My name's Spirik and I'd like to introduce to you small pony-music-related project of mine, which hopefully may be of some interest to you (or anypony, who loves the pony music as much as I do!). Let me start with a little backstory, though. (And if you'd like to skip the sappy part, go ahead right to the announce, just know, that I love you everyone!).
Since the very first time I've ever heard properly done pony remix, I felt in love with pony music. Immediately. In all of diversity of its genres, arrangements and styles, with all heartfelt lyrics and jokes. Forever. And the funny thing is that I would never possibly assumed earlier that any fanmade music can have such an impact on me. Not a single day I spend without listening to it. It always makes me feel better, like a drug that calms the mind and sends my heart aflutter. I wanted to be part of this, wished I could be involved. Or at least simply share my pony-music-encounter experience with somepony.
And not being the musician of any sort myself, the only way to express my appreciation to all of the community for all incredible stuff it produces - is to help share it with the rest of the world:)
So here it comes! Dedicated to all of amazingly talented artists that touched my heart with their songs. And, of course, to the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic show itself, which essentially made the whole thing possible in the first place.

My Little Playlist - Music for ponies' heart's content (also available on,
It is, basically, randomly driven pony music jukebox which is a small part of my dedication project I'm working on at the moment and, actually, more of a teaser (if I can put it that way), the lack of functionality says it for itself. In fact, what it does is just plays random tracks directly from YouTube (hence the broadband internet connection for better quality would be preferable). Simple as it is. Track list is far from being full (and obviously it just can't be, although I’m in the middle of transferring my own current favorites collection right now), but I will regularly update it with new pony-related music as soon as possible. I pinkie promise.
Hopefully even on this early stage of development the project may help to promote wonderful music across wider audience (rather than just between bronies themselves). Full version are planned to include a number of advanced features for managing music library, user's custom playlists, tagging, etc., with all tracks still stored on YouTube's accounts of their creators.
And as long as it is Work-In-Progress I encourage anyone to send your feedback, whether it is a found bug, suggestion or literally anything in-between. Any (and I mean any) feedback will be highly appreciated!
- For the listeners: Enjoy awesome music, stay tuned for updates, follow me on @MLPLaylist. And don’t forget to express your gratitude and support to the artists on their YouTube pages. They sincerely deserve all our praises!
- For the artists: easily everything I've said above plus any comments regarding functionality, features, etc. from your point of view. And, what's crucially important for me, general opinion on the, uhm... usefulness of the project and stuff.
Love you all,
you're my inspiration.
Spirik, My Little Playlist (, @MLPLaylist, info [at] mlplaylist [dot] com)