One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

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One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

Postby Sinn Ick » 12 May 2012 22:54

This is one of the only shows, no matter how depressed or sad you get, seeing them just makes me happy again. My favorite thing about the show is the songs and community; shit the community has influenced me to begin music, and hopefully ill get half decent at it ^_^
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Re: One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

Postby Rainbow_Rage » 12 May 2012 23:11

The community and the creativeness that it has inspired. It really is a beautifully thing. The show has inspired artists, musicians and writers to make things based on it, and then others who wouldn't normally do something artistic see this and it inspires them to they and learn it for themselves.

Take me for example. Before joining this community, I didn't draw, I never would have attempted creative writing, I didn't even know what a vector was, and I didn't realize how accessible digital music production was to your average hobbyist. Now, I've learned how to draw, I'm in the process of writing my own fanfic, I know pretty much everything there is to know about vector graphic and was even selected to be a moderator of the vector group on dA, and I'm learning how to bring my musical talent and ideas to life.

A lot of people are discovering art and their ability to create it because of the show. I see new people trying learn daily as an admin of the vector club and see enough "help me I'm new" style posts in every other art group like this one to see that it's happening everywhere.

This really is the greatest thing that this show has spawned.
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Re: One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

Postby Gray Ham » 12 May 2012 23:30

Community and music. That's all there is to it.
currently on a hiatus from actively making music due to school

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Re: One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

Postby Rainbow_Rage » 12 May 2012 23:43

Kyoga wrote:As long as the music you make comes from you, and only you

*looks at most recent upload*

... shit
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Re: One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

Postby Rainbow_Rage » 13 May 2012 00:11

I'm just making a joke about my most recent WIP, "Sunny Moon for Two". Right now it's pretty similar to the universally known Jazz head "Sonnymoon for Two" (I'm so clever at naming). I am planing on making it a bit more unique but it will still be heavily derivative (which is sort of the point).
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Re: One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

Postby Rainbow_Rage » 13 May 2012 00:38

Yeah I went a little heavy on the swing, it's pretty much a dotted 8th and a 16th. Actually, that's exactly what it is. I'll try dialing it back a bit.
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Re: One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

Postby Rainbow_Rage » 13 May 2012 00:59

You know, the whole time writing this I was subconsciously thinking triplets, but couldn't put my finger on what I needed them for. It has been far too long since I last studied theory or even played anything. Thanks for jogging my memory. I'll get it all back soon enough.

I feel kinda bad for hijacking this thread though.
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Re: One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

Postby Ed Viper » 13 May 2012 22:46

Huh. My favorite part of the show would be the community, but I actually really, really, REALLY like this show.

I'm a stickler for animation quality, and this show has it. When I first heard Pinkie start singing in the first episode I was like "Oh God no, there's songs in this show," but I was pleasantly surprised, the songs within the show are really great and are catchy as hell. The voice actors do a great job, and the writers definitely know what the hell they're doing.

But I have to say that the community is also amazing. Seriously, you guys are great. Never in my life have I belonged to a fanbase that was so welcoming to newcomers. I was on a Fire Emblem forum (a few years ago) and I couldn't get a word in edge-wise there. The same happened on the ZeldereX forums (lol anyone played ZeldereX?) although not to the extent. But I come here, and my first thread got multiple replies quickly, from people who were not just willing to help me out - but were eager to do so. That really said a lot to me.

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Re: One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

Postby vladnuke » 13 May 2012 23:09

I like the show because it's genuinely sincere in its execution and really fun to watch. It has what all good shows have: character focus. The Avengers, another wonderful piece of video, has the same thing, tons and tons of character development and clear personalities that don't make me want to shoot them make them likeable. It's wonderfully written, beautifully drawn and amazingly voice acted.
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Re: One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

Postby Ed Viper » 13 May 2012 23:26

vladnuke wrote:Hulk= Fluttershy/Pinkie Pie


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Re: One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

Postby Pashoo » 14 May 2012 14:42

Makes me genuinely afraid.

When I first started watching the show, I think (but I hope not) that I was one of the few who had no reservations about what I was going to see. I didn't expect it to be spectacular, but I wasn't going to tear the show apart before I'd even watched it. Boy, was I glad.
Personally, my favorite part of a story is almost always characterization- It doesn't matter what the setting is, or what the theme is, because good character chemistry can make even the most boring plot bearable. The show had a lot of personality. Good characterization. Clear character dynamics. And I liked that.

And then,

the community.

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Re: One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

Postby MixolydianPony » 16 May 2012 13:43

I... I don't know....

I still don't even know why I like the show. I just do.

Maybe it's the crush I have on Twilight.
Maybe it's the way I can relate to some of the characters.
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Re: One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

Postby ChromaticChaosPony » 16 May 2012 15:23

Its not just the show for me, its the fandom that makes it awesome. The music and various videos and artwork is amazing. There are a few genuinely decent fanfictions out there that show sides to characters not featured in the show enough for complete character development (ex. Trixie, Scootaloo, all background characters, OC's, etc.). Example of such a fanfiction: Just amazing.
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Re: One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

Postby inkBot » 16 May 2012 17:16

With regards to the show itself, I'm with vladnuke. I find the show sincere. They way they present a moral with each story could easily have become heavyhanded in the hands of any other team/show. The creative team cares, and it shows. The well written characters, the songs, etc. All of that is held up by a good foundation of sincerity.

As for the community. I haven't participated in the community for that long, but I already love it. The fanart, remixes, original songs etc. I'm gonna correlate that with the show. The reason, I think, why the community is so good is because it, too, is held up by a good foundation of sincerity, That being the apprecation and love for the show.

But to pick one specific thing out, and I know I'm not original here (but that's not the point, right?), I'd have to say My Little Dashie. I read it not too long ago and just, damn.
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Re: One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

Postby Ed Viper » 16 May 2012 22:44

Kyoga wrote:pony swag

This shit's divine... It's like the singin' of fuckin' angels...

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Re: One of the only shows.... whats your favorite part?

Postby Pashoo » 17 May 2012 13:20

Kyoga wrote:poniesponiesponies SWAG

I'd still be steppin' so fresh with the flair from Rarity, but now I Applejack, too.
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