<Help><Song> Personal Best 'Ask' Blog's?

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<Help><Song> Personal Best 'Ask' Blog's?

Postby Nonsense_Profile » 31 Dec 2012 01:39

I'm working on an... album I guess about Tumblr ask blog's.

Basically, It's not a Pony album.

I need to know what your personal favorite pony tumblrs are or just tumblrs in general, it doesn't matter what they cover.
Last edited by Nonsense_Profile on 31 Dec 2012 05:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: <Help><Song> Personal Best 'Ask' Blog's?

Postby the4thImpulse » 31 Dec 2012 02:33

Its not clear as to what your asking for. From what I gather I think you want us to post links to tumblr ask blogs..

Is this right?
(if it is I cant help you but I want to make sure your question is clear for those that can)
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Re: <Help><Song> Personal Best 'Ask' Blog's?

Postby Lavender_Harmony » 31 Dec 2012 10:49

I've annotated the original post to exclude all the garbage and insults.

Please clean up your attitude, pronto.
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