Wow I haven't posted on this site since the middle of last year haha.
Just dropping by to say since I first got into the show at the end of 2011 and then the brony fandom just a week after, I still adore the show and I still love the fandom. Have some cute pone.
And some pone vid (contains season 4 spoilers):
Last edited by ChocolateChicken on 25 Apr 2016 23:02, edited 1 time in total.
I don't really understand what I just saw, but the animation was okay. Sometimes I like some SFM's, but I'll never not think of those models as big blobs of colored, fat pudding.
Collecting dust...
Dieselminded drifter dodging delirium in daunting dreamscapes.
Posting this because this thread hasn't been touched in a while. Also because I got a print of this at TrotCon. My favoirte ponies dressed up as princesses!