Rainbow and Rooted Official Graphic Resource Kit

Non-music works of yours and others' making. Art, poetry, fimfics, and more. Member specific threads are encouraged (e.g. a sketchbook).

Rainbow and Rooted Official Graphic Resource Kit

Postby Sneik » 02 Sep 2016 15:35

First of all I would like to sorry if this topic is in the wrong place.

I'm looking for Rainbow and Rooted Official Graphic Resource Kit by WMill. The package has been deleted and I'm looking for anyone who has it and can send it to me. You are my last hope. I've already sent messages to WMill and Balloon Party and posted this question on Reddit, 4chan, MLP Forums and EQD IRC.

Posts: 3
Joined: 02 Sep 2016 15:27
OS: Horse OS
Primary: Not yet specified.
Cutie Mark: Blank flank

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