Looking for someone to write lyrics

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Looking for someone to write lyrics

Postby CyberpunkColt » 09 Nov 2012 01:24

So you may have heard of an Australian Balloon Party currently in production, and Mixi has decided to do vocals for my track as long as I have lyrics for her. However, I am Asian and can't English very well so I'm gonna need someone to write some lyrics.

http://f.cl.ly/items/1N2H2J3y2d1F2n0z0j ... ark%20(WIP).mp3
I'm looking at placing the vocals around 0:13. The lyrics don't have to relate to anything pony or the song title "Woolworths Carpark". I based it off of Rusko's song, "Asda Carpark" which has lyrics that is completely irrelevant. Go check that out if you wanna understand what I'm looking for. I'd really appreciate it if someone could write up lyrics within this month C:

Also please note that the track is currently still a WIP and there will be many changes till final release, any feedback on it would be great.
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Re: Looking for someone to write lyrics

Postby Penumbrah » 12 Nov 2012 16:09

I'd be down to help you out! When do you need them?
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