Mic help

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Mic help

Postby Kumquaticus » 25 Jul 2011 19:09

Okay, I'm hoping that this is the correct forum for this, but anyway...
Cross-post from tumblr.
Alright, I know almost nothing about mics
But I do know that my current one really sucks, and I’m having a bit of trouble deciding between these two:

The Behringer C1U ($47.39 USD) - http://www.amazon.com/Behringer-C1U-Con ... 802&sr=8-1
And the Behringer XM8500 ($21.14 USD) - http://www.amazon.com/Behringer-XM8500- ... 980&sr=8-1

I would be able to afford either and both would work well with my setup, but I would obviously prefer to get the cheaper one, but if the C1U is worth the extra cash then I could quickly go in that direction. My biggest fear is that I would unbox the XM8500 super excited and realize that it isn’t all that I thought it would be.

I’m mainly going to be using whichever one for beatboxing and recording of my viola and violin, perhaps singing if I can actually get good at that. So audiophiles or people that have used one or both before, which one should I go for?
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Re: Mic help

Postby DerpyGrooves » 26 Jul 2011 00:56

Although I'm personally unfamiliar with the two models in question, in the VAST majority of studio applications, you'd be happier with a condenser microphone. Honestly, I can reasonably say that you would not get a stunning sound from the dynamic mic, for sure, unless you're hooking it up to a guitar amp and doing some live work. Otherwise shove it.

IMHO just shop around for condenser microphones in general.
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Re: Mic help

Postby Versilaryan » 26 Jul 2011 11:05

Condenser mics are FAR better for studio work, as far as acoustic instruments are concerned -- dynamic mics are used more for live work and amplified stuff. The thing you have to know about them, though, is that they pick things up REALLY easily. If I turn the gain way up when I'm recording, I can hear my dogs walking around downstairs. xD So just be especially careful you're doing your recording in a quiet location.

Also don't forget to invest in a pop filter, /especially/ if you're going to do some beatboxing. You could always angle the mic differently and don't beatbox directly into the mic -- you'll lose a bit of sound, but that's better than ridiculous booms and overdriven buzzing.

Do what DerpyGrooves said. Shop around for some condenser microphones and see if you can't get a better one for a better deal than that. I don't know anything about that mic (even that company) in particular, but it never hurts to try!
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