Soundcard recommendations?

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Soundcard recommendations?

Postby Lethaargic » 08 Nov 2011 16:30

So I recently started using Cubase and am experiencing latency issues. My onboard soundcard should suffice as I don't have this problem in Reason. However the default audio drivers high latency causes horrible crackling when any track is played in Cubase. I've tried ASIO4ALL and can't get it to work for anything in windows 7, apparently this is an extremely common problem with ASIO4ALL and win 7/vista with no guaranteed solution.

So anyway I might break down and buy a soundcard. The thing about soundcards though is there's so many that sound like they would be good, but are really only made for gaming and such.

Can anypony recommend me a real low latency audio interface? Preferably under $100

I've been trying to fix this issue for over a week now and haven't had time to make any music
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Re: Soundcard recommendations?

Postby H8_Seed » 08 Nov 2011 20:51

Specifically what problem are you having with your ASIO4ALL? I remember that when I first downloaded it, it wouldn't make any sound because any other running program that used sound (i.e. Steam, winamp, running Youtube videos) would conflict with FL Studio for some reason. I tried closing these programs, and it started working.

It's a pretty crappy alternative to having a soundcard that's good enough to handle all of the stuff, but hey, it worked for me. If you're bound and determined to get a soundcard I'm not the person to talk to, I just figured I'd give what advice I could.
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Re: Soundcard recommendations?

Postby Lethaargic » 08 Nov 2011 21:17

H8_Seed wrote:Specifically what problem are you having with your ASIO4ALL? I remember that when I first downloaded it, it wouldn't make any sound because any other running program that used sound (i.e. Steam, winamp, running Youtube videos) would conflict with FL Studio for some reason. I tried closing these programs, and it started working.

yeah I know about other programs taking hold of the audio. But no, windows says the device is working properly and Cubase recognizes it. Even with no other programs open there's no audio output. And I've tried unchecking exclusive mode in the devices properties also.
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Re: Soundcard recommendations?

Postby VScratch » 09 Nov 2011 14:30

You can try taking your speakers/headphones off of "exclusive mode" (Control - Sound - choose whatever output device you're using - Properties - Advanced tab, uncheck Exclusive Mode), which will either fix the problem

or just render you unable to hear anything at all

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Re: Soundcard recommendations?

Postby Lethaargic » 09 Nov 2011 16:36

VScratch wrote:You can try taking your speakers/headphones off of "exclusive mode" (Control - Sound - choose whatever output device you're using - Properties - Advanced tab, uncheck Exclusive Mode), which will either fix the problem

or just render you unable to hear anything at all


Spacepsy wrote: And I've tried unchecking exclusive mode in the devices properties also.

thanks, but read above, I already did try that :(
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Re: Soundcard recommendations?

Postby VScratch » 09 Nov 2011 17:05

Oh, hurf.

In that case, I recommend picking up an ASUS Xonar D1. You can get one for around 80-90 USD and they're pretty solid internal cards. I've also heard the Audiophile series is awesome for production, but they're pretty expensive. I dunno anything about external USB cards, so I don't know if there's anything in that area that'd be a better choice or not.
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Re: Soundcard recommendations?

Postby Darktrot » 10 Nov 2011 22:08

A very good quality soundboard is Apagoche unfortunately it costs as much as the laptop its for. Its great for live performances. Believe me.
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