Where Should I Start?

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Where Should I Start?

Postby KrazyKyle » 30 Oct 2011 22:39

Hey, everypony. I've always wanted to try my hoof at making some music, but I never really knew where to start. I have a high understanding of music itself, playing several instruments and taking several music courses. However, I don't know where I should begin.
I know for a fact that there are plenty of very talented ponies that frequent this site, and almost everypony I've had contact with through a brony made website has met me with a positive response. Due to this, I simply felt that this would be the best place to begin my journey into the musical world. I just need some help to get started.
Basically, I just need to be pointed in the right direction. The biggest question plaguing me is what software(s) should I be using? I'd prefer it to be either free or low cost software to begin with, because I wouldn't want to spend money on a professional program(s) only to realize that I'm not going to get anywhere.
Also, what would you recommend I have besides the aforementioned software? Is there anything specific? I just need to know how to start.
*sigh* In other words, I just pretty much no clue what to do, and I need some guidance. I understand music itself, but using programs and other things to create it is what I need help with.
I'll just stop ranting. Hopefully somepony out there can help. If you need me to clarify something, don't hesitate to ask.
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Re: Where Should I Start?

Postby Howlgram » 30 Oct 2011 23:05

Hey, i havent really made music already, but i got an idea about software
if you are planning to buy the software you can try FL studio, that is a great software that does not cost a lot. You can always get software for free, you know, this is the internet.
Anyways i have heard great artists using FL and it is a great start point, so go for it.
idk how you could learn to use it though, maybe youtube tutorials could help.

hope this helps, somehow
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Re: Where Should I Start?

Postby X-Trav » 30 Oct 2011 23:06

Welcome to the forum!

I'll address you software question now and tell you, there is no right answer. We all use many different DAW's (Digital Audio Workstations) and even more VST's (Virtual Studio Technology). The best way to find whats right for you is to try some demos and see what you find comfortable. I personally use FL Studio 10, and couldn't make sense of Abelton, yet we have many people who feel at home using Abelton.

Since you're worried about spending money Open MPT is a free software you can try out, or you can don an eye-patch and get anything.

As for how to start, do what you know! You said you play instruments? Write a song using whatever you play, and if you have a microphone, try recording it! My first pony song was a solo piano piece.

You dont NEED to have a fancy software with shiny things to start! All music requires is that you think about what you want and write it down. Just try everything, keep everything you make, and throw it anywhere for feedback.
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Re: Where Should I Start?

Postby Versilaryan » 30 Oct 2011 23:16

Hi! Welcome to MLR! ^.^

First off, if you're new to writing music in general, I'd highly recommend what X-Trav said and write something for the instruments you know how to play. Then, use Audacity or REAPER to record it. (REAPER's really nice -- it's a lot better than Audacity, IMO, though a bit harder to figure out at first. It's technically not free, but the trial version never expires!)

If you want to get started with electronic music, I'd suggest using FL Studio (which will run you $99 or the trouble of pirating it) or LMMS (which is free). I don't have too much experience with LMMS, but I know that FL Studio is the most beginner-friendly program out there, and once you figure out one of them, it won't take you nearly as long to figure out other programs.
There's also ModPlugTracker, but trackers are notorious for being difficult to use just because they're so different from traditional music notation. Feel free to give it a try, though -- some of the best electronic artists out there use trackers.

Once you get situated with your DAW (the program you use to record music, sequence synths, etc.), you'll need synthesizers to actually make the music. I suggest getting synth1 and Ritual. Ritual's a really simple synth so it won't take you as long to figure out as synth1. Though, I'd highly recommend figuring out synth1 -- it's a really flexible, easy-to-use synth that can get a lot of sounds.

If you like real instruments, here's a TON of free, high-quality soundfonts. You'll need SFZ or some other soundfont player in order to use them, but they're pretty good.

Also, feel free to ask any of us if you need help with anything!
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Re: Where Should I Start?

Postby bartekko » 31 Oct 2011 02:26

X-Trav wrote: I personally use FL Studio 10, and couldn't make sense of Abelton.



I also can't make sense out of abelton. I only use ableton Live.
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Re: Where Should I Start?

Postby Interrobang Pie » 31 Oct 2011 03:32

One of the most important things about making music is, once you start, never ever stop. As long as you heed advice and never throw in the towel, you'll get there even when it seems you're not making any progress.

As for how long it takes to get there, that varies. In my case I came from zero musical background and it took about 2 and a half years to get to where I am now. If you play instruments, as you say, you could make it in a very short time. Who knows.
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Re: Where Should I Start?

Postby Icky » 31 Oct 2011 08:50

I wonder what kind of music you want to make, do you want to record yourself playing the guitar and write a rock song? do you want to compose classical music? do you want to make house or dubstep?

If you could be a bit more specific we could probably help you a lot better. FL for example is great for electronic music, however Im not sure how suited it would be for composing or recording.
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Re: Where Should I Start?

Postby bartekko » 31 Oct 2011 10:06

Ableton Live is a great piece of software if you figure it out. It has a lot of built-in lessons so it shall not be much of a problem
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Re: Where Should I Start?

Postby KrazyKyle » 31 Oct 2011 12:21

Wow, not only did I get several responses in a short time, but I got answers from some of my favorite musical ponies! However, I guess that there are still some questions for me to answer too.
OK, when I said that I play instruments, I meant that I can play trombone, baritone, and I've got some experience with drums. I have more knowledge of music than I have instrumental abilities. Not saying that I'm bad at what I play, I am skilled with the trombone and baritone, but I can't see myself doing anything with those right now.
As for the musical style I'd want to make, I'm a huge fan of rock, techno, trance, and dubstep stuff. Hmm... for example, two that come to mind are "Party With Pinkie" by Alex S and "Pinkie Pie Loves Sugar" by Foozogz.
I'll have to take a look at that FL Studio, since a lot of ponies on this site tend to use it in some way or another.
Thanks for the help, and don't hesitate to add more. The more information I get as I start, the better it'll be for me.
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Re: Where Should I Start?

Postby X-Trav » 31 Oct 2011 12:42

KrazyKyle wrote:As for the musical style I'd want to make, I'm a huge fan of rock, techno, trance, and dubstep stuff. Hmm... for example, two that come to mind are "Party With Pinkie" by Alex S and "Pinkie Pie Loves Sugar" by Foozogz.

Since you're looking at FL Studio and you want this, (minus rock) read the help section and mess around with 3xosc and Sytrus. Both of those come with FL and are usually used for that type of music. I'd recommend starting with 3xosc. Those type of synthesizers are used heavily in those genres, although 3xosc isnt as good as say, Massive VST, but its a great place to start. Also to compliment the 3xosc synths try adding Fruity Reverb, Fruity Delay, Fruity Fast Dist, or Fruity Chorus in the mixer window. Add one, add them all! Mess with every knob, see what you like, and take a screenshot of every window when you have to close FL to save it (unless you pirate it, then save the projects or channel/mixer states). It's imperative to save everything you make for reference, the whole song may suck to your ears but you may like the bass you made for it. If you save it you can always use it later.

KrazyKyle wrote:Trombone

I'd love to hear a trombone solo. Just go nuts on the thing.
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Re: Where Should I Start?

Postby Tiaaaaa » 31 Oct 2011 14:23

Just thought I would drop in that LMMS seems to be pretty beginner friendly as well. I thought it was at least, since it's what I started with. I also started not all that long ago and I already know it pretty well, so that might be a mark in its friendliness.
It's also open source which means community-led updates and documentation and no risk of catching scurvy!
If you already have FL, just ignore this, but in case you were still choosing I thought I would throw this out.

Aside from that, I'm still relatively new so I don't really have much advice for you (actually from the sound of it you probably know more about music theory than I do), but still, welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy it here!
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Re: Where Should I Start?

Postby Versilaryan » 31 Oct 2011 14:47

One of the reasons I like FL Studio is that it comes with a TON of plug-ins so you don't have to worry about finding all of them on your own. So you should be all set!

Don't forget the Soundgooderizer. Stick that on the master track when you're done, fiddle with the controls, and it'll make everything sound better. I really wish I knew what it did, but until I figure it out, it's an amazing plugin.
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Re: Where Should I Start?

Postby KrazyKyle » 01 Nov 2011 00:35

Well, I managed to get myself a copy of FL Studio. I must say that I've never seen a program quite like it, and I've spent more time pressing random buttons to see what would happen than I have actually trying to learn how to use it. Even that basic drum loop has given me at least twenty minutes of fun. Thanks for pointing it out to me, everypony.
I knew that this would be a great place to get started, even though it's only been two days. I'll start messing around, and I'll be sure to ask for anything else that may pop up.
By the way, if anypony's got some FL Studio tips for beginners, please toss them my way. That program's got more buttons, knobs, and dials than I've ever seen in my life.
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Re: Where Should I Start?

Postby guitarskills » 21 Jan 2012 18:25

lol, only 20 minutes of fun? Wait until you're up until 6 o' clock in the morning messing with EQ. Great times, great times...
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