sorta cancelled the first time because I was unsure if I should get it, since I'm a bit broke. Even then I spent a bunch of time beforehand deciding to buy it or not. I do that shit a lot, so I think I'm sorta the opposite of a compulsive buyer.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby Jokeblue » 06 Jul 2014 09:11

Man, I know what thats like. When I go to a store, even when I know what i'm buying, I will search the entire shopping centre to make sure that it's the best deal in that area as well as contemplating if I really want it, If I really need it, what else I need money for and why I shouldn't spend it, what else there is that I could get for the same or similar prices, if it's worth it, why am I getting it etc etc... When I'm not super serious about buying a certain thing, I could spend up to three or four hours making many, many laps of the big shopping centre near where I live to come home with nothing at all but used time.

I kinda hate mindlessly spending cash. I'll do it sometimes but in almost all cases i'm pretty careful and considerate with what things I buy and how much I spend.

Mr. Bigglesworth wrote:Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but if you already had an iPhone why would you buy an iPod? They became pretty much obsolete.

Well, I have an Ipod touch that is almost completely full with music. I think its 32 gig. I had that for quite a long while until my parents upgraded their phones and gave me their old Iphone. The thing is way too small for me to put all my music on, so I keep the one I already had around.

Bronies Are Cool wrote:I'm drivin down a road in the absolute middle of nowhere at 100 mph and the limit is 55.

Holy shit BaC. That's 160 km/h. I'm sorry but are you insane?? Embellished story or not, that's just stupid and I sincerely hope you don't ever do something like that again.
Stuntddude wrote:
Toothpaste wrote:
Stuntddude wrote:I think there's a term for that, it's called a "death wish"!

I thought it was called "speeding", but what do I know? :P

65 on a 55 road would be speeding. 100 on a 55 road is a death wish.

This. Seriously, don't speed guys. It is way too often that people are killed because of it, whether it's the driver, passenger, people in another car or the sidewalk... just, please don't speed. Be safe in your driving. A car is simply a way of getting from point A to point B. You shouldn't put your own life or the life of another at risk for the point of a cheap thrill. [/endsafetyrant]

Lying Pink wrote:
Berri wrote:
Jokeblue wrote:And England.

dont come to england, tis a silly place.

I'll make u tea

Sold! Despite the fact that I drink tea very regularly in Oz anyway but who cares, it's TEA in ENGLAND!

Lying Pink wrote:
Viricide Filly wrote:We have shortbread and Irn Bru
I'll toss a caber at yo face min

This is why England and Scotland should be better friends. Tea is awesome. Shortbread is awesome. Put them together and it's even greater than the sum of its parts

Very well I shall duct-tape the two countries together and make sure that no home is without tea and shortbread. The two are such a perfect match.

FLAOFEI wrote:Come to Sweden. We have hurdi purdii meete ballze di skortbolllar!

I have bought Swedish meatballs from Ikea on many occasions. Without a doubt the best meatballs.

Mr. Bigglesworth wrote:Come to Australia. I'll...erm. Give you a lamington..and show you a kangaroo if I see one! Australia isn't very interesting unless you get out of the cities tbh

Lamingtons are godly. Also hush now don't under sell our country! It's not that uninteresting :P I dunno maybe it is. Or maybe it's just because we've lived here our whole lives. If any of you come to Australia, Biggles, Ascii, maybe Evdog, or I will personally give you a lamington. I can't speak for the availability of the others but if you come to Sydney you can hold me to that :3

But yeah. Nederlands, Sweden, Norway, all those places... They seem so beautiful. I would really love to visit there at some point.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby eery » 06 Jul 2014 09:21

Middle - North parts of norway in the summer are the nicest, because the sun never reaaaally sets. So at like 23:00 it might look like this.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby Jokeblue » 06 Jul 2014 09:58

Wow. The long nights during winter must suck though...

That's not an every winter thing, is it? I've heard of how you sometimes have polar nights where the sun doesn't even appear for the full 24 hours and I've heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder and all that. The concept of the sun being up all day or not even appearing is so foreign to my world... Do you get used to it at all?

I'd assume it affects most of the northern Scandinavian areas, but does it reach very far south?
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby eery » 06 Jul 2014 11:06

I've lived in Oppland before, which was pretty south, and at the worst, we had only like 4-6 hours of sunlight a day there. Thats like in 14 desember some time usually. I live back in the north-middle now, where we do get days which have maybe only 2 hours of daylight, but thats at the worst, might be more, I dont remember.

But it is every winter, yes. I'm sorta affected by the whole seasonal depression thing myself, not severely, but its annoying. Spring always makes me like super happy though.

You do sorta get used to it, especcially since it changes gradually, a little more sun every day.

When I was a kid, I would always say to my mom like "What, I have to go to bed already? The sun hasn't even went down! This is bullshit."
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby Luks » 06 Jul 2014 11:14

I was today at Crystal Fair (Pony convention in Finland). Really nice convention. There was also nice evening party yesterday with many brony musicians performing like Twitch, Daniel Ingram, RC88, HMage...
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby Toothpaste » 06 Jul 2014 11:17

Luks wrote:I was today at Crystal Fair (Pony convention in Finland). Really nice convention. There was also nice evening party yesterday with many brony musicians performing like Twitch, Daniel Ingram, RC88, HMage...

Sounds like quite the party! :D
Also makes me more jealous of all the HorseCons >.>
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby Bronies Are Cool » 06 Jul 2014 13:25

I know freewave does some work for a con here in Denver. He did last year and will again this year I believe. I want to go to it, but I need to find a reason as to why I would be gone until super late. I don't really want to tell my parents I am going to a pony convention. I doubt they would like the idea of that.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby FLAOFEI » 06 Jul 2014 15:27

Luks wrote:I was today at Crystal Fair (Pony convention in Finland). Really nice convention. There was also nice evening party yesterday with many brony musicians performing like Twitch, Daniel Ingram, RC88, HMage...

Dude! I was there to! I'M STILL UTRA HYPE ABOUT IT EVEN THOUGH IT'S KINDA OVER!!! Did we meet eachother maybe? We probably bro hoofed, I was the guy giveing random bro hoofs to everyone, and the guy who went around proposing toasts to poneys, and the guy with the purple glowsticks, and the RD tail... remember me?
Needless to say, I had the best time of my life! We laughed, we sang, I think I started one of many "FUN FUN FUN" flash mobs. I bro hoofed Daniel Ingram!!!!!!!!!! And I got an autograph from him "TO FLAO" OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH!!! And I bought a super awesome custom Derpy figure... FOR 150 EUROS!!! Litterally more than half of what I spent on merch in total! And new friends! Gaaaaah! SO AWESOME!!!
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby ExoBassTix » 06 Jul 2014 15:41

Bronies Are Cool wrote:I know freewave does some work for a con here in Denver. He did last year and will again this year I believe. I want to go to it, but I need to find a reason as to why I would be gone until super late. I don't really want to tell my parents I am going to a pony convention. I doubt they would like the idea of that.

What about meeting with friends?
It didn't work for me because the meet-up I had planned is in England, plus I'm 15, but you're grown-up and you say it's near you, so you shouldn't have trouble.
Last edited by ExoBassTix on 06 Jul 2014 16:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby Freewave » 06 Jul 2014 15:46

Bronies Are Cool wrote:I know freewave does some work for a con here in Denver. He did last year and will again this year I believe. I want to go to it, but I need to find a reason as to why I would be gone until super late. I don't really want to tell my parents I am going to a pony convention. I doubt they would like the idea of that.

Yeah either say you'll be with friends or come clean that this is a legitimate convention where fans are going. i know it may be an awkward situation where you have to say you are into something that SEEMS weird on the surface but there's some real legitimacy in the fandom at this point. You can point them to a documentary and video on the subject if you need to spell it our for them. It's really up to you how you want to do it.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby ExoBassTix » 06 Jul 2014 16:10

I guess people accepting bronies is the same as people accepting gays, except less focused on. "It's who I am." That's what both sides would say. I guess it's why the term "closet brony" exists.
So yeah. Similar situation, decide for yourself if it's worth trying. Otherwise go with hanging out with friends.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby eery » 06 Jul 2014 16:14

I've always found it a stupid comparison. It's just a show, it doesnt say anything about you.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby Acsii » 06 Jul 2014 16:58

eery wrote:I've always found it a stupid comparison. It's just a show, it doesnt say anything about you.

Exactly. No one gets horribly judged for watching Pokemon or playing it
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby Luks » 06 Jul 2014 18:10

Dude! I was there to! I'M STILL UTRA HYPE ABOUT IT EVEN THOUGH IT'S KINDA OVER!!! Did we meet eachother maybe? We probably bro hoofed, I was the guy giveing random bro hoofs to everyone, and the guy who went around proposing toasts to poneys, and the guy with the purple glowsticks, and the RD tail... remember me?
Needless to say, I had the best time of my life! We laughed, we sang, I think I started one of many "FUN FUN FUN" flash mobs. I bro hoofed Daniel Ingram!!!!!!!!!! And I got an autograph from him "TO FLAO" OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH!!! And I bought a super awesome custom Derpy figure... FOR 150 EUROS!!! Litterally more than half of what I spent on merch in total! And new friends! Gaaaaah! SO AWESOME!!!

I'm not sure if we met, I didn't bro hoof anyone D: I didn't buy anything expect food.
I was part in a group that had big cardboard sign with "Autismia" and "Poneja :3"-texts on it. We got autographs on that sign too.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby Bronies Are Cool » 06 Jul 2014 22:35

Freewave wrote:
Bronies Are Cool wrote:I know freewave does some work for a con here in Denver. He did last year and will again this year I believe. I want to go to it, but I need to find a reason as to why I would be gone until super late. I don't really want to tell my parents I am going to a pony convention. I doubt they would like the idea of that.

Yeah either say you'll be with friends or come clean that this is a legitimate convention where fans are going. i know it may be an awkward situation where you have to say you are into something that SEEMS weird on the surface but there's some real legitimacy in the fandom at this point. You can point them to a documentary and video on the subject if you need to spell it our for them. It's really up to you how you want to do it.

I'd like to say I am hanging with friends. I usually would rely on saying that I want to stay the night at my friend (insert name here)'s house, but my mom is against "sleepovers" because it's "weird" for someone my age to want to stay the night at another person's house. Mind you I'm 18.
She is more ok with it if I am hanging with multiple guys over night. But the only group of guys I know that do that is also all friends with my brother. So, if I say that I want to hang out with that group of guys over night, my brother will want to go too. Then he will find out they are not actually hanging out and them tell my mom.

If I tell the truth, I officially come out of the brony closet to my parents. Then I also risk not going because my mom will research the convention, see the term "brony", research bronies and see all the bad stuff and then conclude that only the bad stuff is true and it's true about all bronies and mlp enthusiasts.

Not sure what I'm gonna do.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby ExoBassTix » 06 Jul 2014 22:44

Acsii wrote:
eery wrote:I've always found it a stupid comparison. It's just a show, it doesnt say anything about you.

Exactly. No one gets horribly judged for watching Pokemon or playing it

While I agree that bronies are easier judged than Pokémon fanboys or fans from other franchises, I disagree that liking MLP:FiM says nothing about you. Just like being a closet brony or not also has a different say about who you are.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby Acsii » 07 Jul 2014 00:34

ExoBassTix wrote:
Acsii wrote:
eery wrote:I've always found it a stupid comparison. It's just a show, it doesnt say anything about you.

Exactly. No one gets horribly judged for watching Pokemon or playing it

While I agree that bronies are easier judged than Pokémon fanboys or fans from other franchises, I disagree that liking MLP:FiM says nothing about you. Just like being a closet brony or not also has a different say about who you are.

You're right it does say something about you. That you have an interest in a tv show... that is all.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby eery » 07 Jul 2014 08:23

ExoBassTix wrote:
Acsii wrote:
eery wrote:I've always found it a stupid comparison. It's just a show, it doesnt say anything about you.

Exactly. No one gets horribly judged for watching Pokemon or playing it

While I agree that bronies are easier judged than Pokémon fanboys or fans from other franchises, I disagree that liking MLP:FiM says nothing about you. Just like being a closet brony or not also has a different say about who you are.

It doesn't say anything about what kind of person you are, nor what sort of people you'd like to be asscosiated with, nor what sort of people you'd like to have relations with. It's just a show.

Hiding that you watch the show is also VERY different from sexuality, as you don't have to, in any way, to share that you watch the show, it literally doesn't matter, even if other people happen to do.

Except extreme situations with bullying and such, it's not damaging to the person to be judged for it, generally speaking, and especcially in adulthood. I also want to mention that you can be bullied for literally ANYTHING that could be used against you.I dont want to downplay the severity of what bullying can do, I'm just saying its very much not specific to MLP, and it's

Now sexuality is different, hiding it is hard, because very many people want to express love, want to test that out, and feel comfterable with it. Being judged for doing this is damaging to people, because thats unvalidaing not only their feelings, but their entire sexuality. Having your love and attractions being called perverted or disgusting is very tough to handle, especcially when these might be things you are just starting to explore.

People shouldn't HAVE to be "closet" gays, it shouldn't be this big thing that people feel is so wrong. It's generally looked at so black and white too, like its one way or the other, but it VERY seldom is.

Idk, I just feel its just as stupid as a comparison as comparing quitting the fandom to suicide.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby ExoBassTix » 07 Jul 2014 08:56

eery wrote:Hiding that you watch the show is also VERY different from sexuality, as you don't have to, in any way, to share that you watch the show, it literally doesn't matter, even if other people happen to do.

Except extreme situations with bullying and such, it's not damaging to the person to be judged for it, generally speaking, and especcially in adulthood. I also want to mention that you can be bullied for literally ANYTHING that could be used against you.I dont want to downplay the severity of what bullying can do, I'm just saying its very much not specific to MLP

It might not be specific to MLP, but, as gays get bullied for being gay, bronies get bullied for being bronies.

eery wrote:it's not damaging to the person to be judged for it

Speak for yourself please.

eery wrote:People shouldn't HAVE to be "closet" gays, it shouldn't be this big thing that people feel is so wrong.

If you mean that in a sense of "such a shame there's a need for people to be closet gay, because people bully them for it," I highly agree.
And there's not at all a necessity of being a closet gay. Some people just choose to hide it out of fear for getting bullied or unaccepted the way I see it, correct me if I'm wrong.

The comparison is that there are -lots- of examples that show the exact same. As you say, it's not specific to MLP nor gays, but they are just two examples.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby FLAOFEI » 07 Jul 2014 09:03

Luks wrote:Awesome!
I'm not sure if we met, I didn't bro hoof anyone D: I didn't buy anything expect food.
I was part in a group that had big cardboard sign with "Autismia" and "Poneja :3"-texts on it. We got autographs on that sign too.

Well, if we didn't bro hoof, then we probably didn't meet, cause I bro hoofd pretty much everyone I met :3 I saw the sign though, so I guess that's something.

eery wrote:I've always found it a stupid comparison. It's just a show, it doesnt say anything about you.

It kinda does though.
Acsii wrote:You're right it does say something about you. That you have an interest in a tv show... that is all.

And that you do not conform to social norms. And that you aren't afraid to show it. And in the eyes of the beholder, changeling very well be equivalent of being gay.

I'm not saying liking ponies is the same thing as being gay. There is quite a bit of a difference between sexuality and enjoying ponies. Though there is one point where they are similar, both challenge gender roles, and if you aren't already quite secure in your sexuality comments about it can be hurtful.
If your a hetro brony you could just think "Lol, nope. I laugh at your preconceptions", but that assumes you're secure with your sexuality. Then again, I'm a bit bias about this... I hate the pride festival cause it reminds me about my own insecurity :I I usually just don't think about it cause I'd rather be secure, so I convince myself I am, and it usually works

On a related topic, I sat next to a nice lady on the plane back to Sweden. I had a Twilicorn on my forehead and a DJ Pon3 on my cheek in temporary tattoos, and an RD pushy in my lap. She connected the rainbows to the pride festival, so I explained that they weren't actually related and that I just like ponies. We talked a bit about gender roles and stuff like that, and she thought it was cool that gender stereotypes have been weakened to the point that grown men can openly enjoy a show intended for little girls. It was a nice conversation, it made me a bit proud to be a brony :)
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby eery » 07 Jul 2014 09:17

ExoBassTix wrote:
eery wrote:Also,
eery wrote:it's not damaging to the person to be judged for it

Speak for yourself please.

If a show is that important for you,I think you have the wrong priorities in life, my friend. I'm not saying bullying isn't damaging, because it very much is. I'm saying that it's just one of those things bullies would grab on to. Just like they would grab on to anything they felt could be a weakness to you. What they are targetting is you, at any angle they are able to, in order to break you. It doesn't even matter for what, because it's not criticism, its more or less a figurative attack

I dunno, I figure it might be or feel different if you've been in that excact specific situation, and I'm sorry if it feels like I'm trying to make suffering less valid. I'm just saying the two situations aren't comparable at ALL. Misery doesn't exist in quantity and can't be measured.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby Jokeblue » 07 Jul 2014 10:39

The way I see it is that by saying that you're closeted about something means that you're hiding something about yourself that you're not comfortable with other people knowing. The definition of being closeted is "Being In a state of secrecy or cautious privacy."

In that case I think it's totally fair to say that to be closeted about something doesn't have to be sexual preference-specific.

eery wrote:Hiding that you watch the show is also VERY different from sexuality, as you don't have to, in any way, to share that you watch the show, it literally doesn't matter, even if other people happen to do.

Of course they're two very different things. One is a sexual preference while another is a preference for a form of entertainment outside of the age and gender group of which you are, which can have suspicious connotations and/or implications depending on the eye of the beholder of ones sexuality or 'manliness', leading to the abusive behavior towards a male over their perceived 'manliness' due to a long ingrained cultural and societal mind-set which dictates that men are to be manly and that to act outside of such bounds and break a gender role/stereotype is something to be looked down upon with disdain and something that is worth constantly shaming and harassing over.

Yeah I don't see how they could be similar at all. Of course, it is quite childish and closed-minded to act in this way and it is mostly evident in the case of young boys ranging from preteens to late teenage years, but I feel like it wouldn't be uncommon behavior for some of the less reasonable and maybe narrow-minded adults.

You're right that you don't have to let people know you watch the show. I see a lot of musicians though felt passionate enough to not leave it in the dark. You're also right in that it shouldn't even matter if you watch the show. I follow onto that after this next quote.

eery wrote:I've always found it a stupid comparison. It's just a show, it doesnt say anything about you.

It's not a comparison at all, it's a way of describing what stage you are at and how willing you are to present this aspect of yourself in a social context.

I mean, you are right. It is just a show and It doesn't have to say anything about you at all other than that you like the show. But people will still judge you for it, like I said before. How harshly you will be judged for it, though, depends on the person judging's mindset and views, and how much you feel the subject can actually affect you. wrote:“Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.” - (Tyrion Lannister, Game of Thrones).

This quote is great in that it sums up the biggest fear for many people with social anxiety - showing their true self. If they show their real selves, they feel the world will hurt them. However, if people with social anxiety 'own' who they are, without fear, then the world, in most cases, does not hurt them.

Of course coming out as gay is going to be much bigger and (potentially, situationally) much harsher, depending on how the people around you will react. It's a much bigger deal. But I really don't think that saying you're a 'closet brony' or a closet whateverthehell else is all that much big of a deal if to be closeted is to be unsure or unwilling to present an aspect of yourself socially.

wow it took a lot of words to say simply that
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby Ricky Denzel » 07 Jul 2014 12:17

I get internet next week on Tuesday. Finally, I won't have to walk in heat or cold to the library just to make my music. THANK YOU, GOD!.
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