how to make tire noise.../any1 wanna co-op?

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how to make tire noise.../any1 wanna co-op?

Postby NoPonyShouldKnow » 22 Jan 2013 03:18

Hai! Just joined. 22-yr-old music noob here, but at least I know what a semitone is.
I've been messing with FL for about a year just for fun. Now I want to make something legit.
Wrestled with this wip for a couple days and can't seem to find a way to make the main synth noise I want. Y'know, that sort of mix between a train whistle and a tire screech...with a little white noise in the high end maybe? Any1 care what I'm talking about?

In any case, it would probably help to get some accountability going with some sort of co-op. Otherwise I might be satisfied to make trash, call it a day, and go take a nap. :mrgreen:
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Re: how to make tire noise.../any1 wanna co-op?

Postby itroitnyah » 22 Jan 2013 06:35

Hmm, could you post a sample of the sound you want? Did you hear it in a song and want to replicate it, or do you just want to try and synthesize a new sound and that just happens to be what it sounds like :P

Anyways, welcome aboard. Learn music theory, learn what hardware you'll need to or want to get for a small home studio, and learn your way around synths. That'll just leave composing the songs, which isn't that hard itself.
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Re: how to make tire noise.../any1 wanna co-op?

Postby NoPonyShouldKnow » 22 Jan 2013 08:49

To be specific I was thinking of making a bastard offspring of the high pitch lead from pegboard nerds pressure cooker and LT's love me cheerilee opener. Ignore 5% of what I said.

I got the part about it being a saw with fast distribution, maybe some volume/frequency cutoff envelopes (that's what the sound clip is about, I have my attempt at mimicking it at the end there), but what next? What constitutes how rubbery a sound is? If someone could just point me toward the right parameter to study it would be some help. Getting some direction instead of chipping away blindly doesn't hurt...

Or do we just buy expensive synths and turn knobs at random?
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Re: how to make tire noise.../any1 wanna co-op?

Postby itroitnyah » 22 Jan 2013 18:27

Haha, well it doesn't have to be an expensive synth :P But yeah, a lot of synths from bigger companies such as Image-Line, Native Instruments, and Sugar-Bytes will have manuals for their synths that either come with the synth and you can find it in the download folder, or you can find the manuals online, and you just have to google around. See if you can find a manual for your synth that you're using and find what each function does and how it modifies the sound. I can't really help you too much with designing the synths because I don't know what software you use.

But if I were you, I would try and make the two synths you specified in your reply separately, but then layer them on top of each other.
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Re: how to make tire noise.../any1 wanna co-op?

Postby NoPonyShouldKnow » 23 Jan 2013 03:55

In massive? Yeah, I just said that :| I'd rather know what the thing does.

As far as rubber noises I recently found that you use a formant filter on high and low saw shapes, then crunch them down into 1 sound. So that's just a hollowed out croaking noise like a human voice would make.

Also, the closest thing to a formant filter on fl studio is a preset on their forums for love philter some guy made. Now I'ma go find out about trumpet sounds and soft "psshhhs". But first, a cup of tea. If all else fails I can download a house sample pack and make myself some party music.

For Equestria!

PS: ik I called myself a noob, but I'm an old noob; that's different.
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Re: how to make tire noise.../any1 wanna co-op?

Postby itroitnyah » 23 Jan 2013 06:37

Massive is very versatile, it can be used for almost everything. But it's a wavetable synthesizer which means each waveform is just a sample of anywhere from 2-128 waveforms in one sample. It can't make some sounds that are made by FM synthesizers or subtractive synthesizers, but FL comes with some of those. FL doesn't come with a wavetable synthesizer though. I think it might but I'm not sure which one of their presets it is.

Or is that not what you asked?
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Re: how to make tire noise.../any1 wanna co-op?

Postby FLAOFEI » 28 Jan 2013 15:42

Now, I cant really help you with anything at the moment, since the soundcloud link isn't showing up for me, and you don't seem to have posed a question at the moment. That being said, from what you have written you look like a guy Id get along with fine, and thus a "co-op" as you say wouldn't be out of the question. I for one would call it a colab, as in colaberation, as that is the general term used for cooperateing with a track from my experience, but feel free to call it whatever.
So? Wanna colab? Or atleast let me hear what you got?
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Re: how to make tire noise.../any1 wanna co-op?

Postby Lavender_Harmony » 28 Jan 2013 17:02

Any synth can make the lead you're talking about. You need a synth that can make two sine waves on seperate oscillators, pitch one up 24semitones, and one down 24 semitones. Turn it to monophonic, add some glide if you want, then route the whole thing through a clip distortion, and push it as hard as you can. The scream filter in that tutorial is simply acting as a hard clipper, overdriving the signal inside the filter circuit (albeit digitally)

If you want a more interesting attack, set up a pitch envelope on the first oscillator to -12, then set the attack and sustain to 0, and set the decay to a really short value, so the start of the sound pitches up to the played note really quickly, but adds a bit of dynamic to the sound.

The two sines here are basically modulating each other, it's very rudimentary two oscillator FM synthesis, I'm pretty sure you could easily recreate this sound in any FM synth, but since it's a two oscillator sound, you only need a subtractive synth to do it.
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