They're super easy to make, honestly. Especially w. a microcontroller like arduino to work as a voltage regulator, you can have a moog-style synth breadboarded up for like, the price of a mug of cider.
What have you made?
eery wrote:There is a synth thread somewhere buried here, but anyways, I've always wanted to try, but due to circumstance and location, there's never been any equvilant of radioshack, so it was hard to get pieces. I dont really know where I would begin either as I have no real experience with electronics besides the few times Ive tinkered with circuitbending and some electronics set I had at the age of 12.
Freewave wrote:being too critical can make you too critical
Alycs wrote:I've been meaning to make an arduino audio/visual synth/display; but I haven't had the time too (the most recent edition of MAKE Mag. had an article on building arduino synths, actually.)
Freewave wrote:being too critical can make you too critical
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