The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

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The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby Navron » 18 Jul 2013 19:38

Topic split from the "scariest thing," thread to avoid going off topic.

(speaking of which, I AM SO GETTING A FUCKING CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT after the Zimmerman verdict, fuck you assholes, I can stand MY gound too) The little kid falling wins out because that was surprising.

If you want to be a responsible concealed carrier, you need to be ready to keep up with constantly changing laws and regulations, in addition to understanding the principles of self-defense, castle doctrine (if it exists in your state), and the justified use of lethal force.

You may find yourself thinking differently about the Zimmerman verdict once you have a concealed permit, and realize just how easily you can end up in the exact same situation he was, and while us CCW holders may have been happy about the verdict, it doesn't change our opinion that Zimmerman was an idiot who has clearly shown he doesn't understand the responsibilities of being a concealed carrier.

If you're wanting a CCW because you're angry about this case, then you've already shown me you probably shouldn't have one.

Have a little scenario:
You're walking late at night, and you see a woman getting chased through an alley by a strange man. He catches her, straddles her, and pulls a gun on her. You're the only person around, watching this all take place, and you are currently carrying. What do you do?
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Re: What's the scariest thing you've ever seen?

Postby vladnuke » 18 Jul 2013 19:52

why did zimmerman go after the kid
why be happy for this case, in any situation
a kid died outside his house because a man with zero authority decided that the kid was a threat
zimmerman shouldn't be allowed to be walking around in society, let alone have his gun back
how would you end up in his situation
are you talking about the one where he stalks and kills a teenager
if so, you can avoid that by not stalking kids
simple as that

see, what you posted isn't an equivalent situation. In that situation you have a real, credible, equal threat that you took witness to. Not what zimmerman had.
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Re: What's the scariest thing you've ever seen?

Postby Facade » 18 Jul 2013 21:22

except zimmerman was a neighborhood watch volunteer...

i would of done the same if i saw a suspicous looking black kid(anybody actually) in my neighborhood

inb4 people call me racist ... o-the-dark
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Re: What's the scariest thing you've ever seen?

Postby vladnuke » 18 Jul 2013 21:37

Facade wrote:except zimmerman was a neighborhood watch volunteer...

i would of done the same if i saw a suspicous looking black kid(anybody actually) in my neighborhood

inb4 people call me racist

I'm just gonna assume you're trolling, because I've seen some actual shitty people use that arguement before.

Along with the whole "don't call me a racist for being racist" tag line at the end.

Srsly tho, at the end of the day, you have to ask yourself, why did Zimmerman go after him in the first place? What could've Zimmerman seen to provoke such an attack?
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Re: What's the scariest thing you've ever seen?

Postby Facade » 18 Jul 2013 21:58

im not trolling and im done here you people can be dense sometimes


one last thing

people commit murder and hate crimes all over the nation every day yet people don't pay any mind to them... fuck the media ... o-the-dark
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Re: What's the scariest thing you've ever seen?

Postby itroitnyah » 18 Jul 2013 22:52

Idk, me personally, on the zimmerman case, if I were in that guys situation where I saw a black kid walking around in the neighborhood, I probably wouldn't have followed Trayvon like Zimmerman did. Depending on how Trayvon looked, which I don't know, I woulda called out and questioned him about where he was coming from and where he was going, etc. But only if I had my suspicions.

And in regards to Facade, in the couple of months that I've worked at a hotel pool, I can say that I've seen a lot of people of different races come in, and it honestly seems like a lot of colored people are trying to fit their stereotypes O.o They're all rowdy, break the rules once or twice or more, speak in the accent they're portrayed as speaking with, it seems like the stereotypes were just made based on how the majority of them acted. Although not to say that there haven't been colored people who were calm and nice and stuff, but that's just an observation I've made. This isn't just with colored people though, the majority of everybody who comes to the park seems to fit a stereotype in some way or another.
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Re: What's the scariest thing you've ever seen?

Postby Navron » 19 Jul 2013 10:03

vladnuke wrote:why did zimmerman go after the kid
why be happy for this case, in any situation
a kid died outside his house because a man with zero authority decided that the kid was a threat
zimmerman shouldn't be allowed to be walking around in society, let alone have his gun back
how would you end up in his situation
are you talking about the one where he stalks and kills a teenager
if so, you can avoid that by not stalking kids
simple as that

see, what you posted isn't an equivalent situation. In that situation you have a real, credible, equal threat that you took witness to. Not what zimmerman had.

The scenario I posted is a real, credible threat, but it's a scenario often used to help train concealed carriers to get in the right mindset.

The scenario: You see a woman chased down, about to be raped, with a gun held to her head, and you are the only person around, you happen to be carrying, and the assailant doesn't know you're there.

You have 2 options:

Option 1: Call 911 and continue to observe.
Result 1: Woman is raped, then shot and killed. Police arrive, but the assailant has fled. The media reports on the situation, and mentions how you were a concealed carrier that did nothing to help this woman. People hate you.

Option 2: Shoot the assailant (Lethal force is justified to prevent a forcible felony.)
Result 2: Women is not raped, but it turns out she hates guns. When questioned by the police, she says she didn't really feel she was in mortal danger. You are now awaiting trial for manslaughter, and possible murder charges. The media reports that you're a trigger happy gun maniac with a wannabe hero mentality.

The concealed carrier will more often than not be considered the bad guy in the eyes of the media and public, and that's what people need to understand when it comes to the Zimmerman trial, and ultimate ruling.

Had Zimmerman not gotten out of his car, and Trayvon went on to break into a house, assault somebody else, or kill someone, Zimmerman would have been painted as the, "Guy who did nothing," and how, "As the neighborhood watch, he had a responsibility to keep the neighborhood safe." It's purely hypothetical, but those kinds of responses are very probable.

From a purely factual standpoint, we know that:
- This neighborhood has had a history of break-ins and crime.
- The last suspicious activity Zimmerman reported on, the suspects got away by the time police arrived.
- Zimmerman carried only pepper spray in the past. The decision to carry a gun was recommended to him by an animal control specialist when an unknown pit bull was loose in the neighborhood.

As evidenced in the 911 call, we can assume Zimmerman's motive for getting out of his car and pursuing Trayvon was at least partially influenced by the failure of police to arrive in time in the past. He also likely has at least some degree of mutual self defense for his neighborhood, a trait that's commonly shared by police, firefighters, military, etc. Normally people who volunteer to be a neighborhood watch have some degree of motivation to protect the families of that neighborhood.

From that perspective, we now have a logical reason as to why Zimmerman chose to get out of his car, and why he continued to pursue Trayvon, despite the 911 dispatcher saying he didn't need to do that. Now, while there's a logical reason why he got out of his car, it doesn't mean it was a good decision.

Now, when it comes to Trayvon, he didn't do much to help himself not look suspicious, and regardless of the racial issue, the stereotyped look of a, "hoodie," is based on multiple gangs and crimes that have been committed by people wearing the same type of outfit, which is why there's a stereotype that revolves around it.

A stereotyped look alone is not enough to warrant suspicion, but Trayvon wasn't simply walking to and from the 7-Eleven. He was reportedly walking through people's yards, between houses, and not looking like he had any particular destination, which (given the fact it was raining) would have been suspicious looking activity regardless of what a person was wearing, or what race they are.

At this point, none of them have done anything illegal, but they both are guilty of making poor decisions. Now, here's where the facts start to get blurred, and where the legalities of lethal force get a bit confusing.

If Trayvon was worried because somebody was following him, that alone does not give him the right to use force in self-defense, so if Zimmerman's story is true, and Trayvon attacked him from a concealed position, that is not self-defense. That is assault. The use of force for self-defense (including your hands) is only justified when confronted with a hostile act. Following somebody could be considered hostile "intent," but it is not a hostile "act" and therefore self-defense is not justified. Very important distinction.

We know from photographic evidence and medical reports that Zimmerman did have multiple lacerations on the back of his head, and bruising on the front of his face. We also have evidence of Trayvon having sustained injuries to his knuckles: ... s-h/nN6gs/

It's hard to picture a scenario where Trayvon would be justified to act in self-defense, because there isn't any evidence from the autopsy report that indicates that Zimmerman attacked first, so either Zimmerman really sucks at attacking somebody, or he simply walked up and shot Trayvon, which can be disproved by the fact there is witness testimony of a fight on the ground taking place.

My theory on what took place?
I think Zimmerman followed Martin to ask him about his intentions, and determine if he belonged in the neighborhood. Martin, seeing that he was being followed, assumed that Zimmerman was going to attack him, and placed himself in an area where he would have the element of surprise and the upper hand. Martin then attacked Zimmerman, likely to teach him a lesson about following him. Zimmerman, having been attacked, concluded his suspicion that Martin was a criminal that didn't belong in the neighborhood, assumed he was going to be killed if he didn't act, and fired his gun in self-defense.

It's still a sad situation, and something that didn't need to happen, but the important thing to take away, is whether or not Martin was justified in attacking Zimmerman, which (as outlined above) if he attacked Zimmerman because he was following him, that is NOT a justified act of self-defense, and Zimmerman was completely within his right to use lethal force in defense of a hostile act being conducted by Martin.
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby Nine Volt » 19 Jul 2013 10:19

Wow. That's... well thought out to say the least, and it makes sense. I haven't really paid much attention to the whole thing but if what you said is true then Zimmerman isn't really the bad guy here.
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby caprixsnare » 19 Jul 2013 10:54

In my opinion Zimmerman wasn't a racist, he was an idiot. he was following a kid with a itchy trigger finger just because he was wearing a hood, a hood isn't suspicious handguns, sword sheaths, my internet history, and ticking suitcases are suspicious Zimmerman has clearly never played gray's mod. I also cant call the trial racist because their persecutor was unpaid and state level (they would be lucky if he knew all the names). in my opinion Zimmerman should have went to jail for reckless behavior, and manslaughter.

But on the other hand Tray is dead and can not tell the tale so it starting off as somewhat unfair. there was only one real witness and that was Zimmerman. The investigators treated the body poorly at best and quite frankly I think the law was the real bad guy.
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby ganondox » 19 Jul 2013 11:01

I'm going to some things clear:

Zimmerman is not an idiot. He was studying to become a judge, and he was one of the top students in his class. He knew the self defensive laws in his state. I'm not saying he didn't do anything stupid that night, he did lots of stupid things that night and the end result was a huge tragedy, but he acted within limits of the law.

Zimmerman was nightwatchman for the enclosed neighborhood this took place in. There was reports of burglaries in the neighborhood, and according to Zimmerman's report Trayvon was acting suspicious by looking into houses. By following the kid and calling 9/11 he was just doing his job. Now, as a nightwatchman he was discouraged from bearing any firearms for preciously this reason, but according to Florida Law it was within his legal rights to do so. Now, the dispatcher did tell him to stop following him, but first, it's unclear from the evidence if Zimmerman continued to follow Martin after getting the advice, and second, it doesn't matter anyway because Zimmerman was under no legal obligation to follow the advice of the dispatcher.

It's pretty clear the Zimmerman was justified in acting in self defense. From comparing their conditions after the incident, we see that Martin is more or less untouched except for the gunshot wound, while Zimmerman has wounds on the back of the head. Now, if you know anything about physically defending yourself you might know this: never attack someone's head unless you are you trying to kill them. This is because the potential for permanent and often lethal brain damage far outweighs any defensive advantage that is given. In general it's best to attack the joints. The wounds on Zimmerman were also on the BACK of his head, suggesting his head was being smashed into something, making the attack all the more dangerous. There are situations were trying to kill someone in self defense is justified, like if your life or someone else's is in immediate danger and no alternative is seen, but considering no other wounds were seen on Trayvon it's highly unlikely his attack was justified. The bottom line is the Zimmerman's story matches up with the evidence, and according to his story his action was more than justified.

It's unlikely that Zimmerman is racist. For one, he is hispanic, but he is also partly of african decent. All anecdotal evidence from being who know Zimmerman personally have stated that there is nothing in his character to suggest he is racist, this includes a testimony from a black man. Additionally, there are reports that Zimmerman stood up against the beating of a homeless black man by the son of an officer and he posted fliers on various black churches to bring awareness to the situation. While there is no surviving evidence of the fliers there is documents showing Zimmerman's criticism for said police officer. The reason that people think he was racist is the media purposely manipulated the public by manipulating the evidence, for example by cutting out the line from the dispatcher that asked for the suspicious figure's race. If anyone was racist it's the people trying him, but that doesn't really even matter because the case against him was flimsy while Zimmerman's defense was solid despite the prosecution being way more heavily funded.

IMO the bottom line is that the incident was a tragedy that could have been avoided, but I believe it would have been morally wrong to charge Zimmerman with murder, though I think he should have gotten manslaughter. However, according the Florida Law he is clearly innocent of all charges, and all the fussing in the world isn't going to change that. It's not like it really matters because the negative publicity has already ruined Zimmerman's life. The media warped this into an issue of race, when I think it should have been used to motivate reform of self defense and gun control laws for future cases instead.
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby JSynth » 19 Jul 2013 11:02

Nine Volt wrote:Wow. That's... well thought out to say the least, and it makes sense. I haven't really paid much attention to the whole thing but if what you said is true then Zimmerman isn't really the bad guy here.

This is what I am thinking atm.
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby Magnitude Zero » 19 Jul 2013 11:08

Did he really have to use his gun at that point, though? Did he not have options other than instantly pulling a lethal weapon on him? I understand they were fighting and everything is a kneejerk reaction, but that's a bit extreme if you ask me.

I wasn't there and haven't really been following the case, so prove me wrong, please :)
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby ganondox » 19 Jul 2013 11:12

Magnitude Zero wrote:Did he really have to use his gun at that point, though? Did he not have options other than instantly pulling a lethal weapon on him? I understand they were fighting and everything is a kneejerk reaction, but that's a bit extreme if you ask me.

I wasn't there and haven't really been following the case, so prove me wrong, please :)

Did he need to? Who knows. Was he justified in doing so? From the evidence we have, yes. I want to see what you would do if you had a gun and someone was smashing your head into the sidewalk.
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby Magnitude Zero » 19 Jul 2013 11:29

What I would do is irrelevant, since I have no intention of ever joining a neighborhood watch - though, if I did, I would want to be prepared to defend myself in more ways than just having a gun. As in, knowing how to fight or carrying a nonlethal weapon.

I'm not arguing that this makes him guilty, just a poor decision-maker or maybe a little trigger happy. But again, I wasn't there and I'm not fully educated on the specifics of the situation.
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby Nine Volt » 19 Jul 2013 11:34

Magnitude Zero wrote:What I would do is irrelevant, since I have no intention of ever joining a neighborhood watch - though, if I did, I would want to be prepared to defend myself in more ways than just having a gun. As in, knowing how to fight or carrying a nonlethal weapon.

I'm not arguing that this makes him guilty, just a poor decision-maker or maybe a little trigger happy. But again, I wasn't there and I'm not fully educated on the specifics of the situation.

You're making the decision while in the comfort and security of wherever you are, where you have time to weigh the options thoroughly. Zimmerman was in the middle of being attacked by someone who wasn't supposed to be there, in the rain and possibly in the dark. He didn't have time to think out the situation and choose the response with the best possible outcome. He simply did the only thing he thought to do; it was a split-second decision to shoot Martin. He couldn't think it through.
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby Magnitude Zero » 19 Jul 2013 11:47

Mm, you're probably right. Just seems a bit extreme for a knee-jerk reaction. I'd expect a neighborhood watchman to be more than just a guy who knows how to use a gun, but hindsight's 20-20 and all that.

Alright, done here. Thanks guys!
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby caprixsnare » 19 Jul 2013 12:09

I don't think a watchman with mild mma training would need a gun to stop a chain of minor breakins ideally he should have bought something like i dunno a buddy or pepper spray. i'm out i think I remember why my side of america doesn't allow guns to be bought out side of houses or ranges.
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby Navron » 19 Jul 2013 12:10

caprixsnare wrote:just because he was wearing a hood, a hood isn't suspicious handguns, sword sheaths, my internet history, and ticking suitcases are suspicious

Did you even read my post about that part?

Magnitude Zero wrote:Did he really have to use his gun at that point, though? Did he not have options other than instantly pulling a lethal weapon on him? I understand they were fighting and everything is a kneejerk reaction, but that's a bit extreme if you ask me.

I wasn't there and haven't really been following the case, so prove me wrong, please :)

If somebody I didn't know attacked me, got on top of me, punched me, and began bashing the back of my skull against concrete, you better believe I would draw and fire without a second's hesitation. I've hit the back of my head on concrete and ice enough times to know that shit will mess you up really bad. It only takes one good hit to cause severe brain injury, paralysis, or death.

Also, this:
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby ExoBassTix » 19 Jul 2013 12:15

I've thought about this so many times before.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the following comparable?
"Burglar breaks in home, puts lots of expensive stuff in bag and attempts to leave house.
Man comes downstairs from the noise, and manages to kill the man (as his way to stop him).
Man awaiting trial for manslaughter."

Happened here in The Netherlands a while ago.
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby Navron » 19 Jul 2013 12:22

ExoBassTix wrote:I've thought about this so many times before.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the following comparable?
"Burglar breaks in home, puts lots of expensive stuff in bag and attempts to leave house.
Man comes downstairs from the noise, and manages to kill the man (as his way to stop him).
Man awaiting trial for manslaughter."

Happened here in The Netherlands a while ago.

If the burglar was leaving the house, he is no longer a threat to the home owner and therefore the home owner has no justification to use lethal force at that point.
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby ExoBassTix » 19 Jul 2013 12:23

It's all in the details isn't it?
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby LoreRD » 19 Jul 2013 16:24

I haven't read enough on the case to have much of an opinion on Zimmerman himself, though I can say that the main debate should've been on the absurd self-defense laws in Florida, not the racial profiling.

Also, I'm REALLY glad I don't live in Florida.
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby topitmunkeydog » 19 Jul 2013 16:43

He killed a 17 year old dude regardless of race or any details that is WRONG

If Treyvon was an elderly lady in a pink dress, people wouldn't find her suspicious.

AND YOU KNOW WHAT it's freaking possible to shoot someone without killing them ok. If I had to defend myself against someone with a gun idfk maybe shoot them in the FOOT or something that will not kill them, it will only just give you time to escape and phone for help.
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby Freewave » 19 Jul 2013 16:44

My local paper did an article did a cover story on our own "Make My Day" law and i gotta admit it was a real good read. ... ntrol-law/ Basically if it happens within your house and the intruder is a threat of any kind the shooting is warranted. Despite all kinds of cases which have threatened to take such a broad ranging law into something that goies sour it looks it has worked very well over overall. When a few people have invited people over they get them for the premeditated murder that it is. If it happens on the front porch it generally doesn't protect. If the guy is banging on your door to get in or shot in the back running out its still reasonable just cause.

With Zimmerman i agree that race shouldn't have been the dominant cover story other than being black and having a hoodie doesn't mean that he should be following the guy (or the media failing to show that Zimmerman wasn't "white"). Ultimately if you want to be a cop, BE a cop. Being a neighborhood watcher doesn't give you much ground to stalk teenagers even if there is adequite evidence that Trayvon wasn't where he should have been. Because of that there was a struggle and Zimmerman did what he really had to THEN he had grounds to protect himself. But again this is one of those cases where both parties made bad decisions and no one is clearly in the right. We also are really only getting shoddy evidence based on a second hand witnesses so its hard to tell what really happened.

I'm still not sure that a self-defense clause when you are NOT on your property and the guy isn't initally commiting a crime to begin with. Trayvon may have thrown the first punches but its Zimmerman who killed him and ultimately forced the issue. It's just a shame all around and the media making it this one sided is a bit to blame. :(

It's not as clear cut as the Raul Rodriguez case where he went to complain about a noise disturbance and killed several people because HE wouldn't leave until he caused the incident pleading the "I fear for my life" excuse to do what he did. People with guns need to know when there's a real threat to life and when the threat is their own temper or pushing the situation INTO a confrontation. A right to protect yourself does cut both ways and if you arent on YOUR property or YOU or someone else are NOT in immediate danger then you don't have a right to claim self defense. People need to remember to walk away or call a cop when in doubt.
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Re: The Zimmerman Trial (Be Nice)

Postby topitmunkeydog » 19 Jul 2013 16:58

Also you guys are all white. I'm half Pakistani, and, while I don't dress in traditional Pakistani clothing, I'm sure that if I did, people would be immediately suspicious of me being a terrorist. White people don't have that problem so really you can't understand the situation in its entirety. Well I can't either. We can all say we understand but really society is so cruel to people you probably would need this to happen to you in order to understand it. yeah, race is an issue in this case. If the suspect was a short white kid with a tie and glasses and other stuff society percieves as not suspicious, would this even be a case? Why did people perceive Treyvons activities as suspicious? Because they are bloody racists.

Also the reason I don't wear Pakistani clothes is because ehhhh they're not very pretty :C basically I like really colorful clothes but men there only wear white and beige most of the time. And I lived in Texas all my life so I don't really have a Pakistani upbringing, both my parents are atheists, etc.
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