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Re: Share your inspiration!

Postby Lethaargic » 07 Aug 2011 19:59


Shpongle (Israeli Psychedelic tribal mind-melting epicness)

DarkPsytrance (Duh)
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Re: Share your inspiration!

Postby aap998 » 02 Sep 2011 10:22


Re: Share your inspiration!

Postby Circuitfry » 02 Sep 2011 13:39

Circuitfry tl;dr: Lots of Indie rock, some video game music, bits of classical, and rap that I can't find.

My library of classical artists is really weak, but I know what I like. Chopin is the very first classical mastermind I would recommend. The big names like Beethoven and Mozart, from what I've experienced, so far, are not really in my taste. I'm very opinionated on classical music, but the thing I love about Chopin is that he's both catchy and well-paced, he has enough "modernness" in his style to hold my attention, and what matters in today's music is both technique and "catchiness." When I listen to Beethoven and Mozart, I can't help but feel like I'm *trying* to appreciate music. I want it to occur naturally, I want to appreciate music because I like it, not because I'm on some sort of mission to appreciate music. Bartok feels the exact same way, as well. I like to be relaxed and happy, comfortable, and enjoying pleasant sounds.

Vivaldi is like a party animal, I swear. He's not relaxed, but he has that energetic melodic electrification to him that is really inspiring. The way he has the violins twirl around and dance around the scale is kinda copied in my synth solos. I like it when notes dance around my songs. Classical music isn't really evident in my tracks at all, but Raw Magic really has that violin solo idea buried in it. I don't know enough about music theory to fully embed a classical composer into my works, but fuck if I don't try!!! :)

Frescobaldi and Laniau are just amazing guitarists. They capture a lot of atmosphere, and with just one instrument. Laniau especially, what a master of the guitar. What an amazing musician.

Alright, now let's party. Daft Punk and their Alive 2007 album was just insane, but one song stuck out for me. Touch It / Technologic. Everyone knows why Daft Punk is really great, but the line of remixes that have been inspired from Touch It / Technologic has inspired the burning fuel of synth rock that is the frontrunner in my music. Now, on to Soulwax. Currently, I only have his Daft Punk remix up (honestly, this playlist is a very poor representation of techno that I love), but Soulwax does exactly what the name implies; he takes a song he loves and waxes it into a brilliant new track by pouring his soul into a new melody. Princess Twilight Sparkle was a very Soulwax-style remix, and so will Platinum Cupcakes. Just wait for that chorus line.

Bag Raiders have a style I really love to emulate, and is the reason why I squealgasm over slap bass all the damn time. My synth solos are so inspired from here that these guys are the techno band most like my style of composing. Australian techno, man, good shit, very catchy melodies, too. Justice is what I always demand. Their style is to blow the doors down, ride it out with a catchy sample smash, and slap bass their fans into an auditorium of wet underpants. Eventually I want to compose music like these guys, have that stomping feel to music, along with slap bass.

I'm finding some really smashing talent like Grafton Primary and Vitalic. Grafton wastes no time in hitting that four-on-the-floor, and I love that synth, what a wavy wall of sound. Vitalic takes a while, but when his lead synth finally shows up, holy shit, what a rocker. Basically, my style from these artists is simple: Hit them hard, get a little wilder as the song progresses, drop it for a build, maximize the wildness, and ride it out a little before the synth solo blows you away.

My most fleshed-out genre, unsurprisingly, is psychedelic independent pop rock (but the playlist has more than that). The first band is Dr. Dog. Remember it. There's a feel to their songs that I want to replicate without ripping them off. I feel it'll be a happier result for me in the long run if I adapt their style to synth rock rather than be another Professor Puppy. They have a somewhat old-timey feel but at the same time it's got that modern flair, mix in 60s Beatles and The Band influences and you have some of the best modern pop rock you're gonna get. Ever. This is my personal recommendation if you want a taste of the rock I love, every single time.

The day The M's and The Like went on hiatus was the worst day evah, but "Future Women" is a mere sidestep from the lovable Doctor, and the two bands (M's and Doc) even collaborated on an EP, which made me supersqueallovegasm so much; they're both such happy warm bands that I cannot fathom how two amazing forces could just combine like that. The lyrics that The M's write are just so adorable, too, I just love them too much, and are so much what I love about music. Morningbell seems to be similar almost down to the formula, and I literally have put a song by The M's and a song by Morningbell side-by-side to compare. I swear to God, they sound like the same band, and the same fuckin' name of song. I mean, wow, now THAT'S musical hivemind.

There's no band like Love. Forever Changes, that is one solid album. Alone Again Or is without a doubt my favorite song. Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, I love all those famous names, and Bread, too, good band.

Getting deeper in my playlist gets to the more chilled out and even sometimes melancholy side of my musical preferences, which, actually, I don't think I've ever really shown my sad side in my music besides jokes. Sonic Youth is always a good listen, and so is Cold War Kids. Especially CWK, I love those guys way too much. They are one of those bands that do their songs in different ways when they play live. Love love love. They deserve many remixes. The last parts of my playlist are a little random and unorganized, but my playlist here is organized according to mood and it just flows naturally like one big soundtrack of love without too much unintentional genre shock. Pretty OCD of me, but hey, there's a little randomness at the end, so it's not so strict, it's just something I wanted to do, y'know? There's so many more rock influences, but there's wayyy too many of them to really explain them all, so just have a listen.


VIDEO GAMES YEAH youtube videos cause page load lag so I'll keep it to a minimum.

Kenny motherfucking Chou, bitches. C. C. Catch has been one of my most inspired video game musicians. He composes very solidly and captures the whole atmospheric feel. You can just tell it's some sort of action tv show theme, and that synth arpeggio, holy shit. I LOVE the guitar covers of this song, too, it's just so great.

Neil Biggin is another old musician that I love a lot. His style is very repetitive in that he will have four bars of four-by-four measures. His synths are all very paddy and the drum and bass and kept in the thump-and-ride style in the back. It's almost eurobeat-like, but mostly, it's very fundamental techno.

There's something so unbelievably lovable about A_Rival. He's not afraid to rap, apparently, hahaha. I listened to his Megaman remixes, as a kid, quite a lot.
Viricide wrote:Thanks Obama. Or should I say Cirbama.

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Re: Share your inspiration!

Postby bartekko » 03 Sep 2011 17:17

@circuitfry Chopin, eh? That's so Me. (partially because I'm Polish, lol)
Anyway, I am Inspired, well By everything that's catchy, and that includes Kanye West ft. Everyone.
<quick look at my MP3 player>
Not any particular genre Dominating, but Those I have whole Albums of are: Prodigy , Justice, Black Eyed Peas, David Guetta, Deadmau5 Gorillaz( well, a compiation of the albums) Rammstein, Nirvana, Eminem (but I listen to him once in a while, Tiga.
I listen to a lot of Dance (ofc lol) a bit of ambient, some JMJ, not a lot of hip-hop, But Sometimes Trance, House, Rave-ish sounds are applied, Some Pop Rock.
Also, A few Songs I have (or I almost have) a dedicated album for:

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