How do, you, Remix?

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How do, you, Remix?

Postby Ashen » 27 Sep 2011 22:43

I've really only fiddled with it lightly, but I've got Reason 5 by PropellerHeads. (Which I could use tips on! x_x)
What about you lot, whatcha got? I've seen a few FL Studio.
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Re: How do, you, Remix?

Postby MichaelA » 27 Sep 2011 23:13

Are you asking us how we physically make it, or the programs we use for this?
Because what I do with remixing is I figure out the chords of the song and get the vocals, then when I have the base chords down, I cut the vocals up into different parts and speed it up(if need be). Then I open FL studio, put the chords down into music, then find a cool melody that works around the chords, and I put it in the song, and add the vocals in there. If needed, I'll put the vocals through melodyne for some pitch correcting and harmonizing.
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Re: How do, you, Remix?

Postby Dr_Dissonance » 28 Sep 2011 00:24

Yes, what Pickle said, I'm not sure whether you're asking how we do it, or what we use to do it...

For me, if I have the MIDI, I extract the melody and analyse the chord progression. I then mess with it according to how and what I feel is right for what I want.
If I don't have the MIDI, then I spend a little while at the piano and laptop transcribing the whole thing first. Then I mess with the result!
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Re: How do, you, Remix?

Postby Ashen » 28 Sep 2011 00:34

I meant the programs, but how you physically make it is fine too, gives the thread more *oomph*. xD
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Re: How do, you, Remix?

Postby Dr_Dissonance » 28 Sep 2011 00:56

Ah cool! Well, this thread has a list of what most of us use:


It's a bit old and may need upgrading for a few of us (myself included), but the general idea of programs is there!
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Re: How do, you, Remix?

Postby Aussie » 28 Sep 2011 01:12

I use Ableton for pretty much everything, but I just recently got Reason, and I've been messing around with it.

But for remixing, I bother the original author for stems for a while until they're finally sent, then I sample the fuck out of them to my liking, and usually make some random melody in Nexus/Sylenth/Massive to go along with it all.
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Re: How do, you, Remix?

Postby Versilaryan » 28 Sep 2011 01:20

Remixing? I do it entirely from scratch. I like the liberty of going anywhere I want with it -- if there are elements I want to keep, I recreate them to the best of my ability.

That might change when I delve more into electronic music, though... xD
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Re: How do, you, Remix?

Postby PinkieGuy » 28 Sep 2011 03:08

So, I use Reason 5 and Superior Drummer rewired into Sonar 8.5. If i'm doing a metal remix I won't use Reason and if i'm doing a dubstep/dance/electro/whatever remix I won't use Superior Drummer.

In terms of HOW I go about making my remixes?

-Step 1:Why Remix?
Generally, some particular element of the song has inspired me to want to make the remix, and that will be my starting point. To use a recent example, I loved the bells at the start of Michael's "Luna's Anthem". Whilst the whole song was cool, I knew that was the bit that I really wanted to use.

Step 2: The Original
I then cracked open Reason and tried to generate a new synth as close to original sound as possible (Combinator with a Thor is my usual starting point). Having got roughly the sound I wanted, I worked out the original line by ear (because using someone's midi is being lazy).

Step 3: Beats
The next step involves me working out the overall structure of the song. I create a drum kit that suits the particular song (Combinator -> 6 Channel Mixer -> Redrum -> Spider splitter -> Kick drum into the splitter in case I need to sidechain later -> Kick + Redrum back into the 6 channel mixer). Having my drums sorted, I create a general drumbeat for the bit that i'm remixing, plus any future sections that don't exist yet. This helps me fill in the blanks later.

Step 4: My bits
Here is where I make all the stuff that is actually my own music on top. I can't really tell you this, it's all about developing your own style here.

Step 5: Attention-Whoring
Having finished your remix (It's sounding pretty good by the way, go you!), it's now time to upload the song to Youtube. Once it's there, send it to everyone you know, and as many people as you don't know. Frequently hassle the song's original composer to find out what they think about it, thus seeking gratification.

By the way Michael, any further insight on Luna's Anthem?

Step 6: Pass on your skills so others may learn

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Re: How do, you, Remix?

Postby SeanNH94 » 28 Sep 2011 05:07

I use FL studio. I usually remix either by changing the song a little bit in sound or "feel" to it to my taste. Usually when I hear a song I'll think "this is good, but it'd be AWESOME if it had X in it" or I get inspired randomly when watching the show.
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Re: How do, you, Remix?

Postby bartekko » 28 Sep 2011 10:19


taking a song, then another one, sample the damn hell outta 'em, cut, paste, gate, filter, vocoder, overdrive, eq-ing intruments away whatever... And when the songs are broken into it, they are rearranged, much to not a clever pony's disapproval of remixing more than one song at the same time ( mashups)

Then more cutting, pasting, stretching, slowing down, not giving a damn about what the original author(s) thinks.

If sounds too similar to original, repeat.

using ableton live for everything, with rare dblue glitch ONLY for the tape stop
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Re: How do, you, Remix?

Postby WoodenToaster » 29 Sep 2011 06:59

Take accapella, disregard original song, tune to whatever you're working on currently.
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Re: How do, you, Remix?

Postby SuperGiantRobot » 29 Sep 2011 12:32

I, don't, but, thanks, for, asking.
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